Survivor: Wes Anderson

Current Tribe => Society of Crossed Keys => Topic started by: Wes Anderson on September 28, 2021, 08:30:46 am

Title: Tribal Council 13: Society of Crossed Keys
Post by: Wes Anderson on September 28, 2021, 08:30:46 am
Tribal Council 13

Society of Crossed Keys, welcome to Tribal Council.


1. Was this a straightforward maze challenge, or did the different animals with their different abilities actually add a new component?

2. We were in the late stages of a tiebreak vote when Duke withdrew from the game. What would have happened if he hadn’t left?

3. Royal made an interesting post today, not only announcing his status but sharing dirt on other players. What’s your response to what he said about you?

4. Any thoughts on his comments on the other competitors?

5. Royal is still in this game unless you all vote him out. Do you think you’ll come together to make the easy vote, or are you expecting some funny business?
Title: Re: Tribal Council 13: Society of Crossed Keys
Post by: M. Gustave on September 28, 2021, 08:58:48 am
1. i actually did like the animals having different powers. if i had been more patient / able to devote energy to it i would have, but instead i just decided to use the fox for all three.

2. either rocks or me/royal going, hard to call which of those three would have happened.

3. i appreciated his comments and will learn from them, i found his post as a whole to be thoughtful and insightful.

4. the only super new info was about the rings but i'm still happy to have learned about them, they're a cool item that i don't think i've seen before.

5. no comment
Title: Re: Tribal Council 13: Society of Crossed Keys
Post by: Madame D. on September 28, 2021, 09:27:18 am
1. Was this a straightforward maze challenge, or did the different animals with their different abilities actually add a new component?

I thought it was a great challenge!

2. We were in the late stages of a tiebreak vote when Duke withdrew from the game. What would have happened if he hadn’t left?

I think it was still pretty up in the air when Duke withdrew. That was part of why it was such a sudden shock. All this high energy and then suddenly... over.

3. Royal made an interesting post today, not only announcing his status but sharing dirt on other players. What’s your response to what he said about you?

I'm sort of disappointed that I didn't get much dirt, but maybe that in and of itself is incriminating.

4. Any thoughts on his comments on the other competitors?

I think it really showed a solid level of insight into the game. Some of his experiences with players are not experiences that I can say I share or relate to, but other comments of his did resonate with me.

5. Royal is still in this game unless you all vote him out. Do you think you’ll come together to make the easy vote, or are you expecting some funny business?

I believe it would be foolish to not at least be aware of the possibility of funny business. At the same time though, I do think that this game has been intense and exhausting for a lot of people, so a simpler, more calm round, might just be what everyone is after.
Title: Re: Tribal Council 13: Society of Crossed Keys
Post by: Oracle on September 28, 2021, 10:01:21 am
1. Was this a straightforward maze challenge, or did the different animals with their different abilities actually add a new component?

It was not a straightforward maze challenge. It definitely added a new component which threw me off because normally I'd say I'm actually pretty excellent at mazes normally, and I really made a horrible assumption about one maze which meant I wasted a ton of time following a path that had no end. So I figured I wasn't going to win anyways, but I was stubborn and eventually figured out what you clever mods were going for haha. It was fun! Thanks for trying some interesting spins on old classics. Tail wag.

2. We were in the late stages of a tiebreak vote when Duke withdrew from the game. What would have happened if he hadn’t left?

I mean if we had gone to rocks there was a 1/5 chance Duke would have gone given who was immune and who the votes were on. It was a rather tense round and people were very invested. It's difficult to say for sure, but there is a chance we could have gone to rocks last round or there is a chance someone flipped. It's hard to say since we had 1.5 hours left and no one was budging from my point of view. Plus I can't actually recall the last game I was in where rocks happened, so if it wasn't on people's minds that it might go there then I think we would be kidding ourselves. But with Duke gone, the scope of the game changed in the wake and it's difficult to say if the result of what potentially would have been a rock draw would have gone any differently.

3. Royal made an interesting post today, not only announcing his status but sharing dirt on other players. What’s your response to what he said about you?

Royal picked words for me and I probably got the brunt of the negative criticisms. Some of it was valid, some of it wasn't, but either way if and when Royal does join the jury I have to remember what he said because no one wants to feel like less of a person and at least to him, I made him feel that way. His perspective is valid to him and it's a perspective that has to be given some merit. As someone who feels they are empathetic to the emotions of others, I felt bad. But feeling bad just means that I have to figure out how to do better and I only have a few rounds left, if I make it that far, to figure out how to do that. At this point, I don't hold Royal any ill will and I hope his trip goes well. He knows that, at least I hope he does.

