Author Topic: To the OG Ivanhoes I had to cut pre-merge  (Read 144 times)


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To the OG Ivanhoes I had to cut pre-merge
« on: October 03, 2021, 12:28:38 pm »


Kylie! I absolutely loved you and wanted to play with you so much longer. This game looks so different if you were just one second faster during the target round and I made a big deal about that in my confessional. It's insane how being 1 second slow and not following the groups plan really affected how this round played out. In addition, you didn't log on once after the challenge and trying to fight for you to stay here was going to be basically impossible that round. Prior to that though, you were shaping up to be someone I really wanted to work with long term in this game as you were clearly newer, however it was just not going to work out between you not checking in for 24 hours periods and then you costing us the win in the second challenge. Just sadly a number of things added up that lead to your demise. It was really the first stumbling block in this game since I saw you as someone I wanted to work with long time and "show the ropes to" so you could have a good first experience. Sadly, it was not to be. I hope you don't give up because I think you actually have potential in a future game. I would love to see you play more games and hopefully an alliance between you and I can work out in the future. Sorry your time was cut short and if it were up to me, you wouldn't have been cut there.

Sam Shakusky

This was one of the most complicated relationships I had pre-merge. You were someone who I earnestly wanted to see if we could mend fences and work together. However at the time I was also working closely with Young Writer and when you started pitching his name, i didn't leak it back to him, but I always knew the conflict would rear its ugly head as Writer had a large impact with various members of the tribe, and sure enough as soon as word reached Writer's ears, he was done with you and after that it was just a downhill spiral where we knew we weren't going to fall on the same side. It kind of sucks because prior to that I felt like you and I really did start to dig deep and try to mend fences to work together. And if that round hadn't been a double elimination I do think we could have put our heads together and eventually gotten over the hurdle that existed between us before. I wish we had because the conversation we had prior to Peter showing up was one of the best ones I had all game with someone I was unable to ultimately work with. What could have been we will never know as shit hit the fan and we were forced to pick sides. In any case, you were a lot of fun to play with and against. Wish we could have had another round or two together.

Anthony Adams

Man oh man you were the center of drama on our original tribe. I already suspected you might have been one of the trouble making item bidders during the first round, of course I have no proof of this, and I could very well be wrong. I can't wait to see if you had a part to play during the reunion call. You were so mischievous and you wanted to play the game so hard, but I'm the kind of person who is a slow burn. I like to not cause issues up front and then make my move at a time when it's advantageous. I really wanted to work with you long term this game. But you were just so much chaos and fun bundled up that it got to be where I was starting to put myself in dangerous situations too early on. Especially when you decided to jump into the minority with Peter and Sam during that vote and then ended up with the very person you tried to vote out. It was just kind of always going to flame out. I had a lot of fun playing with you and we were very close to cutting Margot over you. I'm still unsure whether that was a good choice or not, because it gave me quite a headache towards the end of this game. I adore you either way and I'm so sorry we had to put out your flame before you could unleash your chaotic little tushy on us at the merge. I was thinking longer term when you were cut and it just wasn't going to work long term. It is weird to think you are the only member of the 4 Horsemen alliance who isn't in this final 4. Though we are so freaking dysfunctional that I can't really say that's much of anything at this point.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2021, 12:38:49 pm by Oracle »