Author Topic: Richie Tenenbaum  (Read 162 times)

Madame D.

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Richie Tenenbaum
« on: October 05, 2021, 06:06:59 am »

Richie T the Big Meanie is my freestyle rap name


You were THE star of this game, I don't think there's any question about it. The way in which you injected yourself into the experience, into the social game, into the strategic game, into the challenges! You didn't hold back, and I have so much admiration for that. I wish that I could play like that!
Of course, sometimes you'd be making certain moves or saying certain things to people and I'd be thinking "what on earth is he doing??", but more often than not, you would have this impressive way of manipulating situations for your benefit and getting people to do what you wanted them to. I'm not sure how you would have taken it at the time, but it was a completely serious compliment when I said that part of the reason I accepted the rings was because I was impressed by your manipulation skills!

Oh and the rings! Haha, what an experience. I often worried that my approach to you was too sarcastic or too dismissive or whatever and that I didn't tell you enough just how great you were. It was truly a pleasure to be unable to vote for each other and forced to work together through the merge. Hmmm, I think I still need to work on this "saying nice things" thing. But seriously, complaining about other people, commenting on the way that others are playing the game, shouldn't have been quite so fun, but it was! And I think that if we truly put our minds to it, there was really no stopping both of us getting to the end. And well.. I guess that's what happened!