Survivor: Wes Anderson

Confessionals => Sam Shakusky => Topic started by: Wes Anderson on September 02, 2021, 06:48:57 am

Title: {Your status}
Post by: Wes Anderson on September 02, 2021, 06:48:57 am
The moderators will use this thread to track your personal film project (a flavor-only theme running through this game), in addition to your personal item inventory.

Your film's cast:
LEADING: Luke Wilson
LEADING: Frances McDormand
LEADING: Saoirse Ronan
SUPPORTING: Jeff Goldblum
SUPPORTING: Willem Dafoe

Title: Re: {Your status}
Post by: Brendan on September 04, 2021, 08:41:40 am
Congrats! You've won some items.

Dog flu serum
Looks like a perfectly good dose of serum.  I guess it'll come in handy if you come across anyone with snout fever.

These provide a great view down the Darjeeling tracks.  You stand at mile marker 20.  Looks like everything proceeds straight ahead until mile marker 14, at which point a second line comes in and there's a switch in the tracks.  Also, looks like there's a small station at mile marker 16.  Down at mile marker 12 the two tracks merge into one.   That's about as far as you can see.

Looking over these plans, and they seem to indicate that botching the next challenge, just completely misfiring, might actually provide a small personal benefit for a limited number of players if they can find a way to reuse those bullets.
Title: Re: {Your status}
Post by: Sam Shakusky on September 07, 2021, 08:33:43 am
Anonymously give Dog flu serum to Young Writer

Anonymously give Schematics to Young Writer
Title: Re: {Your status}
Post by: Wes Anderson on September 07, 2021, 08:41:45 am
They have been delivered!