Author Topic: The Chronicles of Pero  (Read 164 times)

Anthony Adams

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The Chronicles of Pero
« on: September 03, 2021, 02:40:58 am »
"Pietro was having trouble distinguishing the letters against the pink Grand Budapest Hotel background.  We had to retry several times to get messages and posts through."

"Who is this... Pinto? Isn't that a type of bean?"

"Pinto, very funny!  Pietro is chuckling.  He transcribes all my dictated communications for me.  He's the radio operator here aboard the ship I'm currently on.  I'm making plans to travel back to the house on Archer Avenue as soon as I can."

"Ah, not Pinto, Plinko got it... do they star on the Price is Right?"

"Pietro tells me he was actually an audience member at a Price is Right taping but Bob Barker never called him down to play.  Missed opportunity."

"Petri, must have had fun just being there, I'm sure."

"AA you've got me confusing my dear Pedro's name myself now.  I hope he doesn't take it personally."

"Well, you said Piccolo found it funny the first time and I can 100% guarantee that jokes never get old. ;)"

"You've got Peter chuckling to himself over here.  I'm trying to make arrangements to allow him to travel on with me, so I don't have to begin typing my own letters."

"Doesn't Pinochle have their own plans though?"

Anthony Adams

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Re: The Chronicles of Pero
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2021, 09:26:11 pm »
"Piotr is very faithful.  Plus I pay him."

"Hopefully Pistachio isn't loyal just because you pay them, otherwise it could be a problem if you have money troubles. :P"