Author Topic: Chapter 8  (Read 335 times)

Madame D.

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Chapter 8
« on: September 18, 2021, 11:58:28 pm »
Chapter 8

My engagement with the game at the moment is sub-par, and having Buckley go is very sad for me.

But, I now feel more motivated than ever. My connection with Buckley and how things ended between us has already made this game undeniably worthwhile for me. I feel at peace with whatever the result ends up being here, whilst also being more determined to do my absolute best and make the most of this experience.

I am unlikely to have the time to come up with a strong challenge submission, and it will take me a little while to catch up on confessional thoughts, but I am still very much in this game and I intend to plan out how I can win it.

Madame D.

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Re: Chapter 8
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2021, 10:42:01 pm »
Okay whooowee there is a lot I need to catch up on. A lot of my thoughts on the game tend to be very relationship-focused, so I'm going to be talking about individuals, who I'll be grouping into adversaries, short-t and medium-term allies and long-term prospects.

For a bit of fun, we'll start off with the....




Suzy is nice and fun and I think under different game circumstances she would probably be an ally of mine! One of my favourite moments was us talking about Omaha even though I don't know anything about Omaha except that it's on the USA Ticket to Ride map.
I can't think of anything about Suzy that would make me hesitant about working with her, except for the fact that the game is currently such that she has her allies and I have my allies and there's a fair bit of overlap but there's no real reason for us to be closer to each other.
I also don't necessarily want to be close to absolutely everybody. I think that sometimes it's important to have people who you can vote out without having them feel betrayed or slighted. And I'm pretty sure that Suzy is one of those people. I don't expect that she would be incredibly surprised if she suddenly found out that I was going to vote for her.

I don't know how soon I'll be able to vote Suzy out though, because she's not drawing enough attention to make herself a target, but definitely has reasonable connections, seemingly with Gustave, Herman and Young Writer at the very least. She could easily go far in this game, but it is unlikely that she'll go far with me.


Herman's position in my mind, similar to Suzy's, is an unfortunate result of circumstance, with him being the likely loyal ally to people who are not me. This is a problem! Just from talking with Herman, I get really nice vibes. I think he would just be generally really great company, and is probably held back here by a combination of lack of free time and less thorough PMing.

I am aware that I'm not helping matters. For example during the round that Peter left, as well as after it, I was telling Herman all about how I agreed with him that Peter was too unpredictable and that I wanted Peter out, which... I didn't. I would have much rathered it were Herman.

But... I think a combination of factors made it difficult to sway votes in a particular direction during that TC, and so I'm going to have to acknowledge that that was a vote where I was not "in control" and that it was not a vote that was "good for me" but also that I'm moving on from it and making my stamp on the game before it's too late.


Short-Term Allies

By this I could mean very short-term, it's difficult to say. Okay, so Writer is just such an intriguing person and player in this game! From their connection with Peter despite being in a prominent Ivanhoe alliance, to their alluring sense of humour and PM style, Young Writer is somebody who I would absolutely love to know more.
At one stage in our PMs we were speaking in riddles to each other (not, I believe, in a game sense, but just because... it was fun) and I still don't know if either of us worked out what the other meant, but maybe that's not actually what matters in the end?

The early talk is that Young Writer could be a vote target if he is not immune at this TC, and as much as my own game-connection with Young Writer is minimal, I don't think that would be ideal for me, in terms of game position. I want Richie to go hard in protecting Writer and Royal whilst people like Suzy and Gustave, even Oracle wonder why they can't just vote Writer out. Obviously my hope would be that either of Suzy or Herman goes instead but again, it's early.


I don't know if Richie deserves this exactly, and of everyone in this game, I have the most difficulty ascertaining what Richie actually thinks of me. I believe it could be anything from "indifferent by useful for a couple of votes" to "MAMA D IS DA SHIZ" and I can't work out where on the spectrum I lie for Richie. Even if he did love me once I doubt that he can for too much longer, as my PMs have not exactly been inspired.
Who are Richie's connections though. Obviously he was originally very well connected on Ivanhoe, but he now seems a bit more of a lone ranger, being connected to Young Writer who is the new Ivanhow pariah and VERY positive about Royal of all people.

I often do get suspicious of his motives though, with him having put a fair bit of effort into drumming up paranoia about Margot. The other thing with Richie is that he told me he didn't elect to mutiny, but Duke said that he himself did, which means that Richie must have as well. Why lie to me about something so... trivial?


Medium-Term Allies

I am very fond of Gustave! I love how he talks about things that interest him, but seems to tailor discussion to things that I might be interested in too. For example, earlier in the game I had engaged with Gustave on the topic of soccer, and now he seems to more freely bring up thoughts related to that. I love that!
I also enjoy his willingness to focus almost entirely on non-game-related talk in between tribal councils, whilst also being transparent when there are game things to discuss.

I can't consider him a definite long-term prospect right now because of his potential threat status (after all he did fend off an assassination attempt just like I did) and some uncertainty on my part over whether he considers me a long-term ally.


