Author Topic: {Voting thread}  (Read 767 times)

Royal Tenenbaum

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Re: {Voting thread}
« Reply #25 on: October 10, 2021, 09:33:23 pm »
This is a tough one.

M. Gustave, I think actually did a lot to get here, but your Final Tribal Council, full of equivocation, coupled with my personal experience with you during the game, makes me unable to vote for you. I think you were a dynamic player, and involved in a lot of interesting sides during the game. I have no doubt that some jurors will vote for you, but personally, it's not something I can justify. Well done, regardless.

Oracle, you're someone who (you know) I soured on quite a bit during the game. I felt like you tore down the possibility of genuine connections while I was in the game, and that's really tough for me to stomach. With that said, you've done a good job during this Final Tribal Council of explaining your game, and I can appreciate that someone is able to grow and change based on feedback. I do have to imagine that it's too little, too late though.

Richie, we played together basically from the first round we met each other. I had a lot of fun with you throughout the game, and I think it's undeniable that you dominated most of the merge. However, I'm concerned at how you left people feeling, both during and after they left the game. Additionally, I don't know if you picked the best possible combination of people to sit next to in the Final Three--when you're going to claim as much agency as you claim to have had throughout the game, I have to factor that into my final decision.

My vote is for someone who I think played a quiet game, but one where I saw a lot of growth. I was really impressed by your Final Tribal Council, and I do get the impression that you took my (admittedly unsolicited) feedback to heart, while making the moves you needed to.

I am voting for Oracle.