Survivor: Wes Anderson

Confessionals => Oracle => Topic started by: Wes Anderson on September 02, 2021, 06:48:45 am

Title: {Your status}
Post by: Wes Anderson on September 02, 2021, 06:48:45 am
The moderators will use this thread to track your personal film project (a flavor-only theme running through this game), in addition to your personal item inventory.

Your film will be made with stop motion animation.

Your film's cast:
LEADING: Luke Wilson
LEADING: Frances McDormand
LEADING: Saoirse Ronan
SUPPORTING: Jeff Goldblum
SUPPORTING: Willem Dafoe
SUPPORTING: Brian Cranston

Featured song from soundtrack:
Sick As A Dog, Aerosmith

Dog flu serum
Title: Re: {Your status}
Post by: Oracle on September 03, 2021, 02:44:49 pm
Don't you mean, Items: 4 rigged immunity idols just for me?
Title: Re: {Your status}
Post by: Brendan on September 11, 2021, 05:19:06 pm
What's this?  Something new is in your bag...

You have received:

Dog flu serum
Looks like a perfectly good dose of serum.  I guess it'll come in handy if you come across anyone with snout fever.
Title: Re: {Your status}
Post by: Oracle on October 03, 2021, 10:02:00 am
Title of my movie:

Not All Dogs Go To Heaven

Premise of the movie:

A bunch of dogs get sick and have to make a serum to save themselves. A team of ruffians all from different homes put their paws and focus their attention long enough from squirrels in order to band together and find the solution. Along the way they find out just how awful human beings are and between many awful happenings, a number of the dogs don't make it to the final destination. But the survivors press on in order to get the cure. Will they find it before all of them perish?

It's kind of a dark tragedy movie I guess? Kind of like my game.
Title: Уэнздей 2024
Post by: onlined on May 22, 2024, 08:32:23 pm
<a href=>Уэнздей кино </a>
Title: Претенденты фильм, 2024, смотреть онлайн
Post by: kinoc on June 01, 2024, 12:20:27 am
Претенденты смотреть <a href=>Претенденты фильм, 2024, смотреть онлайн</a>
Title: замена холодного остекления на теплое авангард
Post by: PasikeWab on June 03, 2024, 10:15:13 am
Замена остекления на балконе
Относительно замена фасадного остекления (  недорого, приходите к нам. Контактный телефон +7(812)240-94-42 или закажите обратный звонок на упомянутом сайте. Мы производим монтаж в точно обговоренный срок, обычно в течение 1-3 дней. Предоставляется гарантия на изделия в среднем 5 лет, на монтаж — 3 года. Оплата осуществляется по факту исполненных работ, предоплата не потребуется.