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Topics - Wes Anderson

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Pitch Meetings / This Closeness to Death
« on: October 05, 2021, 12:34:37 am »
developed by Richie Tenenbaum

From Royal's dialogue in The Royal Tenenbaums, this is the comic moment when Richie responds to his father, "Dad, you were never dying" and Royal exclaims, "But I'm going to live!"

Premise/plot summary:

The first direct sequel in the Wes Anderson film catalogue, This Closeness to Death follows Luke Wilson returning to play a middle aged Richie Tenenbaum as an inpatient at a mental asylum.  Imagine elements of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest interpreted in the classic Wes Anderson style.  When he learns that the house at 111 Archer Avenue is being sold, Richie fakes a terminal cancer diagnosis out of a desire to get back one more time before the Tenenbaum family vacates the premises.  Frances McDormand co-stars in the role of the nurse overseeing the psych ward.  Jeff Goldblum and Willem Dafoe feature in supporting roles as fellow mental patients.  In a cameo appearance utilizing stock footage from the original film the late Kumar Pallana reprises his role as Pagoda to assure the family once again that, "He has the cancer."

This movie will be a live action film.

The film's cast:
LEADING: Luke Wilson
LEADING: Frances McDormand
SUPPORTING: Jeff Goldblum
SUPPORTING: Willem Dafoe
SUPPORTING: Kumar Pallana

Featured song from soundtrack:
Needle in the Hay, Elliott Smith

Player Reels / {Torchwalks}
« on: October 03, 2021, 08:45:00 am »
Congratulations on reaching the Final Four!  We will now celebrate this momentous occasion in two ways.

The first: A torchwalk for your fallen comrades.  Speak some words, mostly kind I hope, in your private subforum here about each player you were able to meet on your journey to this point.

Rat, Kylie, Klaus Daimler

Steve Zissou, Sam Shakusky, Max Fischer

Foxy Fox, Anthony Adams

Peter Whitman, Buckley, Young Writer, Herman Blume

Duke, Royal Tenenbaum, Margot Tenenbaum, Suzy Bishop

M. Gustave, Madame D., Oracle, Richie Tenenbaum

Second, it's time for a big step in the production of your movie!  We ask you at this time to post in your Status thread the premise of your film, and also a title.  See if you can come up with something fitting and clever, like the Midnight Coterie of Sinister Intruders, or just something personal to you.

Thank you for playing, and I hope you're having fun!

Challenges / Chapter Fifteen: Bombardment Society
« on: October 03, 2021, 08:31:19 am »
Were you in the shit?
Yeah, I was in the shit.

Hard to believe we haven't had an Rushmore challenge yet.  Sure, that first one supposedly involved funding an aquarium, but really, how could we go this long without an official nod to Max Fischer?  Take a look at this guy's extracurriculars!

The Rushmore Yankee (Editor-in-Chief), Yankee Review (Publisher), French Club (President), Model UN (Russia), Stamp & Coin Club (Vice President), Debate Team (Captain), Lacrosse Team (Manager), Calligraphy Club (President), Astronomy Society (Founder), Fencing Team (Captain), Track & Field (JV Decathlon), 2nd Chorale (Choirmaster), Bombardment Society (Founder), Kung Fu Club (Yellow Belt), Trap & Skeet Club (Founder), Rushmore Beekeepers (President), Yankee Racers (Founder), Max Fischer Players (Director), Piper Cub Club (4.5 Hours Logged)

Wow.  "Bombardment Society," that one especially sounds like a great challenge, and the thread title and image up there might have already tipped you off, but that's what we're doing.  This is going to be an exciting, explosive game.

To begin this challenge, you will click this link and fill out a form, after which your time will start and you will be provided a link to a browser game.  Please take a screenshot of your score, with a tab of Survivor: Wes Anderson open, and post it in your confessional.  You can queue up Wes Anderson's longest movie, The Life Aquatic, while you play, because there will be a 118 minute deadline.  You may end up not using that much time.    You may submit multiple times, and your final valid submission will be counted.

The player with the highest score will win immunity.  In the event of a tie, the player who submitted in less time will win.  Please do not discuss this challenge with other players.  You will have 48 hours to play this challenge.

Society of Crossed Keys / Tribal Council 15: Society of Crossed Keys
« on: October 02, 2021, 08:32:08 am »
Tribal Council 15

Society of Crossed Keys, welcome to Tribal Council.

1. A thrilling immunity challenge there.  How do you all feel about Richie dramatically holding off Madame D. thanks to M. Gustave’s round 5 blitz?

