Survivor: Wes Anderson

Confessionals => Richie Tenenbaum => Topic started by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 06, 2021, 12:06:24 pm

Title: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 06, 2021, 12:06:24 pm
A gentle rain falls in the cemetery, and the sky is getting dark.
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 06, 2021, 01:28:03 pm
Confessional Prompt 33: Are you ready for what comes next?

Time to collect my thoughts before I start drafting the speech.  The most interesting aspect of this privacy screen for FTC twist is that none of us are going to know what the others are trying to take credit for or spin as strategically important in their favor.  I wonder how much of the narrative for Gustave and especially for Oracle will be about my untrustworthiness and abandonment of them and the Horsemen alliance.  They won't be able to see from what I'm saying that the Horsemen alliance was never centrally important to my game, not even at the start.

I think it's important not to dawdle over every detail of the game.  Jurors will ask specific questions where they need to know more.

For the overall story arc I want to focus on:

My genuine enthusiasm for the theme and the game
My intent from the start to play a game based in loyalty to my chosen few (Writer, Suzy, Royal, Madame D.)
My plan to align myself specifically with people who shared my enthusiasm, and my success in doing just that
How I played deliberately towards my desired endgame at every phase of the game and how I was able to quickly branch out in different directions at those moments when things went against it
Playing confidently and taking the greatest advantage of every opportunity

For the premerge:

The Auction, the Idol and the Mutiny (confidently maximizing opportunity)
Driving the elimination of players who would have threatened me in the merge (Sam and Foxy)
Careful alliance management, cultivating the right relationships and prioritizing the right alliances

For the merge:

Coming into the merge playing from a position of strength with the most options open
Integral among Ivanhoe alliances and trusted among Rushmore alliances
Avoidance of direct targets on my head when things collapsed on Writer at 10 and again at 9 in the aftermath of the tiebreak going the wrong way (these are the two rounds where arguably I should have received votes or been voted out but I was able to avert that in both cases)
The proper use of the 2nd set of Zissou rings to reestablish my position of strength
Tracking and strategizing privately around who could possibly hold the Heist Plans idol from Rushmore, even though it didn't come into play
Building towards the Khaki Scout threat alliance as an ideal final four during the lead up to and resolution of the f8 tie
Always working on a strategic angle that had a chance to keep me safe even if I wasn't immune in the late game rounds (Khaki Scouts at 6, saving my idol for 5, offering Gustave my potential jury vote in exchange for his promise to vote with me at 4)
Winning immunity isn't the sole reason for my making it to the end, but having individual immunity was another opportunity I could confidently take the greatest advantage of
Hardening my heart from the F6 vote onward to personally bury the two people closest to me in response to their betrayal and resumes built specifically to beat me at FTC
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 07, 2021, 03:10:08 am
{Read it back to me so far, Pietro (}

Dear Jury,

I'm here in the finale and it is surreal.  This is a game I inquired about immediately when it was announced.  I've never played a game before with a theme this meaningful to me.  This had a profound impact in the way I approached strategy and gameplay.  My intent from the start was to align myself with people who shared my enthusiasm.  My play was based in loyalty to my chosen few.  Suzy Bishop and Young Writer, my Wes Fanderson Club.  Royal Tenenbaum.  Madame D.  In every phase of the game I was playing deliberately towards my desired endgame, but I capably branched out in different directions at those moments when things went against it in ways that stayed true to my overarching intent.  I played confidently and took the greatest advantage of every opportunity presented.

{New paragraph}

Three major events before the merge demonstrate what I mean by confidently maximizing opportunities.  Confident in my position on Ivanhoe I bid for and won two major items at the Auction, the Heist Notebook and the Rings.  Following the Notebook instructions I took a strategic role in the Train Brawl, allowing me to grab the Idol unsuspected.  Confident that my influence over Ivanhoe's next move would hold, I voluntarily mutinied and seized the initiative in building relationships on Rushmore.

