Survivor: Wes Anderson

General Category => Pitch Meetings => Oracle => Topic started by: Wes Anderson on October 05, 2021, 04:00:00 am

Title: {Margot Tenenbaum}
Post by: Wes Anderson on October 05, 2021, 04:00:00 am

Jury questions from Margot Tenenbaum will go here.
Title: Re: {Margot Tenenbaum}
Post by: Margot Tenenbaum on October 07, 2021, 09:09:08 am
Hello, Oracle! Congratulations on making it to this point, it is a feat to be proud of!

I will get straight to business since that's how I prefer to play ;)

Considering you mentioned it in your speech, it seemed that Royal's commentary on your play right before you went out had some impact on you. Do you think you ended up shifting your play or the way you handled eliminations because of Royal's speech?

More generally, what were the key ways in which you felt your play evolved or that you learned to handle things differently (if at all) as the game progressed?
Title: Re: {Margot Tenenbaum}
Post by: Oracle on October 07, 2021, 09:27:50 am
Hello, Oracle! Congratulations on making it to this point, it is a feat to be proud of!

I will get straight to business since that's how I prefer to play ;)

Considering you mentioned it in your speech, it seemed that Royal's commentary on your play right before you went out had some impact on you. Do you think you ended up shifting your play or the way you handled eliminations because of Royal's speech?

More generally, what were the key ways in which you felt your play evolved or that you learned to handle things differently (if at all) as the game progressed?

Hey Margot! None of you all made this easy for me haha. I'm going to be proud and I thank you for the congratulations.

Awe dang, don't want to ask how my day is first? Tail wag, bark bark!

So Royal's public post was a double edged sword. On one hand, I was thankful because it showed me that my own plan to lessen my threat level was working, however I apparently was also digging the knife in too deep. This game is such a balance of trying to figure out how to be social and in the know while not seeming socially bubbly and too likable.

I think I tried to be less "sneaky" about how I handled things? Like the speech absolutely had an impact on how I was playing. When I thought Gustave was going at final 5, I told him that if he wanted to pitch me something he could, however at that point three people were giving me very compelling reasons as to why Gustave was the best move for them, and so because I didn't have any idols and Richie couldn't vote for Madame that round (because of the rings I later learned on), I was pretty much faced with joining up with Madame and Suzy on the vote to put myself in a position where it would be a Madame versus Richie finale, or voting with Gustave in solidarity since he had been a good ally for me up until that point. If Gustave had gone at that point, I didn't want to leave a bitter taste in his mouth since he had been a vote to save me the round prior, though the same thing could be said for Madame and Suzy if the vote had gone their way.

During your elimination, I believe I did the best I could given that I wasn't sure if you had an idol or not and I knew my name had come up, so I did touch on the topic that your performance till that point intimidated me. That's probably about the closest I got to telling you I was voting you.

For Madame's elimination, I did my best to beat Richie, but lost in the tiebreaker. As a result, I could only vote for Madame and Gustave and from my point of view there was only one vote that made sense. As I stated to Madame, that vote I had to put my heart on the shelf, but I didn't want to lie to her about it and told her that I assumed she would be going and explained my reasoning as to why I had to do it. Voting out friends, especially those who supported you, doesn't feel great, but at the very least they need to know why I was doing it because as not good as I felt, it had to be 100x worse to get voted out and blindsiding at that point would not have been a cute look for me going into this FTC.

Royal told me in his speech that I was not "people" or "jury" managing. And to a degree I wasn't. I was sort of in, "how the fuck do I navigate these alliances with differing opinions" panic mode. But after Duke quit and Royal posted, I had to literally shift my entire line of thinking and how I was treating people and I think there had to have been a noticeable difference in those final few rounds by not just me, but those I was playing with. At least, I hope there was a noticeable difference.

I guess how my play evolved in that case, is I stopped trying to be cold and cutthroat and "sneaky" (all ways I was trying to portray myself in order to lessen the big threat label I had coming in at merge), and did my best with the time I had left to try to be the real me, the one who struggled with my head and my heart this game, because that was a more honest version of who I was and what I am about. Did everything work out? Heck no! This is survivor. But I played each round as I was given it and did my best to change the way I treated people. If that's not an evolution, I don't know what is.

Thank you for the question and let me know if you need further elaboration.
Title: Re: {Margot Tenenbaum}
Post by: Oracle on October 07, 2021, 09:33:30 am
Oh! Also sorry for the second post. But even in my final speech I reframed what I was originally thinking because of how much I pondered the feedback Royal gave me publicly. So yes, that also was impacted by what he told me.
Title: Re: {Margot Tenenbaum}
Post by: Margot Tenenbaum on October 08, 2021, 01:46:18 am
During your elimination, I believe I did the best I could given that I wasn't sure if you had an idol or not and I knew my name had come up, so I did touch on the topic that your performance till that point intimidated me. That's probably about the closest I got to telling you I was voting you.
I did appreciate this, by the way. It might have helped that I already assumed you were voting for me, but this type of heads up was very nice as it gave me a chance to perhaps talk to you about it if I had wanted to.

Unfortunately, I had already felt quite burned from earlier merge rounds, and at that point I was pretty sure that no matter what kind of promises you made that I wasn't going to be able to trust you again. Thus, I didn't try very hard to talk you out of voting me, it felt like a waste of time.

However, I did recognize and appreciate the difference in your behavior there. I told you as much in the game but it can be very difficult to be straight up with the people you're about to vote.

Anyway, I think I have another question but it'll wait until a little bit later.
Title: Re: {Margot Tenenbaum}
Post by: Oracle on October 08, 2021, 05:37:00 am
Thank you Margot. I knew it was a bit risky to even hint that’s what I was thinking, and it did give you the opportunity to approach me if you wanted to. I appreciate you acknowledging it because it scared me so much to even hint that’s what I was thinking.

I also recognize that is a valid feeling to have about me based on how I approached the prior rounds. I had been “sneaky” so what reason would you have to assume I wasn’t coming for you at some point? It was one of those things where the damage was done and I think we both knew it at that point.

In several of the rounds prior to Royal’s elimination I found it extremely difficult for me to be straight up, as you are referencing. There was some attempted strategy in doing so, but after Royal made his post, it was the kick in the pants and the reminder I needed. I appreciate you acknowledging the change in how I approached the game after that. It means a lot to know that was seen and felt after a couple of really shaky rounds.

Found some time to respond to this on my lunch break, feel free to ask if you think up something else and I’ll respond after I return back to my apartment.

Bark bark!