2. Why should the other players keep you here?

3. Who do you hope to send out at this TC? Impress the jury and call your shot like Duke did a few TCs back. 

4. Following up on the above, with only 5 players left, how much can you just put your cards on the table and fight out here in public? How much needs to be kept private?

5. Who is watching Life Aquatic now that it's free on Amazon?

Home Theater / Episode Thirteen
« on: October 02, 2021, 12:01:20 am »
Previously, on Survivor... Royal Tenenbaum announced that while he'd still be checking in, he'd be going dark, and publicly spoke on each player's game.  The rest of the group, while battling with paranoia, sent him packing.

With Royal out of the picture, and the new Khaki Scouts alliance looking secure, #vanhoe was now appeared to be 2vanhoe, with M. Gustave and Oracle sitting alone on the outside and their fate all but sealed. 

Margot Tenenbaum: I am happy to work with this four person group Suzy created to the end. We're all serious threats, yes, but at least in the case of Richie and Suzy, we have such different games that I feel very comfortable going into an FTC with them. Banding together feels like it makes the most strategical sense for both of us to make it to an FTC.

Suzy Bishop: I committed to going to F2 with Richie as my first alliance. It was important for me to cut Writer so Richie had very few options. Despite my reservations about him (he probably has a clear plan he can demonstrate to the jury), I think I still want to go to the end with him. I'm thinking my ideal F3 at this point is Richie, Madame, and me? Or me/Richie/Margot? When the game first started, my ideal F3 would be my 2 pals Richie and Oracle but I have no idea how to even make that happen....

At the challenge, Richie Tenenbaum was the quickest to behold the majesty of the Jaguar Shark, while Margot surprisingly finished last.  Despite the successful seafaring expedition, it wasn't necessarily going to all be smooth sailing!

Richie Tenenbaum: I think I'm pretty well served to stay the course here with the Khaki Scouts and let this vote hit Gustave or Oracle.  Which one doesn't too much matter to me and I'd rather not be seen to be trying to dictate the outcome outright to my allies so whichever the group decides on.

Suzy Bishop: Oh yikes, Richie wants to cut Oracle here and am I ready to do something like that? An act of betrayal?
I usually consider myself so ruthless but it's very hard for me to cut Oracle/Gustave. I like the narrative of being part of the plucky underdog crew even when I've been closest to Richie this whole game.

Madame D.: I promised myself that if I won immunity I would do something interesting here and consider getting Gustave and Oracle together to vote Margot or Suzy or something, with the hope of going to rocks, but I'm not sure if that's something I can do now.

Elsewhere on set, Richie and Oracle would continue their oil and water relationship.

Like I really don't fucking know what to do right now. Richie is such a bonehead. Like I get why he wants to not vote Margot here, but there's zero chance they don't just send his ass packing the moment he loses. "I don't think they'll cut me before 4". What the hell Richie?

He is pretty much guaranteed top 4 with an amazing chance at immunity if he votes Margot here.

Stupid. This is so stupid. I need Duke back here. I miss him.

The thing Oracle should be doing right now isn't just trying to convince me I need to take out Margot or else she'll win more immunities and take me out, it's to offer me some kind of a final three deal (whether he would intend to honor it or not).  If his underlying assumption that he has Gustave and Suzy's votes on his side were correct I would simply be handing the majority to the three of them outright by voting with them this round.  I am immune, I have nothing to lose by tying it and every reason to believe Oracle and Suzy would never risk a 1 in 3 draw.

It's all academic because Suzy and I are already aligned with Margot and Madame D. but still.

You know what? If I get to the next round and Richie loses, I'm voting his ass out and just saying "fuck you richie" for my reasoning just because he is so arrogant in private to me right now.

Meanwhile, M. Gustave would telegraph his 3vanhoe loyalty to potential swing voter Madame D.

M. Gustave: so it would appear that suzy is likely going to flip to avoid rocks. if that happens, i'm out; somehow i don't even feel betrayed. the three of us are known to be so solid that obviously the others would never flip because they'd just be picked off and they know it; so rocks are inevitable, unless one of our side flips. but our side is not guaranteed to be picked off in a minority, because margot/madame/richie are only working together so closely to counter us. while them going down to 2 would be the kiss of death, us going to 2 is still fine.

I cannot escape the fact that Gustave is essentially telling me that he has moved on, and now has not only one, but two new lovers. AND I'M NOT EVEN DEAD YET!

He probably could have played me harder and I might have fallen for it, so I appreciate his honesty. But I also think it forces my hand. I cannot let Margot or Richie go here, because it means that then I am at the mercy of Oracle, Gustave and Suzy.

