Survivor: Wes Anderson

General Category => Pitch Meetings => Oracle => Topic started by: Wes Anderson on October 05, 2021, 03:59:05 am

Title: {Herman Blume}
Post by: Wes Anderson on October 05, 2021, 03:59:05 am

Jury questions from Herman Blume will go here.
Title: Re: {Herman Blume}
Post by: Herman Blume on October 07, 2021, 09:42:29 am
I'll be honest, after reading the speeches, my vote is probably between you and Gustave. In the interest of fairness, I will tell you that I am going to ask Gustave this same first question.

If Suzy had been here in the hour before the vote where I was eliminated what do you think would have happened? To me, it felt like I was pretty willingly sacrificed by people who I had been working with for the majority of the game and that just...sucked. So let's pretend that Suzy had been around, how do you think the rest of the game would have shaken out? Posed another way, we did not have much in the way of long term strategic discussions that I can remember, what was your plan at that time?
Title: Re: {Herman Blume}
Post by: Oracle on October 07, 2021, 09:55:32 am
I'll be honest, after reading the speeches, my vote is probably between you and Gustave. In the interest of fairness, I will tell you that I am going to ask Gustave this same first question.

If Suzy had been here in the hour before the vote where I was eliminated what do you think would have happened? To me, it felt like I was pretty willingly sacrificed by people who I had been working with for the majority of the game and that just...sucked. So let's pretend that Suzy had been around, how do you think the rest of the game would have shaken out? Posed another way, we did not have much in the way of long term strategic discussions that I can remember, what was your plan at that time?

If Suzy had been here, I would have tried to first off, figure out what the actual fuck happened with the leak since everyone and their dog started saying she was the leak. But then after you were gone apparently Gustave was the one who tipped people off? Or possibly one of Royal/Richie inferred things from something someone said? All I know is that I was petty caught off guard in that moment because I hadn't leaked anything about the Madame vote to anyone at that point and it was getting out of hand between Margot confronting me, Duke freaking out, and Suzy not around. I would have needed to talk to Suzy and ask her what was going on.

After that, I was probably more willing to roll with 5vanhoe so likely I would have suggested a different target in case of an idol play if we had enough people around in that last 30 minute scramble that was happening. I think the only options left would have been Richie or Royal since Margot was immune. Like at that point it got back to Madame and without Suzy being around to give input I had to do something, and they were all already voting for you.

If 5vanhoe had worked out, we would have had majority after that barring idol plays (which we now know Richie had one), so I probably would have just tried to roll with that crew. It's hard to deal in hypotheticals because as Jeff Probst always says "Anything Can Happen" so who knows? I do know Suzy at one point proposed going to the end with you and me, so it's not impossible that a pathway would have worked out for us to continue working together.

The thing about this game is that everyone brought their A game. People knew when to push buttons, people knew when to flip strategically, and people knew when to leak. The best laid plans I have found in my years of playing never work out and no matter how solid that plan is, everyone has a path and a plan to get to the end in a way that only makes sense for them. It's then your job to try to read between the lines and figure out what path makes sense.

I think the closest you and I had to strategic discussion (like we have both acknowledged we had a communication break down) was during the rings discussion where you said you would share the rings with me if you got them, and after that I'm not sure what happened? I think you started mostly just posting in the various group chats we were involved with and the 1 on 1 with me fell to the wayside, but I always heard about you talking 1 on 1 to Suzy and others whereas I didn't feel like I was getting that same level of discussion.

Did that stop me from wanting to work with you? No. Like I said 5vanhoe was the best guaranteed path for me to proceed because if we did magically become the final 5 (had almost no hopes of that with this particular group) then I think it would have broken out to you and suzy wanting to go with me and duke and gustave wanting to go with me. Strategically this game's goal is to get to the end, and it would have been at that point I would have had to weigh those options, but of course as I found out after having two people I wanted to work with quit and lost challenges by 1 freaking point, nothing ever goes the way you hope.

I personally don't feel like I used you this game, however if you feel I did, I'm sorry and I hope you can see things from my perspective where I wasn't getting messages for rounds on end with you so I never truly knew where I stood with you after the auction round. Like was I in your endgame plans?

And I do know now it was because it was an accident, but I had to play with the limited information I had and make the move that made the most sense at the time it came up.

I hope that is a sufficient answer, but please let me know if there is anything further I can elaborate on.