4. Any thoughts on his comments on the other competitors?

Not really? Like those are his thoughts and opinions and I don't think it would be good of me to insert myself into those comments that are his truth and his validation of who he is as a person and player. Everyone here is active, everyone here wants to go far, and everyone has been playing a game that will be assessed by a jury if and when they make FTC. But to be completely dismissive of his thoughts and opinions would be highly irresponsible, so while I don't want to insert myself into his comments, I do have to take them to heart over the next few rounds.

5. Royal is still in this game unless you all vote him out. Do you think you’ll come together to make the easy vote, or are you expecting some funny business?

I have had 5 people tell me they want to vote Royal here. I guess 6 if you want to include Royal who basically offered himself up as an option to be the vote this round for his absence reasons (though I think it was more he was offering to suggest himself as an easy vote for the rest of us). If they all want to be blindsiding me here, more power to them. But given we all almost just went to rocks potentially last round, I am inclined to believe everyone is being sincere on that front.
Title: Re: Tribal Council 13: Society of Crossed Keys
Post by: Royal Tenenbaum on September 28, 2021, 12:09:01 pm
1. Was this a straightforward maze challenge, or did the different animals with their different abilities actually add a new component?

I liked the idea of this challenge, my phone did not. (Though I did make it to my destination--Day One complete!)

2. We were in the late stages of a tiebreak vote when Duke withdrew from the game. What would have happened if he hadn’t left?

It's intriguing to think about. I have a hypothesis, but we'll never really know, presumably.

3. Royal made an interesting post today, not only announcing his status but sharing dirt on other players. What’s your response to what he said about you?

I didn't remember to say much about myself, frustratingly.

4. Any thoughts on his comments on the other competitors?

They're very similar to my own thoughts, I guess.

5. Royal is still in this game unless you all vote him out. Do you think you’ll come together to make the easy vote, or are you expecting some funny business?

There's no easy vote in this game...but this might be an exception. Time will tell, I guess.

And congrats to Margot for winning immunity! That was such a good time.
Title: Re: Tribal Council 13: Society of Crossed Keys
Post by: Suzy Bishop on September 29, 2021, 05:40:18 am
I'm so sorry that I've forgotten to do this every single time. I think other weeks I've been so nervous/occupied by TC to think about these questions.

1. Was this a straightforward maze challenge, or did the different animals with their different abilities actually add a new component?

I do not like maze challenges at all lol. The added twist made it even harder and I thought it was a moot point since I wasn't going to beat out Margot's incredible winning score. I also didn't have that much time/patience but perhaps I'll give it another try on my own at a later time.

2. We were in the late stages of a tiebreak vote when Duke withdrew from the game. What would have happened if he hadn’t left?
I honestly have no idea!! I think there was some discussion still about whether we would go to rocks or whether someone was going to flip.

3. Royal made an interesting post today, not only announcing his status but sharing dirt on other players. What’s your response to what he said about you?

He said the kindest things about me and I'm so pleased. I've had really positive interactions with Royal and in my darkest moments, he has said some really uplifting things to raise my spirits. I really love the LSG community here!

4. Any thoughts on his comments on the other competitors?

Um not really. Not all of his comments were as nice as the ones he left me but the reception overall seems like those were still thoughtful and insightful.

5. Royal is still in this game unless you all vote him out. Do you think you’ll come together to make the easy vote, or are you expecting some funny business?

I can't say for sure what's going down (someone could be doing sneaky things without my knowledge) but I think everyone is looking for a round where we don't potentially go to rocks.
Title: Re: Tribal Council 13: Society of Crossed Keys
Post by: Wes Anderson on September 29, 2021, 08:30:06 am
It is now time to read the votes.  If you'd like to play an item, now would be the time to do so.
Nobody stands up.

I will now read the votes.

First vote:


Royal Tenenbaum

Second vote:


Royal Tenembaum

Third vote:


M. Gustave

Two votes Royal, one vote M. Gustave.

Fourth vote:


Royal Tenenbaum

Fifth vote:

The 14th player eliminated and 6th member of our jury...


Royal Tenenbaum

You will now join us at American Empirical Pictures as a Producer, and help decide the winner of this game.

Title: Re: Tribal Council 13: Society of Crossed Keys
Post by: Royal Tenenbaum on September 29, 2021, 08:31:17 am
Good luck, y'all.