I also think that Suzy probably votes for Gustave/Oracle here, because why would she have created the Khaki Scouts otherwise? But I wouldn't rule out her freaking out and deciding that Margot is too much of a threat.
Madame D. could be deterred from making a move, or she could she just move on to even more desperate ideas.

Madame D.: I think my actual ideal is for this to be a tie vote of Suzy/Oracle/Gustave vs. Me/Margot/Richie, go to rocks and (obviously) have one of Oracle or Suzy (preferably Suzy) go.
In some ways the 1/3 chance of me going would be worth it if there's a 1/3 chance of Suzy going.

Would the Khaki Scouts four vote together?  Would Suzy Bishop be able to write down Oracle's name?  Would Madame D. satisfy her thirst for a move?  Find out at Tribal Council.

Margot Tenenbaum voted out 4-2, with Suzy and Madame D. joining Oracle and M. Gustave to make the move, and Richie and Margot Tenenbaum voting Oracle.

Viewing Audience / Round 14 Discussion
« on: October 01, 2021, 09:49:02 am »
Before the Suzy/Madame/Richie F3 started solidifying, I'd thought Richie would need to win immunity at 4 to make FTC.  Now I feel like, he's got the idol this round, and if he can keep Madame to F4 then she's the one that needs to win there.  Madame will have a tough road to get there.  This was extremely good for Oracle and Gustave... they'll have a much better chance of making/winning at F3 now.

American Empirical Pictures / Margot Tenenbaum
« on: October 01, 2021, 09:14:53 am »
Welcome, Margot.  You played very well and I didn’t expect to see you here this soon!

Challenges / Chapter Fourteen: Return of Dudley
« on: October 01, 2021, 08:31:39 am »
You wanna play some word games, or do some experiments on me or anything?

This next examination will test the same senses, perceptions, and skills as the previous one we did with Dudley, but this time, we're removing sound to find out how being without your sense of hearing affects your performance.  In Dudley's case, this would completely collapse his results, as in the above image where his task was to make his blocks like like Dr. St. Clair's. 

For our challenge, we'll be dealing with something slightly different than the above image.  Our challenge will look like this:

Looking at the above board, you'll see there are three components to each card: Shape, Shape color, Background color

Your task is to find acceptable sets of three cards.  For a set to be acceptable, each of the three components listed above must be either a) all identical, or b) all different.  You can mix and match, or in other words, the shape colors can all be identical, and the shapes themselves be all different, and you are still on track for a valid set. 

What you can not have in your set of three cards is two of any component.  Continuing our example of identical shape colors for three different shapes, if the background colors are all the same, we successfully have made a set.  If the background colors are all different, we also successfully have made a set.  However, if there are two of the same color, the set is invalid.  Similarly, if a set has two of the same shape or two of the same shape color, it is invalid.

Three same: yes
Three different: yes
Two: no!

In the sample image above:
Cards 2, 4, and 6 make a successful set, because all three components are different in each.
Cards 2, 5, and 7 make a successful set, because the background colors are all identical, while the shapes are all different, as are the shape colors.
Cards 1, 3, and 8 make a successful set, because the shapes are all identical, as are the shape colors, while the background colors are all different.

When you start this challenge, you will be shown an image like the one above.  Identify the sets you find by using the card numbering shown above.  To submit cards 2, 4, and 6 as a set, you will type 246.  642 would also have the same meaning since it identifies the same three cards.

There will be five separate rounds to play.

Correct sets will earn you 1 point.  Incorrect sets will lose 1 point. 
The player who successfully submits all the available sets in a given round in the least time also earns 2 points.

This means you are incentivized to work quickly to score the 2 bonus points, but if you work too quickly and do not find all the sets present, you will not be eligible for the 2 points.  Submitting an incorrect set will not make you ineligible for the 2 points, so long as you successfully find all the sets on the board.

To begin this challenge, you will click this link and fill out a form.  When you submit this form, your time will start immediately and you will be provided a link to a new form with the first game board.  When you submit your answers for that form, your time for the first board will conclude, and your time for the second round will immediately begin, with a new link to the next board being provided.  This process will continue until all five rounds are completed.  You will have one hour total to complete the entirety of the challenge.  Answers submitted after one hour has elapsed will not count.

The player with the most points at the end of the challenge wins immunity.  You cannot talk to your fellow tribemates about this challenge.

Society of Crossed Keys / Tribal Council 14: Society of Crossed Keys
« on: September 30, 2021, 08:34:27 am »
Tribal Council 14

Society of Crossed Keys, welcome to Tribal Council.

