Author Topic: To Duke  (Read 131 times)


  • Society of Crossed Keys
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To Duke
« on: October 03, 2021, 04:45:46 pm »

It was pretty much love at first bark with me. You and I pretty much clicked right off the bat even though you had some stuff going on that kept your attention elsewhere. You proved to be my most valuable ally this game, because without you I may have been truly blind as this game went on. You helped me to figure out so much shit this game about what people were doing and who was approaching you with information. In return I didn't hide anything from you.

I think aside from the fact that I just absolutely adore our conversations and we were always magically on the same page about what to do all the time, that we just had a natural bond that wasn't just because we were both playing dogs. You really were my rock this game and you just got me on a level that I think few ever get me. You were probably the best person I could have hoped to be with me at key moments. During the Madame vote, you gave me the confidence to stick through with voting Madame and helped me to see the path through navigating the aftermath.

In addition, if you hadn't left, I think MS would have seen the first rock draw, and you were instrumental in setting that up. I'm just sad we didn't follow through because I would have felt a lot more confident in the rest of my game with you by my side.

In any case, I feel like with you I made a real friend this game and you are someone whose advice I greatly appreciated. I know you had your own things going on socially and strategically but you were probably the most dependable person I was working with in this game, our group chat with Madame and Margot was a huge source of information and really supported each other even when we were feeling at odds with them. I always felt supported when you were around.

And then you weren't around and that's when I truly had to have my resolve tested. I know real life always comes first and that you have to take care of yourself, but I really needed you this game, and the only time I have broken down sobbing so far in spite of everything was the day you quit. I felt truly hopeless and alone in this game after you left and I didn't want to think about the fight I would have to go through after once you were gone. I just miss you Duke and I can't wait to talk to you again. You are one of a kind and truly a special guy.