Author Topic: Chapter 3  (Read 86 times)

Madame D.

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Chapter 3
« on: September 08, 2021, 09:03:10 pm »
Chapter 3

I feel utterly polarised by this tribe! Half the tribe I am so utterly unimpressed by to the point where I would naturally just assume I am being voted out due to them seeming to like each other whilst I remain unenthused. And then the other half of the tribe consists of people I actually quite like and could see myself working with, yet these are people who also seem to be generally lower in the apparent tribe hierarchy. It is all quite bizarre.

At this point, Steve, Max and even Foxy give me so little that I would happily vote any of them out. In fact, out of the three, it is probably Steve that has given me the most content, and he's the person I have the worst relationship with on the tribe!

Margot keeps telling me that Foxy is bringing up my name as a potential vote, and normally I would take this with a grain of salt, particularly from someone like Margot who appears to want to put herself in a swing position between Max/Foxy/Steve and the rest of the tribe. However, Foxy's interactions with me really do give me the vibe of someone who has decided that I'm a lower priority and is not planning to change that opinion. Indeed, Foxy strikes me as the kind of player that largely formed their opinions of people on Day 1 and hasn't updated their thoughts since then.

I tried to get into a more game-talky zone with Foxy before TC:

Quote from: Mama D
Me too. I must admit, once I actually read the rules (and the updated clarifications) it did make a bit more sense to me as a challenge. I do crave something that's not just about posting though! Hopefully I'll be able to compete in the next one, though I'm relieved that Peter and Klaus are both available to do it.

Anyway, now that we have had a bit of time with everyone, how are you getting along with the other people here? I particularly like Margot and Buckley, who have both expressed feeling close to you, which is very cool! I've also gotten to talk with Royal a bit more since our first tribal and I feel like that's been going well.

I'm not giving that much here, but I am volunteering two people I like, potential mutual connections, and I'm also commenting on the fact that despite having come up as a vote option in the first tribal, Royal is someone that I am connecting with.

In response, a few hours after the start of TC, when Klaus name had already started to go around, I get this:

Quote from: Foxy
Yea, I'm glad that others were able to do it, since I only checked my phone a while after the challenge ended.

I think my opinions have mostly stayed the same, of I generally like everyone on the tribe. I do like Margot and Buckley as well, both of them are good people. Royal is someone I enjoy talking to, but wish they'd be a little more social. And yea, I'm glad! Royal is a good person to talk to.

What am I supposed to do with this? It gives me nothing! It essentially amounts to "yes I like them too! waffle waffle royal waffle". It also ignores that Foxy is now sending this PM a few hours into a TC but not even thinking to talk about it with me. Clearly I am very low on the priority list for Foxy.
Overall, I feel okay about this. If it ever is a case of me v foxy (but more likely I'd go for a Foxy minion such as Steve or Max), I'm pretty sure I win. But it's a shame. Foxy seems like an interesting person. I want to encourage Buckley and Foxy's connection. But eurrghahhfhgfh

Max similarly seems to be blocking any game talk with me beyond what the next vote is, and during TC, Steve sent me this PM:

Quote from: Steve
Yeah.  I'm hoping that we don't go to tribal again after this :-/

If that doesn't scream "you're next", then I don't know what does.

But I am mobilising my forces! I am intent on showing Margot, Peter, Royal and Buckley that I am ALL THAT. That I have the wisdom of age and the vibrancy of youth! That I can bake a cake and eat it! That I can role-play as a ghost one minute, and go into in-depth strategy the next!

Okay I may be getting a bit carried away there...

But I think a Klaus vote is okay. Klaus is a bit of an unknown quantity, one that I would hope to use if I were desperate, but at the moment I think I have enough potential allies that things will be okay. And letting Klaus go means that I don't force anyone to pick sides yet. Usually, time is my friend. The more time I have, the more chance I get to worm my way into a decent position.

There is a chance that I have misplayed. I could very well be putting too much hope in Margot, who holds more cards than I am comfortable with. Even Buckley could decide that I am a boring old flame and instead choose the new and exciting Foxy over me.

But I will wait and I will watch and when the time is right, I will strike.

(If I am not struck out first)