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Messages - M. Gustave

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M. Gustave / Re: REMINDER for closing speech (and drafts)
« on: October 09, 2021, 03:55:21 pm »
For self reference, Royal's question:
Hey there! For full disclosure, I'm asking this to everyone, and I'd say my vote is still modestly up in the air, so I'd appreciate a thoughtful response to this question. I haven't yet had a chance to read all the other jurors' questions of everyone, so if you feel you've answered this set of questions elsewhere, feel free to direct me to where I should go.

I'd like you to tell me two things--first, of your other two finalists, which one should I definitively NOT vote for, and why? Second, between yourself and the finalist who remains, why did you definitively play a better game that would make me personally vote for you?

and Writer's:
Okay last post of mine, also going to all three of you. Just go through the jurors AND your fellow finalists, and give a compliment to each. Also please try to not be too generic or use something you've already said about that person at this FTC.

M. Gustave / Re: {Welcome! Check here!}
« on: October 09, 2021, 03:52:01 pm »
I'm good with answering them in my closing speech, no problem.

M. Gustave / REMINDER for closing speech (and drafts)
« on: October 09, 2021, 08:24:14 am »
DO NOT FORGET to answer Royal and Writer's questions. Closing speech will also be drafted here.

M. Gustave / Re: {Royal Tenenbaum}
« on: October 09, 2021, 08:23:14 am »
I'm checking in on this with just 10 minutes left, so I'll answer it in my closing speech. Ideally I'd have checked in sooner, but better to give a good answer later than a rushed answer now.

M. Gustave / Re: {Young Writer}
« on: October 09, 2021, 08:21:54 am »
I will answer this in my closing speech - my bad for not checking in on this with more time left. Promise I won't forget it.

M. Gustave / Re: {Welcome! Check here!}
« on: October 09, 2021, 08:16:33 am »
Of the challenges that I did, I would say I enjoyed all of them bar the shooting challenge and the final paddle one. Even those two I wouldn't say I disliked too strongly; the shooting one my complaint is that it really tested how reliable your tribe's internet is, which isn't something that I think needs to be a thing. And the paddle challenge was almost fun, but the glitchiness frustrated me to no end. That said, 2 'meh' challenges out of what, 15 is a pretty great ratio, and the mod team deserves props for that.

The flea market was a great thing to start the game with, so that there was some intrigue even for the winning side. I also liked that, for a few challenges, you included something of a trick to them in the descriptions - the skiing one had the fast-forward thing, and the simon challenge made me laugh when I saw the scores and realized what 'anything but a bot' really meant. The jaguar shark hunt and the Eli Cash challenge were memorable, as well.

Structure wise, nothing felt like it was BS or unreasonable. There wasn't an abundance of items but it wasn't totally vanilla either, so it meets the expectations of the category. The rings didn't appear to make a huge impact fmpov this time, but from an insider perspective it probably actually did a lot to shape the factions if that makes sense. Kidnap twist was actually pretty cool, as was leaving a swap so late.

tl;dr is good job mods, would play again.

M. Gustave / Re: {Peter Whitman}
« on: October 09, 2021, 03:33:38 am »
final ballot stuffing

M. Gustave / Re: {Peter Whitman}
« on: October 09, 2021, 03:33:22 am »
penultimate ballot stuffing

M. Gustave / Re: {Young Writer}
« on: October 09, 2021, 03:33:04 am »
My way of playing is to stay true to myself as much as possible. I tried to treat everyone with respect and as people, while recognizing that I failed to do this in some cases, because that's what makes me feel best and it's how I would prefer to be treated.

Funnily enough for two players who were archenemies for a long time, Richie and Oracle had pretty similar styles in my book. Both of them were more on the side of 'using' people, rather than 'working with' them; Richie was a bit more audacious and flexible, while Oracle was more loyal. They were both willing to try to get people to act clearly against their own self-interest using lies or bad-faith arguments. Overall they were more cold and sharp.

While their way of playing is very different than how I like to play, I'm not going to argue that my way is objectively better. I don't think there actually is a best way to go through the game, and any of our styles can get to the end as evidenced here. Some jurors will find their style to be off-putting and leave them feeling used, and others will look at me and find me naive and less-deserving; it comes down to who's on the jury to decide whether a style worked or not.

M. Gustave / Re: {Welcome! Check here!}
« on: October 09, 2021, 03:18:38 am »
Little less positive feedback today, but still not a no-hoper. Wherever I finish I've learned a lot for next time and I've had fun, so mission accomplished.

Is there a feedback form for this game, by the way?

M. Gustave / Re: {Royal Tenenbaum}
« on: October 09, 2021, 03:17:09 am »
A few of the jurors I treated much differently from most of the others: I was much faker and more manipulative with them, which understandably left a bad taste in their mouths. As such I'm really not surprised at all that there are split opinions of me. As for you, I feel that I put much less energy into connecting with you than I should have, and I was guilty of underestimating you as well. Even among the people I didn't mistreat, I can see my play polarizing people into camps of finding it refreshing or finding it naive. Neither view is wrong, so it comes down to the temperaments of the jurors as individuals.

M. Gustave / Re: {Duke}
« on: October 09, 2021, 03:04:46 am »
Your observations are valid! It's no secret that I made errors throughout this game, and while I'd love to get as many votes as possible, I'd totally understand you or anyone else voting for Oracle or Richie instead.

Looking back, I did often tell you who to vote without asking your opinion... I don't really have an excuse for that besides simple thoughtlessness. Apologies are due for that. And agreed about my very 'optimistic' split vote plans, I'll be a lot more careful about stuff like that in future games than I was here.

I joined this game to a) have fun and b) do as well as I could. Criterion A was definitely met, and so has B considering this is already much higher than my average placement. Whether I finish 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, I've learned a lot about what to do and what not to do. This might fit better in my closing speech, but I think it's appropriate for the mood of this post.

M. Gustave / Re: {Young Writer}
« on: October 08, 2021, 10:41:33 am »
If I had been convinced that my previous group had turned on me, as much as I like them I would have jumped over to your side without question. It was only after quite a bit of discussion and piecing together of evidence that I was able to figure out that the whole rift was based on a lie by Richie. Since I knew that they had found Richie sketchy even before this, I knew that it wouldn't be an issue beyond that round. Thus I stuck with people I knew and trusted, extending an olive branch for their mini-betrayals, rather than going for the more drastic move of completely switching the direction I was trying to go.

For "enemies to allies," I was always talking with Madame about potential ways we could work together, even though we'd both gone after each other multiple times. There was also Richie and I voting together to oust Suzy, though that was perhaps more of a "say yes or you die" proposition than a real alliance. Margot I was just too threatened by to really want to keep her around, but I never ruled out working with anyone else if circumstances made it a good idea. Ultimately due to RL stuff we had several medevacs and a near-medevac; Buckley and Royal are people that, if they had stayed, could have been options. But while I tried to keep doors open, I didn't see too many times where walking through them would have been a good move.

M. Gustave / Re: {Buckley}
« on: October 08, 2021, 10:23:13 am »
That's actually a tough one. Oracle is my boy and he's awesome, I would love if he won; but I have to give Richie a lot of respect for handling adversity and finding opportunities out of almost nothing. If it were a final 2 between them, I think I'd give my vote to Oracle but that's our friendship having a really high weight in my mind; both would be worthy.

M. Gustave / Re: {Welcome! Check here!}
« on: October 08, 2021, 10:18:35 am »
lol, yes

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