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Messages - M. Gustave

Pages: 1 ... 22 23 [24]
M. Gustave / Re: player opinions
« on: September 03, 2021, 11:35:58 am »
poor kylie didn't know where to find the member list, and so really struggled to message people. i just feel bad for her now, and i've offered to give her some tips. maybe one day she'll surpass her mentor and become a full-fledged mediocre player.

herman is messaging plenty now and is clearly not dead weight, so good for him.

sam is a little awkward but still alright; nobody else has moved much since yesterday.

Camp Ivanhoe / Re: Flea Market?
« on: September 03, 2021, 10:37:01 am »
ignore my earlier post in this thread, the mods fixed it and i can see the challenge now.

hmm... i agree that the rings are probably two halves of an idol or something like that. i feel like they could have some communication power too, but maybe i've been playing too many complex games lol. maybe flu serum protects you from a small number of votes? schematics could be an extra vote? this is a standard game though, so i doubt they'd be giving us a ton of items right off the bat; like herman said, probably only a few work, or most of the items are weak.

i think we should try to decide whether we're going to go for power or immunity. i don't have a strong opinion, and will go wherever consensus points

pedit: not going over 100 spent works for me.

M. Gustave / Re: {Welcome! Check here!}
« on: September 03, 2021, 10:28:20 am »
now i can see it, thank you good sir.

M. Gustave / Re: {Welcome! Check here!}
« on: September 03, 2021, 10:20:09 am »
attention mods: i can't see any challenge stuff (assuming it's in its own forum), check my permissions pretty please.

Camp Ivanhoe / Re: Flea Market?
« on: September 03, 2021, 10:18:40 am »
so uh, i don't see the challenge stuff anywhere. probably a permissions mistake or smth? i'll bug the mods about it.

M. Gustave / player opinions
« on: September 03, 2021, 07:38:24 am »
this thread is for listing my opinions of people and saying what kind of stuff we talk about.

camp ivanhoe originals

oracle: my bestie. their opinions are almost the same as mine on stuff, we look at the game the same way, and it's just awesome. we've talked about and shared some music, favorite shows, and how we want to play the game. plus, we bonded over both not knowing wes anderson very well, on top of both being active during the opening hours of the game.

anthony: on top of magic the gathering stuff, we've been chatting about other games like chess and general game design. there's been a side topic of psychological experiments and what their outcomes mean. i like him pretty well so far, though we haven't talked much in-depth about this game aside from us both liking oracle and richie (and each other).

richie: more approachable than he first seemed. we've talked tv, studying methods, and our struggles to figure out the forum software. friendly guy, but of my 'core four' he's probably my bottom man on the totem pole; that could easily change as time goes on, we're literally one day in. (my 'core four' is me, oracle, richie, and anthony btw)

young writer: very much playing a character which annoys me. i try to connect to people and i can't do that if you aren't yourself. anyway, we've talked mostly about poetry so far and traded a few haikus. a few people seem to like him, particularly richie, but i wouldn't be too sad to see him go.

sam shakusky: we've been talking about my childhood mostly, these cool stairs at a beach hotel i went to that a slinky worked perfectly on, followed by other gizmos i had. so far he's been pretty short and to the point, not really telling me all that much about himself; probably either newish or shy, which i can identify with.

suzie: only a couple messages so far but they've been pretty large. she answered my joke ice cream question by interpreting it to be about the cone, which i liked - witty wordplay is awesome. strangely, i keep hearing people say that other people like suzie, without them saying that they like suzie. like, is this real or is she being set up?

herman: just one message so far, bare bones. no connection to speak of yet. he'll need to step it up to survive if we lose.

kylie: on the same level as herman, few posts and what they do send is sparse.

duke: not a ton of messages yet but we've been swapping stories of crusader kings games, and talking about rl dogs. not super high but could rise with more posts.

M. Gustave / Re: {Welcome! Check here!}
« on: September 03, 2021, 07:16:39 am »
i will be making a thread for my opinions of people, fear not my good canine friend.

M. Gustave / Re: {Welcome! Check here!}
« on: September 02, 2021, 04:08:26 pm »
so far, oracle and i have hit it off super well, they're like me from another life. richie and the young writer (who i may have called the young author a few times) i have, or inevitably will, disappoint with my lack of wes anderson knowledge. anthony's been cool, we talk mostly about magic the gathering so far; everyone else has had 2 or less messages to this point.

M. Gustave / Re: {Welcome! Check here!}
« on: September 02, 2021, 09:32:07 am »
note to all spectators: in previous games i was almost completely truthful about any rl stuff i said to people. that's not gonna be the case this time, i will be making up grandiose stories as i see fit. the best counter to having a boring life is pretending you have an exciting one

Camp Ivanhoe / Re: Camp Ivanhoe
« on: September 02, 2021, 09:16:09 am »
good to meet you all!

M. Gustave / Re: {Welcome! Check here!}
« on: September 02, 2021, 09:09:28 am »
hello, i'm here and ready to start the game, exciting!

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