Earlier in the game, Oracle was someone who I interpreted as having an air of insincerity about him. It felt to me like there was this cute and nice schtick going on and that Oracle was just being everyone's "good boy". And maybe he is, but I have also come to realise the most likely thing is that Oracle is just... actually cute and nice. I feel like I have an okay connection with him too. I've enjoyed our effortless music swapping, our analysis of hugs. Sometimes it seems like he tells Margot more than he tells me, but I'm not sure if that's just because Margot is much more direct when it comes to the game than I am.

Either way, I like Oracle a lot, but I think he would be a bad doggo to go to FTC with.


I still am a little bit amazed at my relationship with Margot. I still don't know exactly how or why we grew close, and I guess now we have just found an appreciation for each other's way of communicating about the game and that appreciation has been proven by multiple tribal councils experienced together! Hey, it works for me.
I do a fair bit of subtle distancing from Margot in my conversations with other people, mostly because I don't want to be dragged down by Margot if she accidentally pisses someone off, but I also do have some doubts about her long-term. I don't know how long she's planning to work with me for and she strikes me as the sort of person that always has contingency plans.


Long-Term Prospects

Duke has been the big surprise of the merge for me and I'm here for it. I think we just each started giving the other a bit more than we absolutely needed to in PMs and now there's somehow been this easy and comfortable rapport developed. One of my favourite things was our conversation about cat and dog people, but honestly Duke is evidently a really thoughtful conversationalist and I find talking with him to just be easy.
What's more is that Buckley also liked Duke very much and encouraged our connection, so I want to work with Duke for Buckley too.

Duke's priorities don't quite match up with mine though, unfortunately, and so that may be something that I need to work on, but with people such as Duke (and even less long-term allies such as Margot and Oracle) I am really focusing on being honest when I'd be uncomfortable with a particular plan or vote because that's my best shot at having something else happen.


Royal may be a difficult person to go very far with, and I also don't know if I'm at the top of his priority list (I know that he has a close relationship with Richie), but the way that he pro-actively organised a vote split against Foxy/Max to ensure that one of them was voted out really drew my admiration and I appreciate his straightforwardness and authenticity.


Buckley also would have been here if he were still around and I regret not having gotten to talk more about Buckley in my confessional. He was a great friend to me and someone who I felt very in-tune with in regards to Survivor and this game. I knew that I could talk about something with him and he'd get it, and I'll miss that a lot.

Madame D.

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Re: Chapter 8
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2021, 10:10:30 pm »
I did go into this tribal council thinking that Young Writer would not be an ideal vote for me, and that may be true, but I'm not sure if I see a realistic way to keep him that would be worth the effort going in.

The first option that I always must consider is using Foxy's tail to just force a vote to go my way. The problem is, I quite like Foxy's tail, and using it now would not guarantee getting a vote that has a big positive impact on my game. I also would say that keeping Writer is not that beneficial for me because he and I don't have the strongest connection, plus he has ties with Richie (who I'd rather feel close to me) and Suzy (who I want out). Lastly, doing that sort of move does not guarantee me a majority, with lots of potential ways for the game to go which get me voted out.

So yeah, not doing that.

Another option is to go for a 5v5 tie (assuming Margot wants that), which probably causes someone over there to flip over because if Margot and I decide to 5v5 then we're obviously prepared for a tie going in. But that does show a lack of trust in Oracle and Duke and feels icky to me.

The option I'm leaning towards at the moment, is letting Young Writer go, because while he has short-term value for my game, it is indeed only short-term. I am doing my best to appeal to Oracle's touchy-feely-talky side, providing what I like to call an "emo honest" interpretation of my current thoughts and feelings.

I am putting effort into open-strategizing with Margot, to a point where I do genuinely feel like we are aligned in how we are thinking about the game.

I have even softened a bit on Richie. I still think that his approach to the game is quite "agenda-driven" but I do think there is also genuine vulnerability and paranoia there. Plus he is just simultaneously funny and intriguing and I do enjoy his PMs very much.

I would definitely not be willing to let any of Richie, Royal or Margot go any time soon and I will even use Foxy's tail at F9 to get what I want if I need to. Just... not right now.

Madame D.

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Re: Chapter 8
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2021, 08:34:05 am »
Well this is certainly a bit of a thrill!


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Re: Chapter 8
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2021, 08:36:40 am »
How are you feeling? How is your heart holding up?

What are you going to do to make sure that Young Writer is the one to bite the dust?

Madame D.

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Re: Chapter 8
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2021, 08:47:29 am »
I am feeling excited! Something is happening and I've got a goal now. That goal being, survive!

I think that the votes on me were likely Writer, Richie, Royal, Herman and Suzy, but this is yet to be confirmed.

I believe that Richie has probably done some manipulating to get someone like Royal to vote for me, for example, but I am hoping that I can turn things around by just being upfront and honest with people, or at least give that vibe.