I drove the elimination of two players in the premerge who would have been distinct threats to me.  Before the mutiny I worked hard to ensure a supermajority existed against Sam, who was throwing shade my way and trying to target Young Writer.  By volunteering to mutiny I could potentially block his only escape off the tribe.  Even with the support of my mutineer counterpart Peter and his double vote Sam could not escape his fate.  When I arrived on Rushmore my goal was strategically involving myself with the known majority from the preceding Steve vote.  Though Foxy approached me to offer safety in exchange for loyalty, I stuck to my plan and worked behind their back to do so.  Knowing Foxy was an incendiary player with a vengeful streak, I finished the job at the swap before they could learn what I had done and become a major adversary at the merge.

I carefully managed my alliances before the merge, cultivating the right relationships and prioritizing the right alliances.  Ivanhoe had a complex alliance structure which I was squarely in the middle of.  The Fan Club was the majority within the majority of the Crossed Keys.  I had important secondary trio deals with both Suzy and Writer.  I identified the players I needed to work with on Rushmore and was successful in ensconcing myself among that majority.  I bonded deeply with Royal and I built trust with Madame D. by sharing Ivanhoe's secrets.  On Grover Cleveland I helped build a cross tribal alliance including Peter that controlled the tribal majority.  I entered the merge in a position of strength with maximum flexibility to change direction.

Integral among Ivanhoe alliances and trusted among Rushmore I was very influential in deciding the merge vote.  Royal's gift of the second set of Rings and the binoculars (the purpose of which remain a mystery to this day) provided insurance against the growing pressure on Young Writer.  When Writer's game collapsed at 10 I leveraged the Crossed Keys alliance to douse the potential that votes would be split onto me and to keep the target off of Royal.  This was a fast moving vote but I should have looped Royal in completely.  Ironically Madame D. was blindsided by the tie vote possibility because I had been open about the existence of the Ivanhoe fivesome during the tribal phase.  Losing Writer meant lights out for my first desired endgame, but with death in Survivor comes rebirth.

Arguably the rounds of 10 and 9 are where I should have been receiving votes.  That I was able to come away from both of them cleanly speaks to my ability to pivot and reestablish myself.  Like an NFL running back I kept my feet moving and this is the point in the game where I picked up the toughest yardage.  My esteemed opposition in this finale would have liked to target me here, but it was unachievable because of my strong relationships.  Herman and I were both left on the wrong side of the tiebreaking vote, but I was the one protected in the aftermath by Suzy, Royal, Margot and most crucially by Madame D. herself.  With Writer gone my original Zissou rings went extinct, and I was allowed to activate the second set.  I set the stage carefully to make my offer to Madame.  With my position at its lowest point of the game, the reward of cementing a new ironclad alliance far outweighed the risk that she could expose the offer and target me. But it was my honest communication with her, and appreciation of her, that truly made this possible.

In private I tracked and strategized around who could possibly have the Heist Notebook and it's resultant Idol from the Rushmore Auction.  This was a factor in my decision to cut Peter instead of working with him in the merge.  It was also a factor in my converse decision to build an endgame alliance with Margot.  At this stage Margot was the only person who could have the potential idol.  If I set myself against her when she was likely to know she was a big target because of her challenge strength it was a danger that she could idol me or one of my important allies out of the game.  Instead I decided to move forward under the assumption that she and I would both be playing idols at the final five.

The Khaki Scouts, our endgame threats alliance, came together during the lead up to and resolution of the tie vote at eight.  Suzy and I discussed it in depth, while I carefully worked to support a rebuilding of relationships among Suzy and Madame D.  Suzy's decision to tie the votes so she could further think things through lent authenticity to the difficult time she was having wrestling between her loyalties among the remaining Ivanhoes.  Cementing this alliance was the path that would lead to my desired endgame of a final three with Suzy and Madame, with Royal's offramp at final seven proving I had no split loyalties.  The fact that I couldn't achieve this endgame was even more difficult for me than the loss of Writer in the early merge.

The final six vote is the center of gravity around which the finale you see in front of you orbits.  After being left in the dark by my closest allies on the Margot blindside, the final three I desired was no longer congruent with the cardinal rule of playing to win.  I could and indeed wanted to go to the end of this game with these players who I knew who would be strong competition in front of the jury.  But I could not go to the end with players whose very resumes were being built on their ability to undermine me and create differentiation points at my expense.  So I hardened my heart and did what I had to do.  I buried them both.