1. You all have a habit of voting into ties on even numbered rounds.  Have the sides who tied last time begun breaking down at all?  Would it be in people's interest to tie again?

2. As we saw, Royal was still checking the forum and available to vote.  Do you think it was a mistake for some people here to eliminate him?

3. In a previous challenge, we revealed that this game will have a F3.  Did anyone miss that?  How does that impact your thinking? 

4. We're so close to the end here.  Do relationships still matter, or is it time to make cold calculations of how to set up a winning end game for you?

5. The jaguar shark was a magnificent creature, wasn't it?  Did still being here to lay eyes on it feel like a climactic moment of the game to you?  How did witnessing its exotic and spectacular natural beauty change your outlook on this game and the world at large?

Home Theater / Episode Twelve
« on: September 30, 2021, 02:41:18 am »
Previously, on Survivor... a tense tie vote between Royal Tenenbaum and M. Gustave was set to resolve in Royal's favor, with Suzy flipping and voting out Gustave.  An 11th hour medivac of Duke prevented that, saving Gustave and keeping Suzy's flip from being revealed.

Heading into last episode's tie vote, the sides had been...


The rest

However, in pulling over Suzy Bishop, a new alliance was formed...

The Khaki Scouts

...potentially leaving 4vanhoe as just 3vanhoe.

In the midst of his maneuvering, Richie also had an ongoing struggle with interpreting the Binoculars.  The Binoculars were in fact a round one item that revealed the timing of the pirates, the swap, and the merge, as Sam Shakusky had correctly deduced.  But receiving them after the merge had already begun, Richie was stumped. (Uncharitable dodo music begins playing.)

If I'm very lucky next round will be some manner of train track challenge that I'll have an advantage on from the Binocular item description.  I'm certainly not going to roll over and give up, but this is going to be a long and grueling run the rest of the way.
What the hell man when do the binoculars come into play?

Early in the round, Royal Tenenbaum made a grand announcement.

Hey, y’all.

What a wild ride it’s been thus far. I’m so excited I’ve gotten to know everyone here, and I’ve really enjoyed the stellar gameplay that’s been on display, as well as the inevitable ups and downs that this game has brought.

If that sounds a little bit like an opening to a goodbye message, that’s because it is, to an extent. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s reset to the beginning—the very beginning.

I didn’t sign up for this game at the onset. I had a busy semester ahead, and in particular, I had a combination medical conference/scenic road trip with some friends planned for the end of September. Some of you see where I’m heading here already.

The game begins, and from all accounts, it’s going swimmingly. But then, something pretty normal in these games happens—someone needs to replace out. Francis replaces out, and Royal takes Francis’s place. However, what most of you likely don’t know is that, a few hours after Francis replaced out, the new player in Royal’s slot…also replaced out, for reasons that are unclear/unknown to me at this time. This left the mods in a bind, as (I can only assume) they had already given any other replacements, if they existed, spectator access, and were just fresh out of people who could replace in. They reached out to me through some mutual acquaintances, and I agreed to come into the game somewhat reluctantly, but told the mods that I would have a hard out at the end of September for my trip, which they agreed to.

So, I start playing the game, and I understand that, barring any bizarre complications, this game isn’t gonna end by the time my trip comes. So I play more carefreely than I usually do, and frankly, I’ve had an absolute blast. You, and everyone here, has made this such a fun experience, one of my favorite games I’ve been able to play online. However, one way or another, it’s coming to an end.

When I started, I was planning on just quitting in the round where I was going to leave for the trip. Clean, simple, easy. But after Buckley left the game, things changed for me. The biggest thing is that any quit robs the mods and players of one round of the game they’ve planned (I am NOT trying to blame Buckley for this, I’m speaking of quits/medevacs in general—I’m really excited for Buckley and hope he’s doing well). Buckley’s quit was one round down in the merge, and my leaving would be two, and that felt unfair to the mods.

So, I’ve decided on an imperfect solution. I leave early tomorrow morning, and I’ll be free to message folks until then. Once I leave, though, I’m not going to be able to let this game take over the trip. Here’s what that means for me. After we depart, I won’t be responding to anyone’s pms. I’ll be on my phone (won’t have my laptop with me to start with), and if I let myself respond to pms, I’ll respond to some people and not others inevitably. I’ve already felt how that feels from some players…including some still in the game. :P I won’t be doing that to others. I will, however, read pms I’m sent as I’m able to, Internet and time permitting. I also intend to continue to vote. I’ll be leaving some contingent votes for the next few rounds (three, by my count, since I’ll be gone through Sunday), though it’s entirely possible that only one of them will need to come into play. :D Finally, I’ll be nominally participating in challenges, enough so to not get an activity strike, but…you’ve seen my challenge performance thus far, not much is changing in that regard, I’m not particularly an immunity threat.

