Survivor: Wes Anderson

Confessionals => Anthony Adams => Topic started by: Anthony Adams on October 02, 2021, 07:42:27 am

Title: Epilogue - I'm not keeping up with chapters at this point .-.
Post by: Anthony Adams on October 02, 2021, 07:42:27 am
I don’t know what it is about this game in particular but I feel so moody. Like since merge I’ve been moody.

Do you miss me or something :P
Title: Re: Epilogue - I'm not keeping up with chapters at this point .-.
Post by: Anthony Adams on October 04, 2021, 08:19:29 am
Tried the challenge: MY EYES
Title: Re: Epilogue - I'm not keeping up with chapters at this point .-.
Post by: Wes Anderson on October 04, 2021, 08:45:23 am
The concept of the FIC was to deliberately have it be something infuriatingly stupid and simple, to in effect turn it into something of a “who wants it more?” painful endurance experience. But also, we don’t want it to just be “who has the most free time?” either, so the hope is that this game is basic enough that if there were a browser game god here, it still isn’t an auto-win, while at the same time, you don’t auto-win by spending the full 2 hours playing. With any luck, anyone committing an hour plus will be both extremely pulling their hair out, and have a near equal shot of winning.
Title: Re: Epilogue - I'm not keeping up with chapters at this point .-.
Post by: Anthony Adams on October 04, 2021, 10:58:35 am
Honestly, beautiful juxtaposition :P
Title: Re: Epilogue - I'm not keeping up with chapters at this point .-.
Post by: Anthony Adams on October 05, 2021, 10:55:17 am
Well. It’s you or me and I pick me.

Oracle with the quip XD
Title: Re: Epilogue - I'm not keeping up with chapters at this point .-.
Post by: Anthony Adams on October 05, 2021, 08:56:36 pm
If Richie fucking sends me to a tiebreaker I'm going to blow up publicly.

Is it bad I kinda wanna see that :P
Title: Re: Epilogue - I'm not keeping up with chapters at this point .-.
Post by: Anthony Adams on October 05, 2021, 09:01:22 pm
My unofficial juror vote is going to Oracle

Reasoning: I want them to get that T-Shirt
Title: Re: Epilogue - I'm not keeping up with chapters at this point .-.
Post by: Anthony Adams on October 05, 2021, 11:52:42 pm
I miss Petri Dish
Title: Re: Epilogue - I'm not keeping up with chapters at this point .-.
Post by: Anthony Adams on October 08, 2021, 12:00:32 am
When's my cameo? :P
Title: Re: Epilogue - I'm not keeping up with chapters at this point .-.
Post by: Anthony Adams on October 09, 2021, 09:09:23 am
DO NOT FORGET to answer Royal and Writer's questions.

I would totally forget

What I would forget, I don't know :I
Title: Re: Epilogue - I'm not keeping up with chapters at this point .-.
Post by: Anthony Adams on October 11, 2021, 09:12:35 am
Well, Gustave will get their redemption in that game of chess :P
Title: Re: Epilogue - I'm not keeping up with chapters at this point .-.
Post by: Anthony Adams on October 11, 2021, 09:55:25 am
Do I just not connect as well with Lawful good people .-.
Title: Re: Epilogue - I'm not keeping up with chapters at this point .-.
Post by: Anthony Adams on October 11, 2021, 10:47:39 am
Uh, if you're reading my confessionals, ignore the part where I'm suspicious of Gustave who was being genuine while completely ignoring everyone else's scheming