Author Topic: To Oracle  (Read 168 times)


  • Society of Crossed Keys
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To Oracle
« on: October 04, 2021, 06:30:42 am »

Why not. Let's write a torchwalk to myself. Oracle you are one messy ass player. There's no way you win this vote at the end, but hell if you ain't going to give it your all. In spite of some hiccups and some stuff that happened along the way, you actually played a somewhat decent game. You kept yourself in the know socially, you made allies with people at the right time to get out of harrowing situations, you never gave up in spite of literally 2 quits that were socially devastating for you, and you did your best in every challenge along the way. You recognized how well liked and "popular" you were at the merge and knew that you could easily be taken down unless you did something to change the perception of yourself from having been a late merge boot several times at this point, and the plan worked. You tried to read the room each time and figure out what made the most logical sense based on the information you were presented in order to make the decisions that made the most sense.

Was it perfect? Nah. Far from it actually, but that's exactly what you needed to have happen in order to progress in this game. Without an idol, or anything of significant value to your name, without ever winning individual immunity (aside from the team thing at f9), and never being truly safe at any point, you maneuvered your way socially around some of the craziest players you have ever played with in your life. This was the toughest game I think you've ever had to face and at any point you could have sat down and given up, and you didn't. You dug deep, you positioned yourself in a spot where everyone would want to take you to the end, and you were probably the only person to successfully toe the line at every point. From about final 6 on, not enough people truly wanted you gone that you were ever in any real danger, barring some sort of idol play which I guess in retrospect could have happened at f6, but it didn't, thank goodness. You did what you could to foster the relationships you needed to foster to get through, and made enemies with exactly who you needed to make enemies with to never seem like the biggest threat to win.

If you get to the end at this point, you have a game you can present and points to argue that could be the winning game, it's a long shot at this point, but you have a game at least. And nothing is truly over until those final votes are on the table. At this point, you just have to do your best, keep your chin up and GO FOR THAT DOGGY TREAT! You played to the best of your ability and some shit happened this game that was so far out of your control it wasn't even funny. Even if your game wasn't perfect, you should be proud of what you did this game and how you survived up until this point. I hope you don't get too down on yourself and see this through to the end, but even if by some twist of fate you end up being the final juror, don't fucking let yourself give up because only when you give up have you truly lost.

It's been a ride specs. Sorry if I let you down at any point, this was so far beyond the toughest game I've ever played socially that I hope you are giving me at least a little bit of credit for having stuck through some of the darkest times I've ever faced in a game. To Oracle, never forget that you kept the doggo memory alive and never stopped trying to get to the end of this game and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

And that about does it for torchwalks, time to take a break for a bit and then figure out how I want to approach this challenge. I don't think I'll win, but so long as Madame doesn't win I have a shot to argue a case to win this game.