With that said, I’m happy to firm up plans with y’all tonight and over the next 8-12 hours, but I’m equally going to understand if you choose to just take me out unanimously immediately at the conclusion of this round. Let me quickly present a case on both sides of that. In favor of taking me out here—it would be an easy vote, and those have been few and far between in this merge, and even in this game. It gets all six of you forward to the Final Six, guaranteed, and that’s a powerful thing in this game. On the other side of the argument, I’d like you to consider whose game it benefits to take me out immediately, and not next round or the round after. Remember, we’re coming off of two consecutive tied votes in the even-numbered rounds. Given that you know I was on one side of the last tied vote and Duke was on the other, are you going into the Final Six intending to tie the vote? Which “side” wins out in that event?  Regardless of what you collectively decide, know that there’s no hard feelings from my perspective, and I fully expect to leave in the vote coming up. I truly do appreciate each and every one of you.

To demonstrate my appreciation, I have some unsolicited advice and comments for all of you. Feel free to ignore this, these are just a few of my thoughts on the game as we go into the Final Seven round for each of you (in alphabetical order).

M. Gustave—I really enjoyed getting to know you early on, and I think you’re one of the most interesting people here, if I look at your voting record. You’re solidly aligned with a lot of different people. I do worry about your messaging habits, and how it might impact the way the jury might perceive you. With me, for example (and I’ve heard this from others), you might wait 1, 2, even 3 days between responding to messages, and that leaves a bitter taste in people’s mouths, particularly when they’re headed out the door. Look, I’m not the paragon of message-sending in this game. I do my best, but particularly in the last week, school has gotten the better of me (not to mention my coming absence). Just consider this some friendly advice to step it up, if you can, as you get to the endgame.

Madame D.—We have had so much fun in this game, from my perspective. You’ve been incredibly loyal to the players you’ve been working with, and I really sense from you a desire to treat people humanely in this game, which I appreciate a lot. You’ve been able to weather a lot of votes coming your way, and have a lot of staying power. The biggest thing I’m concerned about with you is that everyone knows you have a solid resume—an idol, surviving all these votes, and some of the best connections with people in the game. Unless something changes, they’re sure to turn on you eventually.

Margot Tenenbaum—Margot, what can I say except that you’re an absolute powerhouse. You always have such a fun attitude, everyone who talks to you loves you, and you have such a solid strategic base on these votes. You’re just a truly impressive player. Similar to Madame, though, it’s tough to imagine the next several rounds progressing with everyone wanting to sit next to you in the end. I think the coalitions you’ve built will continue to serve you well for the moment, and, frankly, your challenge strength might push you through to the end alone, in which case you’re set up rather well. The reality is, with almost everyone in this game being a serious endgame threat…a serious endgame threat (and maybe several) WILL make it to the end.

Oracle—We’ve had such an intriguing relationship. I really really enjoyed you when we first started talking, and since then, things have devolved. Let me explain—from my perspective, we go through a vote, we come out of a vote with you telling me you want us to be more transparent with one another…and then when I try to make a gesture of good faith to take that relationship forward, you come at me or outright lie to me, increasingly more directly. Then you start the next round the exact same way—halfhearted apologies, saying you want to improve the relationship, and starting the cycle over. I need you to know this—I haven’t been coming after you. When folks have mentioned your name, even in the last round, I’ve deflected off of you largely because of the goodwill we had at the beginning of our time together. Yet, based on nothing at all that I know of, you’ve persisted in targeting me—citing an assumption that I’m targeting you, yet foregoing the open honesty that you claim to want us to have. You say (over and over and over again) that you value transparency, yet when you behave this way, especially consistently, it just comes off as patronizing. I’m not trying to be rude here, but you’re not nearly as slick as you imagine yourself to be, and I am certain I’m not alone in this—people see through your antics. If you’re treating other people like this, especially as they’re heading out the door, it’s difficult, at best, for me to imagine a scenario where you could win, even though on paper you have a solid game you could defend. The good news for you is that it’s that lack of jury management…of people management…that might let you continue to move forward in the game.

