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Messages - Young Writer

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Pitch Meetings / Re: Writer's Room
« on: October 11, 2021, 09:23:54 am »
Justin Trudoge is brilliant

Pitch Meetings / Re: Post-Event Reception Hall
« on: October 11, 2021, 09:22:39 am »
It's the swap structure.

Pitch Meetings / Re: Writer's Room
« on: October 11, 2021, 09:19:15 am »
Like Barky Goldwalker?

Young Writer / Re: {Voting thread}
« on: October 10, 2021, 03:09:11 pm »
Gustave, you are an alright chap, but in your thread you admitted that you probably don't deserve my vote. I see nothing in the further answers to override that initial sentiment, but wish you luck.

Oracle, your charisma is off the charts. Another thing I forgot to mention was that Peter originally wanted you out instead of Gustave, but I told him it was a no go cause I just didn't want to stop talking to you. I do ponder about what would have happened if I simply agreed to it, but so much would change. Anyway, it was nice talking to you this FTC, we talked through a lot of stuff, and while I wish it happened earlier, better late than never. I am excited to learn who you are and hopefully we'll be able to have some nice chats postgame. I have really thought about voting for you, and in most other final 3s, I probably would. But as you noted I am an incredibly loyal creature.

As such my vote goes to Richie, my ally from the start and the one who trusted me with most things. His original F3 and though, technically he made it impossible to, he never betrayed me. Whether my vote will be enough for you to secure victory I do not know, but do know I am there with you.

Richie Tenenbaum / Re: {Young Writer}
« on: October 09, 2021, 04:33:50 am »
Okay last post of mine (though if I think of another question for you I'll be sure to ask you), also going to all three of you. Just go through the jurors AND your fellow finalists, and give a compliment to each. Also please try to not be too generic or use something you've already said about that person at this FTC.

Oracle / Re: {Young Writer}
« on: October 09, 2021, 04:33:26 am »
Okay last post of mine, also going to all three of you. Just go through the jurors AND your fellow finalists, and give a compliment to each. Also please try to not be too generic or use something you've already said about that person at this FTC.

M. Gustave / Re: {Young Writer}
« on: October 09, 2021, 04:33:01 am »
Okay last post of mine, also going to all three of you. Just go through the jurors AND your fellow finalists, and give a compliment to each. Also please try to not be too generic or use something you've already said about that person at this FTC.

Richie Tenenbaum / Re: {Young Writer}
« on: October 08, 2021, 03:07:32 pm »
I have a question for all 3 of you. You see, I am a lover of survivor theory. So rather than debating moves and relationships, I ask you all, what is your guiding philosophy in survivor? How do you like to play the game? Based on your interactions, how would you summarize the gameplay of your fellow finalists? And lastly, why is yours the best approach?

Feel free to play with that last part if you want to.

M. Gustave / Re: {Young Writer}
« on: October 08, 2021, 03:07:19 pm »
I have a question for all 3 of you. You see, I am a lover of survivor theory. So rather than debating moves and relationships, I ask you all, what is your guiding philosophy in survivor? How do you like to play the game? Based on your interactions, how would you summarize the gameplay of your fellow finalists? And lastly, why is yours the best approach?

Feel free to play with that last part if you want to.

Oracle / Re: {Young Writer}
« on: October 08, 2021, 03:06:37 pm »
My response will be much shorter but I will say I certainly understand issues with imprecision and language...and with being disappointed with editing down my beautiful essays. I suppose we do have quite a bit in common.

For part one, I have since posting managed to read (or rather skim enough to understand) that you made a transformation and appreciate that you made strides to change near the end of the game, and that it seems you did. It certainly makes this tribal closer than I originally thought as the Oracle that is here is not the Oracle that blindsided me, more on that later.

For Part Two, thank you. I do have to apologize a bit myself, as I was aware of most of that information. I was well aware of the four Horsemen (Anthony, Richie and I had our own groupchat a lifetime ago) and about your deductions. The fact they shared that information with me and you and Gustave did not certainly set us apart from each other from an early stage. Not to mention I knew about the rings, since I had one of them (mind you I didn't tell him to get them, he just sort of did that and gave one to me), though I had no idea about the notebook.

Similarly, I knew Richie was planning to mutiny to block a Sam mutiny and we had decided that it was probably best to not share that until later (well I think Richie decided to and I agreed to not tattle). Keeping Richie's secrets was my main role in the game, in fact.

I do wish that you had asked me about those things, since I would have well, verified all of them, though it likely would have just sealed my fate to do so (after all, when the gig is up, the gig is up). However, it would certainly have made my exit feel so much more earned that "wait, why?". Though I do apologize profusely since I was complicit in that deception that caused you such pain.

As for Point 3, fair, I mean the moment I voted Madame D, I had essentially agreed to just stick to the Keys since everything else seemed to be leading to my demise, but prior to then, it would be hard to wholly believe that. Once again, wish we had talked more cause I'm not sure I got many such whisperings about Duke, then again, we barely talked game despite long other conversations.

As for Part 4, I am a bit disappointed that your hard commits were only people on your original tribe (this goes back to my hatred of pagongs and the like, since starting tribes are arbitrary yet seem to impact so much), but there were hard commits.

Anyway, allow me to be forward, as you can likely tell from my first couple questions, I did not come into here wanting to vote for you, and likely my vote will not belong to you. However, with that latest response you certainly made it a more difficult decision and given me food for thought, and even if it didn't win my vote, well, all the other jurors can see how you handled it, I'm just one vote after all.

As for a question, I have one for all 3 of you. You see, I am a lover of survivor theory. So rather than debating moves and relationships, I ask you all, what is your guiding philosophy in survivor? How do you like to play the game? Based on your interactions, how would you summarize the gameplay of your fellow finalists? And lastly, why is yours the best approach?

