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Messages - Margot Tenenbaum

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Margot Tenenbaum / Re: Margot's Conspiracy Board
« on: October 07, 2021, 02:14:15 pm »
lmfao peter

M. Gustave / Re: {Margot Tenenbaum}
« on: October 07, 2021, 09:16:34 am »
Hello, Gustave. I am both impressed and sincerely happy to see you make it to this point. Congratulations!

Even when it was clear we weren't aligned, you were someone who was effortlessly easy to talk to. I also definitely owed you for not choosing to boot me on Trash Island. I don't know that I would classify that as a mistake, but it's hard for me to be objective. I do wish I had managed to work with you and Suzy more earnestly beyond that round. But I digress.

I will get straight to business now.

I noticed in your speech that you pointedly saw Richie as more threatening than Madame D, which was a little surprising to me. Could you go into further depth about how you read for threats in the game and what your strategy was for playing around them, particularly post-merge? I am interested in what went into deciding who needed the most careful attention beyond the obvious visible factors like challenge wins.

Oracle / Re: {Margot Tenenbaum}
« on: October 07, 2021, 09:09:08 am »
Hello, Oracle! Congratulations on making it to this point, it is a feat to be proud of!

I will get straight to business since that's how I prefer to play ;)

Considering you mentioned it in your speech, it seemed that Royal's commentary on your play right before you went out had some impact on you. Do you think you ended up shifting your play or the way you handled eliminations because of Royal's speech?

More generally, what were the key ways in which you felt your play evolved or that you learned to handle things differently (if at all) as the game progressed?

Richie Tenenbaum / Re: {Margot Tenenbaum}
« on: October 07, 2021, 09:06:23 am »
Hello, brother. Congratulations for making it to this point. I am so proud of you.

I will cut straight to business. There were a number of rounds in which it seemed you were rather alienated from the rest of the game at large. You admitted some frustrations to me in that everything you said seemed to be getting leaked instantly. In fact, it seemed for at least one period of time everyone was treating you as either untrustworthy or an inevitable elimination.

How did you manage to get through this stage of the game, both mentally and strategically? Did you find yourself having to shift tactics? Or was it more of a weather-the-storm situation?

American Empirical Pictures / Re: Madame D.
« on: October 06, 2021, 09:21:49 am »
I am sad to see you join me here :(
I was going to comment in your thread, but may as well just do it here.

Working with you throughout the game was such a joy and particularly during my rocky start on Rushmore it meant so much to me.

I at least felt like I would need to vote you out at some point before the end because of how closely we were associated and my belief was that people perceived me as the “secondary threat” between the two of us. Depending on what I read here I might have been very wrong about that. Maybe I could have taken you to the end after all, but during the F6 round, an opportunity arose where I felt I could form a bond with Suzy and Oracle over voting you out and have that get me through to F4. And honestly I think Richie would have considered voting Suzy over me at F4 if she were there because Richie was very much overestimating Suzy’s chance at winning imo. (Obviously ideally I wanted Richie out at F4)
I also wanted to give myself options outside of Richie’s alliance/vision because I felt a bit trapped into whatever Richie wanted to do each round.

But yeah, I’m really sorry about how that went down Margot. You never did any wrong by me and you didn’t deserve that.
First of all, I really loved working with you this game and I'm not upset with you at all. I assumed you did what you felt was best for your game but since I didn't really understand how completely there was some saltiness initially. But I completely understand and I'm mostly just sad that you didn't make it to FTC. I definitely did not get the sense that you were perceived as the "secondary threat," but idk how accurate my read was. I don't blame you for taking that chance. It was mostly frustrating for me because I felt rebuffed every time I tried to get closer to Suzy or Oracle, and I'm impressed you managed that.

I do wonder how a hypothetical Richie/You/Me FTC would have played out because that's where I thought the game might have been heading the round I left.

Sorry to see you out! I really loved playing with you and it was an adrenaline rush to get by so many close votes with you.

American Empirical Pictures / Re: Madame D.
« on: October 06, 2021, 08:41:55 am »
I am sad to see you join me here :(

American Empirical Pictures / Re: Margot Tenenbaum
« on: October 06, 2021, 08:33:00 am »
Yeah I felt that was probably coming

Well played by Richie. I will try to keep as open a mind as possible going into speeches and questioning but it’s going to take some serious performances here I think.

American Empirical Pictures / Re: Margot Tenenbaum
« on: October 04, 2021, 08:43:47 am »
Yeah, my personal feeling leans more towards Richie but I'll try to go into it with as open a mind as possible.

American Empirical Pictures / Re: Margot Tenenbaum
« on: October 04, 2021, 07:11:05 am »
I wouldn't discount Richie. He has had a far stronger strategical game imo, although Madame wins out on the social side. And both have faced similar amounts of adversity. I'm not sure where my vote would land at the moment.

American Empirical Pictures / Re: Margot Tenenbaum
« on: October 04, 2021, 04:10:33 am »
Although, I say that, idk what I actually would've done at an F4 with all of us. I still think Madame is the biggest threat but I also devoted like so much of my game to sticking with her and I felt such a strong loyalty I'm not sure I could have actually brought myself to ever vote her out

American Empirical Pictures / Re: Margot Tenenbaum
« on: October 04, 2021, 04:06:19 am »
Tbf it could just he a misunderstanding, Margot never hard said your name to me but did mention both you and Herman as people who were relatively uncommunicative. Though I guess Margot can answer for themself on anything further.
I ended up concluding this was probably it. I never floated your name as like "I want to vote her this round." I talked about you as though I wasn't super aligned with you and like talked about how hard it would be to push you. But I never pushed for you as the vote partly because I really liked you and partly because I didn't think it was wise strategically.

Tbh, I was hoping to go to F3 with you and Richie. I was not lying when I told you I thought Madame was by far the most threatening person in the game, so I was further surprised to see you all want to go further with her over me.

American Empirical Pictures / Re: Herman Blume
« on: October 02, 2021, 08:42:48 am »
Shocked that they decided to vote for me tbqh since I would never be immune and they could just vote me out whenever they felt like it. Feels like a punt because they don't want to make any hard decisions yet.
To be quite honest, you felt very dangerous because you were so loyal to a very particular bloc of people, many of whom I was struggling to get in with and work with. Even if you weren't a direct threat, having your vote around was a big obstacle.

American Empirical Pictures / Re: Margot Tenenbaum
« on: October 02, 2021, 08:37:34 am »
Bets on who goes out here? It's honestly hard for me to see any alliance Madame could've made stopping Suzy from taking the shot at booting her here, but I might be wrong. Richie will probably prefer to go after Oracle if he has the chance.

American Empirical Pictures / Re: Margot Tenenbaum
« on: October 01, 2021, 03:09:33 pm »
Duke and Richie switched sides for the second tie is the main thing that happened I believe

I would think she is a big threat to win as well!

American Empirical Pictures / Re: Margot Tenenbaum
« on: October 01, 2021, 03:07:32 pm »
Suzy flipped because she was scared of rocks. Oracle flipped because ostensibly he wanted to work with me. Royal flipped because ???

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