Richie Tenenbaum—You were the only person who knew that this situation was going to happen, that I was going to be taking a leave of absence from the game. That’s because, after Buckley left, I decided I was going to leave in this manner, but I still wanted to try to have an impact on the game. So I chose to do my best to propel you forward. It worked out well at first, from my perspective, but you quickly became pretty chaotic. While you never betrayed me or voted directly for me, to my knowledge, you made moves that you didn’t discuss with me, or possibly lied to me about. That really frustrated me, to the point where I almost regretted giving you the Team Zissou rings I got in the first tribe auction, as well as an idol clue. The Team Zissou rings, for those not in the loop, allow the holder to give one of the rings to someone else—if they accept the ring, neither of you are allowed to vote for the other player through the Final Five. I trust that you were able to use the rings to cement goodwill with someone going forward, but that alone might not be enough to get you to the end, particularly as I’m likely out the door next. I’m continuing to root for you, Richie, and I truly hope you continue to make the most of this experience.

Suzy Bishop—Suzy, we’ve been on different sides of a lot of votes, but I truly haven’t met a more kind person in this game. Your love for the game—every single part of it—is apparent through the way you discuss strategy and the challenges, and it’s honestly been incredibly refreshing to get to play with you. Here’s my concern for you—I think if you’re sitting in the end alongside people who made the same moves you did, you win without question. You’re indisputably the architect of a lot of difficult decisions this game, and you’ve played very humanely with folks. However, if you’re sitting next to people who can more readily contrast their game with yours, who have different moves to claim or a better resume in general, I think the outcome is slightly more up in the air. I look forward, with great interest, to seeing how you navigate the final few rounds as we approach the Final Three.

I’ve been yammering on too much already, but let me know (and quickly) if you have any questions. Again, I don’t expect to survive past this next round, but it’s been such a joy doing this game with you—I wish I didn’t have to leave so I could see what a “clean” finish to this might look like.

Lovingly yours,
Royal Tenenbaum

With Royal ready to go dark, his erstwhile allies prepared to let him go and pivot to the new Khaki Scouts alliance.

The new alliance is called the Khaki Scouts, another wonderful Wes Anderson themed group name.  Suzy started the group chat, I helped her brainstorm the name.  It is Suzy, Madame D., Margot and myself.  This is a balanced alliance for myself and Madame D. as we both have long term original tribe allies with us.  It is a balanced alliance for Suzy and myself as I have the closer relationship with Madame D. while she is closer to Margot.  It is even fairly well balanced for Margot and myself, and I think (hope?) it's the best that Margot can expect to find to get her close to the end from here...
My ideal final three is Madame D. and Suzy.  That is honoring the loyalty I promised to both of them.  It will be very competitive and in all likelihood a fully live tribal with many jury votes open to win.

But some players were beginning to entertain other ideas.

Oracle: "what if the entire game seems like it’s voting royal, and then you/me/gustave vote for someone else? Royal in theory isn’t self voting hopefully. Therefore even if the vote ties on the revote you me and gustave have majority?"
A wild plan I just proposed to Suzy.

Madame D.: It will likely be a Royal vote this round, with everyone saying that to me, even though I have told both Suzy and Margot that I'm worried about Richie (even after them knowing about the rings) and even after having hinted to Oracle and Gustave that I could at some point be down for a move.
... But, if I somehow were able to use Gustave and Oracle to eliminate Margot and Richie whilst also making it to the end myself, now that would be flash, I think. But can I do that? How do I do that?

After Margot was a-maze-ing in the immunity challenge, those who weren't immune began to feel the paranoia of a too-quiet round dawn on them.

I’m getting weird vibes. Maybe my time is up?

I hope I’m just freaking out because I’m tired and feeling insecure but it’s so hard to know what to do because I don’t even know if there’s a move against me here.
Sure hope I'm not getting voted out by Oracle, Suzy, Margot and Gustave rn
Quote from: Oracle
My gut is telling me I am the vote
It is screaming it at me
But like if I am what the actual hell can I even do here?
oracle is worried/paranoid that he's going out this tribal. hopefully he's wrong, because talking to him is great. but it wouldn't be a bad move from the rushmores + richie to knock us down to 2, so i won't be surprised if he's gone (or me/suzy for that matter).

Was there a stealth plan in the works, lining up a massive blindside?  Find out at Tribal Council.

Royal Tenenbaum voted out 6-1, with one vote on M. Gustave.

Viewing Audience / Round 13 Discussion
« on: September 29, 2021, 08:57:17 am »
Here we go!

I feel like I wish the two challenges, last one and this one, were swapped. This one matters, and it felt a little underwhelming as I finalized it while last challenge actually ended up working well.

Challenges / Chapter Thirteen: Hunt for the Jaguar Shark
« on: September 29, 2021, 08:35:09 am »
How are things going with your - what are you calling it? Leopard fish?
Jaguar shark.
Jaguar shark! So tell me - does it really exist?
You know, Allie, I don't want to give away the ending.