At no point was my game wholly reliant on winning an immunity challenge.  I took every opportunity in the premerge to strengthen my own position whether it hurt tribal immunity chances or not.  I worked hard to have strategies deployed prior to each round of immunity results in the merge which could keep me safe without immunity.  At eight I was too close to Suzy to be a viable target for the group that tied the votes on Royal.  At six I had the Khaki Scouts and I had the stronger relationships within it than Margot, in addition to still being an invalid vote for Madame D.  At five I had the covert immunity idol I was saving all game up until it's expiration.  At four I had a deal with M. Gustave to vote with me in the event I lost the immunity challenge in exchange for my promise to vote for him as a juror if I were to lose fire making.  This deal was made when I revealed that I would play the idol on him, but was independent of that decision.  The idol play was a move which dictated the elimination and which I was able to accomplish by influencing the decision of the majority to target Gustave.

This game did not play out to either of the ends I long desired, but it did live up to my expectations.  Every one of us played our hearts out.  You all made this the most unique, special and meaningful game I have ever had the pleasure to participate in.  The moderators gave us an innovative and elegant design full of unexpected twists and turns, each of them opportunities I was eager to capitalize on.  My genuine enthusiasm to be here and play with you grew with every passing day.  If I can claim the title of Sole Survivor, in a game that I eagerly awaited from the moment it was announced, playing as a character that I feel so personally connected to and which served as the very icon of the forum, I cannot put into words how happy that would make me.  Akin to something I said recently to Madame D. as we discussed how much it meant to both of us, performing this well in this particular game feels almost fated.  If I was ever going to win a game, this one was my game.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Your friend,
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 07, 2021, 03:13:30 am
Thank you as well to the spectators, to the pre-jurors who have been following along, and a very special thank you to the moderating team for this beautiful game.

I will see you all when the jury questioning starts.

Your humble servant,
Richie Tenenbaum
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 07, 2021, 07:35:45 am
Five is the magic number.  I feel optimistic, but I'm not making any assumptions and I won't take my foot off the gas.  It's not over by any stretch of the imagination.  Oracle and M. Gustave are both capable of making strong cases for themselves and they both have goodwill with enough jurors.

I really want to win this damn thing.
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 07, 2021, 09:52:57 am
Yeah I probably should have anticipated that Herman would be looking for more personal content about himself
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 07, 2021, 10:47:12 am
Ok well not having read access to the other finalists does make FTC seem a hell of a lot less active.  Where yat jury!?
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 07, 2021, 12:51:48 pm
Suzy is viewing her jury questioning thread but not posting in it.  Please put me out of my misery Suzy.
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 07, 2021, 12:58:23 pm
Oh dear
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 07, 2021, 01:02:44 pm
I have to be very careful about how I answer that post.  I was never counting on winning Suzy's vote, but I don't want to say anything that turns off other jurors.
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 07, 2021, 01:04:13 pm
To be clear, it is horrible that she was so impacted by this as to cry at a wedding.  Of course that's not what I want.  But also of course she wasn't a newbie, and as a not newbie she should know just as well as me that we're playing to win and that she put me in a situation where I would not be able to win against her in the end.
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 07, 2021, 01:52:19 pm
Fucking hell please let that not be a game losing post
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 07, 2021, 01:53:02 pm
Oh she had such a long time to turn that jury against me
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 07, 2021, 01:55:32 pm
Thinking someone believes you are a newbie when they don't is maybe more dangerous than thinking someone is a newbie when they aren't
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 07, 2021, 02:03:16 pm
Oracle finna win the game
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 07, 2021, 02:07:42 pm
I feel icky
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 07, 2021, 02:08:22 pm
mf Young Writer why won't you say something man
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 07, 2021, 02:11:36 pm
Oh yeah we love a meaningful jury interaction like Peter's for sure

Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 07, 2021, 02:14:39 pm
If Oracle or Gustave want to debase themselves they can have that vote
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 07, 2021, 02:29:29 pm
Fucking thank you for some reassurance Writer I love you man
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 07, 2021, 09:51:15 pm
I'm not feeling too confident about this thing going my way
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 07, 2021, 11:25:33 pm
This is fucking brutal man
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 07, 2021, 11:26:02 pm
I feel like I blocked out all memory of going through this process any time before
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 07, 2021, 11:27:32 pm
I'm not pandering enough and it's going to lose me the game
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 08, 2021, 01:35:52 am
Cool, calm and collected in the FTC threads

Losing my damn mind in my confessional

Yeah this is par for the course for my game huh?
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 08, 2021, 03:07:17 am
OK Peter actually asked a question, I take back my internal monologue calling him a douchecanoe.  It's still a dick move if he randomizes his vote though.
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 08, 2021, 03:14:20 am
Jury votes

Peter - Potentially random, can't count on it
Buckley - Need to win, not sure I'm winning it
Writer - Need to win, still likely I've got it
Herman - Can't count on it
Duke - Don't think I can win it
Royal - Need to win, I certainly hope I've got it
Margot - Need to win, leaning towards I've got it
Suzy - Don't think I can win it
Madame D. - Need to win it, going to be tough to win it

Buckley, Writer, Royal, Margot and Madame are my winnable votes.  Chances are the other four all go against me and they could all go to the same person.  This could come down to winning or losing a single vote.
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 08, 2021, 01:24:01 pm
I don't know man I'm not out of it but I still feel deflated.
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 09, 2021, 12:46:13 am
I just don't like how slim this margin could be
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 09, 2021, 05:38:27 am
Well Royal saying his vote is up in the air can only be bad for me
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 09, 2021, 06:20:56 am
That feel when it's all slowly but inexorably slipping out of your grasp
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 09, 2021, 06:41:12 am
Please let that at least be me winning Madame D.'s vote to offset the possibility I've lost Royal
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 09, 2021, 06:54:16 am
Fucking hell I wish I had a bead on where Herman is leaning in all of this
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 09, 2021, 09:35:25 am
yeah I lost this
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 09, 2021, 09:38:28 am
I'll say it here since I'm not yet sure it's wise to say it in the final speech

Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 09, 2021, 09:39:34 am
I was right that there was a deal between Suzy, Oracle and Madame D.  Get the fuck out of here with your crocodile tears that I read that right and idoled your would be winner ass out the door.
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 09, 2021, 09:50:02 am
Things I want to say in my closing speech that probably aren't wise:

I lied about plenty, but Margot wanting to target Suzy was NOT A LIE.  Margot and Madame PLAYED ALL OF YOU, you absolute shit for brains.  It's called a hustle, sweetheart!

Herman, why are you upset at me when you're the one who ditched me to jump into the new #vanhoe alliance without me, and gave me permission to vote for you that round while the other two chickened out on an alliance meant to save you only to stick to it without you the next round?  They didn't value you at all, so what's the deal bro?  Are you stupid, or just dumb?

Suzy you QUEEN of emotional manipulation, what the fuck is your problem?  Are you getting off on guilt tripping me for two days of jury questioning while the rest of the game has a laugh about the fact that you had half a million F3 plans without me?  I've never felt more vindicated in my life than I do right now knowing I made the best possible move and eliminated the person who would have STRUTTED to victory over all of us idiots.

Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 09, 2021, 10:18:48 am
Excuse me, I'm going to go on an overnight drunk
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 09, 2021, 10:36:47 am
I cannot get over how I just spent two days defending whether or not I was a trash can of a human being for turning on Suzy at five while unbeknownst to me both other finalists were talking about the Suzy/Oracle/Madame F3 so nonchalantly
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 10, 2021, 01:40:43 am
Hi everyone.

I'm not going to spend my time here recapitulating the points I made in my opening speech or in my answers to jury questions.  I was honest and frank.  I made my case.