Feel free to play with that last part if you want to.

M. Gustave / Re: {Young Writer}
« on: October 08, 2021, 05:36:34 am »
That is fair, I will say that while I am remiss to vote you, I appreciate the candidness and am...impressed? (not sure if that's the word, but probably the best choice) with your responses in other threads.

I have two aspects to this next question. When we talked the night before I came to you trying to have a peace offering, to not just work against each other but work together. Was there any chance of that actually working? If yes what would I have had to do for it to work? If not, why was it a non-starter?

In a more general sense did you ever consider or have an "enemies to allies" situation with someone else? If so, what was it? If not, can you think of a reason why?

Oracle / Re: {Young Writer}
« on: October 08, 2021, 02:20:26 am »
Okay I'm going to handle this concept by concept. I do appreciate that you put so much effort into the response, but a lot of this makes my nose wrinkle.

So first you talk about reducing your threat level in the game, that you needed to make the perception that you were bad at jury management. However instead you decided to make that a reality. Like voting me out creates the perception you are bad at jury management because it's a stab of an ally, not saying anything makes it a reality. I'd give this a pass if you spoke as if that's simply what you  thought you had to do, but instead you said you had to do it, and I just don't see a world where you talk to me about stuff and that causes you to be voted out. Though I haven't read the other threads so I would like to hear more about this evolution as a player and person and what prompted that.

Second is the whole Richie debacle, and I'm just wondering, what were the actual lies that you speak of. Like that matters a lot, I know there were things people were kept in the dark on, but the only thing I've heard of is Richie saying Margot was targeting Suzy, which having read my conversations with Margot, Margot did kind of equivalate Suzy and Herman, and the latter she definitely wanted out, so at most it's stretching the truth rather than a misunderstanding? Like did you even confront Richie about that stuff? Cause it feels kind of foolhardy to make a big game decision without consulting the person you are killing or the person it's about.

Third is the line that I was a threat? And just, how? Was it that half the game had voted for me? That I hadn't won a challenge since merge started (and never placed first in the others)? That Gustave threw any chance of us working together into a fire? That one of the only people on the other tribe I had cultivated a relationship (Peter) I thought I had to vote out to live? Or that I had somehow managed to mismanage and message so little that someone that I wanted to go far with (Suzy) didn't trust me? Like, buddy, I was playing like trash, don't say I was a threat.

It is however accurate I was loyal to Richie (I literally couldn't vote him if I tried) and had a soft spot for Royal. And that reasoning can make sense to me. And it is good to hear that you didn't actually say that pagong thing.

Though Oracle, the reason I was never the most trusting of you was something I said to most people, that I got the vibe that you were someone who'd be friendly with whoever and just go with the majority, without actually hard commiting to anything. Was this an accurate assessment of your game? If not, who were you most loyal to? Who would you never consider voting for until maybe the final 4 or 5?

Young Writer / Final Tribal Thoughts
« on: October 07, 2021, 03:01:49 pm »
Okay it seems I have a lot more anger than I thought I would. I will try to be kinder with future questions but I really had to vent there. Maybe I should be softer but I dunno, I at least asked for explanations instead of just being like "hey I'm not voting you" and peacing out but eh, I'm usually a bitter juror, wish it weren't so but it is.

Also I'm not sure how I feel about this format. I get capping speech lengths...but it's capped way below where I like to end my speeches (though perhaps my speeches beign too long is why it's so little), and I like finalists being able to respond to each other BEFORE final statements, since correcting lies or misunderstandings from the other finalists shouldn't have to be done in the final statement, which also has a cap. Still, it's worth trying and I commend the mods on trying new things.

Oracle / Re: {Young Writer}
« on: October 07, 2021, 02:48:52 pm »
Oracle, not 24 hours before I was voted out, after I thanked you for sticking by me and you said "You're my friend. What kind of dick would I be if I voted you out after you made me that nice drawing?"

So I ask...what kind of dick are you?

Not just that you would vote me out, I can understand the reasoning. But that you wouldn't confront me about the apparent reason you gave to others for flipping (a mistruth by Richie, that from my perspective was likely just a misinterpretation), or about your concerns about me being for voting Madame D., which I believe my agreement to was with heavy reticence, since yeah, I knew I was the other person on the block and going against 4 people saying they're voting for someone else is an easy way to die. Furthermore, I think I need more confirmation but you also apparently told Margot I was trying to pagong? Which I assumed at the time was a foolhardy attempt to turn me on you, but now, I'm not so sure. But most importantly, you calling me your friend when you're being so duplicitous, non forthcoming and about to do the very thing you said you wouldn't. Like, why would you do all that? Why would you lie to me when I know I'm on the block, when you know it won't be long until I realize you decided to stab me while presenting a kind face? Why not at least send me some reasoning or clue at all?

M. Gustave / Re: {Young Writer}
« on: October 07, 2021, 02:36:21 pm »
Gustave, the largest mention in your speech I get is that " Peter and Young Writer deserved far better from me than to be ignored, and I'm embarrassed at how I treated them."

While I do appreciate the acknowledgement, you did far worse than ignore me. The round I went out I approached you in good faith, trying to search for a way that maybe we need not clash. I stayed up very late to talk to you and thought we had a good conversation, and then we started talking about potential other votes. And then you immediately leaked said conversations to try and kill me, but even worse, acting like I was the one who wanted Herman as opposed to that being your suggestion that I said would be a hard sell.

Then in the revote, rather than being honest with me, like Duke (who I'd say I ended up with a similar relationship to me as did you), you told multiple people that you were going to flip, and held that up. I personally think there's little reason for such duplicity in a revote (when you could just as easily say you are on the fence and not commit yourself to such an insane deception), so why did you do those things and why should I consider voting for you?

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