For this challenge, we're going to need you to all load up into the Belafonte, because it's time to once and for all hunt down our white whale, or, more accurately, the elusive jaguar shark.

To begin this challenge, you will click this link and fill out a form, after which your time will start and the game will begin.  One by one, you will be given several places to search for the jaguar shark, along with a submission field.  An example might be "Check the third bulleted name in the Welcome thread."  In that case, you would enter "Jeff Goldblum" and then click to receive your next search coordinate until the form concludes.

When you finish submitting your answers, you will find the jaguar shark and must post it in your confessional.

The player who correctly searches the most assigned search locations in the shortest amount of time will win immunity.  You have 20 minutes from the time you start this challenge to post the jaguar shark and conclude your run.

American Empirical Pictures / Royal Tenenbaum
« on: September 29, 2021, 08:34:05 am »
Thank you again for bailing us out at game start, and you made a nice run out of it! Thanks also for sticking it out and doing what you could within your restrictions once your trip began.

Society of Crossed Keys / Tribal Council 13: Society of Crossed Keys
« on: September 28, 2021, 08:30:46 am »
Tribal Council 13

Society of Crossed Keys, welcome to Tribal Council.

1. Was this a straightforward maze challenge, or did the different animals with their different abilities actually add a new component?

2. We were in the late stages of a tiebreak vote when Duke withdrew from the game. What would have happened if he hadn’t left?

3. Royal made an interesting post today, not only announcing his status but sharing dirt on other players. What’s your response to what he said about you?

4. Any thoughts on his comments on the other competitors?

5. Royal is still in this game unless you all vote him out. Do you think you’ll come together to make the easy vote, or are you expecting some funny business?

Home Theater / Episode Eleven
« on: September 28, 2021, 02:23:58 am »
Previously, on Survivor... a would-be vote against Madame D. was scuttled in the closing hour against Tribal Council after Suzy revealed the vote to Richie, who in turn leaked the plan to Madame D.  Madame D would play her idol, while votes previously aimed at Madame were quickly shifted to the opposing target, Herman Blume, who became the latest player to join the jury.

Richie Tenenbaum, upon hearing from Suzy the 5vanhoe (Duke, Herman, M. Gustave, Oracle, Suzy) plan to vote Madame D. out, had relayed that information to his new Team Zissou partner Madame D. at the end of the previous round.

Richie Tenenbaum: Suzy revealed the new every-Ivanhoe-except-Richie alliance that is targeting Madame.  She leaked to me and I promptly leaked to Madame.

In the aftermath of the vote, Suzy Bishop was not happy a happy camper.

Meanwhile, although Suzy seemed to be the source of the leak, M. Gustave began to shoulder the blame.

Oracle: So apparently it was gustave not suzy.
This is even less great.

absolutely dying of embarrassment. cannot bear to open richie's pms rn. that will wait until tomorrow when hopefully the shame will be less burning. so much fun, i've successfully created my worst fear: making a fool of myself in front of my peers. ughhh
the simple version: i was talking to richie about how i promise that i was thinking through my options, and i'd let him know if it was likely to be him. i then told him with about 40 minutes left that it was him, which he instantly saw through, thus shooting the plan to vote madame into bits. i feel less bad about it now, having slept on it, but still a big misplay. by the end of the game i'm sure i'll be able to laugh about it, but not just yet.

5vanhoe would reform as 4vanhoe, the same grouping minus Herman Blume, but people on all sides were setting their sights on Richie as the target, with his game still struggling to recover from the outing of his mutiny, along with a general wariness the other players had developed of his game.

Margot Tenenbaum: Yeah I’m not interested in pushing Suzy here, and honestly I’m not even mad at her for last round. I think it’s Richie’s time to go. I feel like everyone has at least one reason to want him out and I certainly don’t trust him.

Going into the challenge, there was just one thing that couldn't happen, and which could have calamitous repercussions...

Oracle: If richie becomes immune there is a very real possibility this round goes to rocks.

The challenge involved navigating a text-based maze and collecting letters, which could then be unscrambled.