Madame D.

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Re: Chapter 8
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2021, 09:38:27 am »
Ahh it was the auction alliance. That makes a lot of sense

Madame D.

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Re: Chapter 8
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2021, 09:39:12 am »
I don’t know how I’m going to keep the utterly random group of Margot, myself, Gustave, Royal and  Duke together, but I will do my bloody best

Madame D.

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Re: Chapter 8
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2021, 09:26:37 pm »
I feel like I have been PMing people CONSTANTLY since the votes were revealed and it has been exhausting! Welll... honestly not constantly, I've had quite a few other things that I've needed to do, but it's felt like it!!

Oh my, where do I begin?

Okay, here's what I think went down.

I don't know how much this has to do with the Auction alliance that Richie told me about way back when, but clearly Writer was not someone who they were going to let go of easily. And it makes sense that there was such a big push for Peter to go over Writer at the merge TC.
I strongly suspect that this vote was not supposed to be a tie. After all, if they had just been open with Gustave about it before the vote then he probably would have agreed to vote me. I was not that indispensable to Gustave, surely! But what I think happned is that they were all expecting Royal to be voting Gustave, or Herman, or whatever name they were giving him at the time, and expecting me to go in a 5-4-1 vote.

Hah! Thought you had me did you? Well I'm not dead yet!

I like to think that me telling Royal that voting for Writer was the best plan had something to do with it, but I think I just got lucky. Of course, no one on the jury needs to know that. This whole thing still irks me though, because I used to never be blindsided! I used to spot an attack on me coming from a mile away and I would pre-emptively backstab whoever I needed to in order to keep myself safe. It could to some extent be that the way people play the game has changed and I haven't quite caught up, but also, I've changed. Much like Buckley, I have to play in a different way. I can't make Survivor the most important thing happening on any given day.

But anyway, that sort of wallowing is not going to help me survive this round, is it?

My first priority is in solidifying my connections with the people who didn't vote for me, because y'know, I can't have them flipping on me. Solid foundations and all that. Obviously this is tricky because they didn't go into this vote thinking that they were tying up the vote to save Madame D. They're stuck in this tie situation just because they were left out of a vote. How anti-climactic!

But I think I might be okay there.

I don't know what I did to deserve Duke, so the likely fact is that I probably don't deserve him. But he has been so fantastic throughout this whole thing and I just need to give him a massive shout-out for that! Duke is da bomb! It's at the point where if he did vote for me, I couldn't even be mad. At least he made me feel nice before slaughtering me? I don't think he is though! Well hopefully not!

Royal hasn't said all that much, but what I have heard indicates that he is likely going to stick by me. He seems like the sort that would be very disappointed in himself for folding on a vote like this, and I'm hoping that the goodwill we've built together over all those Foxy rounds counts for something.

Gustave... actually seems like he's not going to vote for me here? I'm amazed! But like I've said in here, I do genuinely really like him and I would hope to repay him at least a little for not voting for me. I probably can't take him to the end, sadly, but I am thankful for his presence in the game all the same.

Margot has this way of constantly making me unsure about her, but that's probably on me. All logic dictates that I can probably trust her? Plus she's not even at risk of rocks!

I did consider telling people that I have Foxy's tail and that I would use it on them, but I decided that just has the potential to get too messy too fast. I'd rather be able to keep the possibility that I don't have Foxy's tail alive for just a little bit longer. I wouldn't be surprised if people suspect it though. After all, I was probably not quite concerned enough about the possibility of Young Writer having it.

Things are... well... not quite as rosy with the people who voted for me.

Richie wants to have his cake... and eat me:


Oracle is... Oracle


And Suzy has somehow managed to make it all about Margot instead of about me! Way to rain on my parade!


(I did endeavour to clear up that likely little lie by Richie though)


Anyway Richie is a charmer and good for a dalliance but he is NOT husband material, I can tell you that much. For as long as I am in the game I will continue to engage with him in his... ways, but then I will destroy him!

Oracle is who I am working most hard on to flip over and I am unfortunately having to promise more than I am able to deliver in doing so. But it is what it is. I like Oracle and I would work with him to a point if I had the opportunity, but he needs to know that he can't play with me in the way he did, unsuccessfully (I hope) attempt to blindside me, and then get away with it. I would have no qualms with voting him out when the time is right.

Suzy has actually been fine. I'm hoping to drum up as much drama about Richie as I can. I will probably still want Suzy out though.


My one consolation is that if I do go here, what's not to love about Margot's challenge-winning piece also being a prophecy? Love it.

But perhaps, this post from my round 1 confessional was the biggest omen of them all.

Anyway, I like Buckley, Francis and Foxy. Rat also has potential. The others I either don't think much of or are yet to talk to me.

Madame D.

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Re: Chapter 8
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2021, 06:53:29 am »
I have thrown Richie under the bus, then I have thrown out the bus driver, and driven the bus over Richie again and again... and again.

I think it may have worked