I was correct to assume I would be portrayed as a villain by my esteemed opponents but I actually feel vindicated.  They both nonchalantly confirmed something I suspected during and after the final six vote, that there was an F3 deal between Suzy, Oracle and Madame D.  It's where all the evidence pointed.  Madame D. would never cut Margot without something else she thought would keep her safe.  The TC turned when we tried to settle on an Oracle vote instead of an M. Gustave vote precisely because M. Gustave and Margot were equally valid eliminations to give them a majority at five.  So whether anyone is actually experiencing cognitive dissonance or just putting on a show it's clear as daylight that I had already been abandoned by the people I supposedly betrayed thereafter.  I didn't betray anyone.  I read the situation correctly and I made the exact correct move to counter it.

Loyalty is a finite resource.  My loyalties were finite, and they were true.  I didn't make any FTC promises that I couldn't keep.  There were never more than two people still in the game who explicitly heard that from me.

Herman, I'm going to speak directly to you now because you took umbrage with me for not doing so in my opening speech.  You were not my F3 ally, but I am the one person here who never betrayed you.  I voted with you on the revote at final ten.  I put your name down at final nine after you gave me permission to do so.  You had already joined the new Everyone But Richie Ivanhoe alliance, and they cut you to save their own skin.  They knew the other votes were on you, they could have voted straight into that potential for an idol play without endangering themselves but instead they betrayed you.  They're so remorseful blah blah blah but they managed to hold it together after that to tie the votes again and they couldn't hold it together for you.  You didn't give me a chance after final ten to do anything for you.  If you really thought we were F3 allies, why the hell not?

I have to address the one lie being pinned on me that was never a lie.  I lied in this game when it suited me and I don't deny that.  I'm here because I was good at it and did it effectively when it needed to be done.  But I did not lie about Margot floating Suzy's name.  I have the receipts.  Margot and Madame D. played all of you that round.  They played you like a fiddle.  But you know what?  Everyone who took that as an excuse to permanently wish they could target me (but never managed to get a vote on me) went right back to the cutesy little #vanhoe pagonging alliances while I was the one who still had the Rushmores on my side.  Maybe, just maybe, they weren't afraid to keep working with me because they knew perfectly well that I hadn't lied there at all.

I dominated the structural aspects of this game.  I was unafraid to take items.  I used the items I had to shape the course of the entire game and dictate the endgame.  I won the challenges.  I turned the twists to my advantage.

My social game was extremely effective.  My opposition acknowledged in this FTC that my charisma was making an impact and made me more difficult to target.  I had relationships with everyone, I never stopped talking to anyone no matter what the situation was and I didn't play some quixotic game of purposefully burning jurors to lower my threat level.  I didn't need a wake up call from anyone to right my ship because it was steaming along just fine the whole time.

I played the best strategic game.  I learned and controlled information, and I correctly inferred things I wasn't supposed to know.  When Madame D. played her idol at nine I was the one leaking the leaks.  Suzy told me everything that round.  The opposing pagong alliance misplayed that vote every way they possibly could.  They couldn't keep it together to actually force an idol play with a majority of votes, the idol came out because I influenced it.  I played hard before and after the merge, and I shaped the cast going into the merge to my benefit.  I influenced what my esteemed opponents did on two votes I wasn't present for in Sam and Anthony's eliminations.  They weighed the option between Anthony and Margot and worry about my safety tipped the scales.

It is your right as jurors to vote any way you want for whatever reason you want.  There was something else said at this FTC about the winner being the representative of the season.  The game I played is worthy of that representation.  Whether I win or not the things I did in this game will be remembered.  I was not a villain.  I played a complex game, I followed a game plan and I accomplished the things I set out to accomplish.

It has been my great honor to play this game with all of you.

Your friend,

{End of letter}
Title: Re: Epilogue
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on October 11, 2021, 02:08:19 am
Optimistically, I think I get four votes here.  I could definitely get less.  I'm not 100% confident I'm winning anyone's vote, not even Writer.  I need Oracle and Gustave to be splitting the other votes.  Really, I need Gustave to be winning the toss up votes because it seems more likely that Oracle has some on lock.

Peter: Oracle or Gustave
Buckley: Oracle or Gustave
Writer: Richie
Herman: Oracle or Gustave
Duke: Oracle
Royal: Richie
Margot: Richie
Suzy: Oracle
Madame D.: Richie