After the above post from Oracle, who else could win but Richie Tenenbaum?  Newly secure, he was able to solidify a relationship with Margot, creating a voting bloc of Margot, Madame, Richie, and Royal, and firm lines seemed to be getting drawn.  Richie wanted to target Oracle, but was forced to settle for M. Gustave.

honestly, it's probably a smart play by richie to not vote me out

we're acting as mutual shields for each other in a way which is uhhhh cool? man this game is so intense actually

Richie seems very excessively agitated that it might be Gustave going and not Oracle, so I'll need to manage that. Oracle had a passive aggressive blow-up about how Royal had heard that Oracle wanted him gone (after Oracle has been pushing Royal's name for several rounds) and is saying he needs to vote Royal. Duke is also planning to vote Royal, but has more sensible reasoning, believing that Royal is a threat to Duke's chances of getting to the end (which is not true, but I can see why Duke thinks it might be)

At the very least, I'm hoping that I can rely on Royal, Richie and Margot for this vote. That should be enough.
With the aura of rocks in the air, Duke would shift 4vanhoe's target from a potential Margot vote to a Royal one.

Issue - there are four votes solidly on Gustave. Margot, Madame, Richie, Royal. And none have any chance to shift, I think. So at best we're going to a tie vote in a situation where all the people I'm okay with going out here are immune to rocks and I'm at risk.

Solution - I know Madame and Margot are solidly on Gustave, and will not voluntarily go to Royal. So, I've made my thought process clear - why I want Royal out - and I've pitched to them that they do their thing, they let me do my thing, I'll push a Royal vote, and I'll focus primarily on getting votes off Margot in order to do so.

Suzy, for her part, was patching up her relationship with Richie, but was not content to let her game rest solely with him or with 4vanhoe.

Suzy Bishop: I made a F2 deal with Madame lol. I think I would absolutely lose if I went to the end with her BUT you know what? she has become my favorite person and I'm so sick of everyone else here.

Suzy Bishop: I actually feel like I can choose whatever I want to a certain degree. I know I posted all this angry stuff about Richie but I think we've re-centered. I've not been sharing all the info with him but I think he would take me to the end. I can't win any challenges so I really need to be taken to the end.

See what happened at Tribal Council.


The vote came out with four on M. Gustave and four on Royal Tenenbaum, as was widely expected.  The players would have 24 hours to settle the tie, but the mood was bittersweet as players prepared for the showdown.

Tonight Gustave and I have been having a friends night. We both understand we don't know what is going to happen tomorrow and wanted to have one final chit chat night where we just continued to get to know about each other and just enjoy each other's company. I really hope he doesn't go tomorrow because I'm going to miss him a lot...

Really I'm starting to feel like things won't work out tomorrow, but at least I had this time to just have one last fun night with him before this game reaches it's natural conclusion. I don't know if he leaves, if royal leaves, or if this goes to rocks. This has been one of the most intense experiences of my entire survivor career and people came to play. I would like it to keep going, but the truth is I have no clue what the next couple days hold and so I guess I'm just feeling kind of sentimental.

At the same time, talk of rocks would only increase.

Oracle: Kind of want to go to rocks here. Not going to lie. At least then I'll finally know about what position I will get in this game rather than having a shit ton of people make promises they can't keep.

The more I think about it the more I think having a rock draw happen here would be the right thing for my game.  I mean, come on... when am I ever going to win an immunity challenge the same round there is a tie vote again?

Royal would be guaranteed safe.  20% chance to lose Madame D. which is the only truly bad outcome.  20% chance to lose Suzy who is just becoming way too unreliable.  20% chance to lose Margot and the only possible other idol.  40% chance to split up Duke and Oracle.

I really want to spin that wheel.

If Suzy flips her vote I'm strongly considering flipping mine to offset it.

I love Survivor man the strategy is just endlessly interesting.

Duke: At this point I feel like it has to be a game of chicken. Madame and Margot are definitely less willing to flip right now than I thought they would be, which was a big miscalculation on my part, and they definitely won't move if they don't absolutely think we're all willing to go to rocks. Would they go to rocks if they do think we're staying strong? It makes some sense if they think we're just going to go Richie-Margot-Madame afterward, so my primary concern here has to be convincing them that that's not going to happen.

Duke: hey all, I had something come up today and I know it's an important phase but I don't think I can be here right now. I'll make sure I'm around to message in the evening

Madame D.: I've gone to rocks before in game and been sent home and I'd do it again, every time!


It emerged with just a few hours left in Tribal Council, however, that Suzy Bishop was not quite so keen on going to rocks.

Suzy Bishop: I'm not willing to go to rocks. I just wanted to buy some more time before I ultimately make some people very disappointed.

What would happen?


Duke: Sorry to end this here, but you all don't need to revote. I had something happen today and I can't keep going with this right now. I wish you all the best and I'll see you at the end.

Saving M. Gustave from Suzy's flip, it was Duke who withdrew from the game with one hour remaining in Tribal Council.


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