Survivor: Wes Anderson

Confessionals => Oracle => Topic started by: Oracle on September 27, 2021, 08:53:05 am

Title: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 27, 2021, 08:53:05 am
1 is the loneliest number. Here's to being the last dog standing.

It's really just a comedy of bad gameplay from myself and horrible luck that have put me here and I know my rounds are probably numbered now. I confided a lot in Duke and had a shit ton of information that he gave me.

But I have to pull up my big pug pants and just figure out how to make something of this.

I always admired Aubrey Bracco, but I never wanted the Aubrey Bracco experience (tm) can we rewind a few rounds to how I put myself here and have to now dig myself out? Sheesh.
Title: Re: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 27, 2021, 08:55:51 am
Also had a nice little sob, so I can better appreciate Aubrey losing her closest allies at key moments. I just have to dig deep and figure out how the hell I make something out of this that even makes any fucking sense.

Any specs want to exchange cute doc pics with me?
Title: Re: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 27, 2021, 09:51:40 am
My new list of threats to non-threats:


I'm pretty sure I'm no longer a threat to anyone at this point which means I've now fallen out of that sweet middle spot that Royal now occupies. I don't think I have the support or following any longer and am going to have to fold in somewhere, with really whoever accepts me at this point. I don't have any leverage to push a name, I don't really have the luxury of sparing someone, and I am pretty much not viewed as trustworthy by a number of people.

So at this point, I guess I just tuck my pug tail between my legs, do as I'm told, and bow my head. Playing dead fish I think is the only strategy I have left to go on and hope someone picks me up as a number.

I seriously don't know what happens and that scares the living shit out of me.
Title: Re: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 27, 2021, 11:19:58 am
Huh okay Royal, thanks for saying I can never win. That weirdly helps?

For the record I absolutely sent him an apology pm before he ever posted that so I'm curious if he does respond.
Title: Re: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 27, 2021, 02:32:52 pm
Okay so basically everything is up in the air right now. I have no idea and I'm trying to keep myself from having a full on meltdown. I've already cried twice today and it's been ruff.

This is probably the most difficult and wild game I have ever played and it makes it almost impossible to know how things will turn out. Am I going to have a coming to jesus moment with Richie? Will Margot ever message me again? Does Royal get the boot here or are people going to use his absence against him to drag him to the end? Will Gustave finally message people?!

All this and more coming to you live during Round 11!!!!
Title: Re: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 27, 2021, 04:17:32 pm
Margot did finally message me. So hey got one of my questions answered.
Title: Re: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 28, 2021, 01:21:48 am
And please feel free to shoot me down if you hate it.

But what if the entire game seems like it’s voting royal, and then you/me/gustave vote for someone else? Royal in theory isn’t self voting hopefully. Therefore even if the vote ties on the revote you me and gustave have majority?

It’s one possible idea to not have a tie vote next round. Again shoot me down if you hate it.

A wild plan I just proposed to Suzy.

This is actually viable because even if royal self votes it goes to rocks next round anyways.
Title: Re: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 28, 2021, 01:24:34 am
Because fuck it even if I’m going to lose due to poor jury management I’m going down swinging and not wasting my time here. Consequences be damned!!!
Title: Re: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 28, 2021, 05:23:27 am
Can this magically just be reveal night with a 6 way tie for 1st? I'd be super legitimately okay with that haha.
Title: Re: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 28, 2021, 08:41:50 am
Yeah I made a bad assumption about a maze that cost me time and the win here.

Everyone is telling me Royal except idk what Suzy wants or if she wants to make the move I proposed to her.
Title: Re: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 28, 2021, 09:33:30 am
Okay cool, Gustave would feel icky about the plan anyways.

And maybe even suggesting it was a rotten thing to do, however it is not my fault duke and buckley quit. The way Herman went was just the most bungled thing I’ve ever been part of. Rocks didn’t happen. Like it would be so nice to, for once, take back control of this game.

I did not ask Royal for this, but I don’t want the opportunity to slip through our fingers.

It would be lovely to feel like I had any semblance of a game left and yet we are just going to throw away another opportunity.

Sorry. That’s pretty antagonistic and I’m sure if I could pull this off somehow it would be great. I just hate that through no fault of my own (not true but I’m ranting haha) I am here and wanting to fight and I feel like I’ve hit a wall.
Title: Re: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 28, 2021, 12:13:38 pm
That awkward moment Royal posts after I just publicly said 5 people are telling me to vote for him. Sheesh.
Title: Re: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 28, 2021, 12:39:34 pm I getting voted out?

If so, then that's fine, but like why bother lying to me about it by this point? Everyone knows I don't have anything.
Title: Re: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 28, 2021, 02:08:43 pm
Confessional Prompt 27: If the game ended now, who would you vote for at Final Tribal Council?

I've been really really bad at keeping up with these prompts. Sorry mods, you're doing great! So let's at least try to keep up with the ones now.

There are two people I would unequivocally vote for at the end if they make it there. Madame and Richie have both played absolutely incredible games and if any of the rest of us are actually dumb enough to let them get there, we only have ourselves to blame. I think Madame has been an absolute jury managing queen and really understands the importance of a social game which I think is HUGE in these games. She's very loyal, very witty, and has amazing taste in music. I think at this point for me she beats anyone left in the game.

Richie is a close second right now because some of the shit he has pulled off in this game is quite honestly so impressive. Like he mutinied on purpose and lied about it basically got away with it through halfway through the merge. In addition, he had a tight relationship with Royal that he capitalized on with those rings. He also made important connections with people on the other tribe as a result of everything and capitalized on that. If not for my flip at final 10, I think Richie would have absolutely run away with this game and it's not even close.

As for the others, I would be more open to seeing what they would say. Margot won immunities, cool, but really what did she actually do this game that was noteworthy in terms of moves? Most of the moves I've seen so far were Royal, Madame and Richie. I would need her to sell me how she actually had a decent strategic game, because I think her social game could be seen as somewhat lacking. She did survive the two rounds she wasn't individually immune though so if she uses this to sell it, I most likely would be inclined to vote her.

Suzy I would strongly consider for a vote, but she's one that I'd need to see how she did things independently of me. I'm sure she could. She clearly can sell it to others, but right now she's all social, no strategy at this point as most of the things she did were tagalongs to what I did. However, if she can really sell it to me, I'm open to voting for her.

I love Gustave 100% to death and the ends of the earth, he's been my right hand man and it feels cruel to put him on the bottom at this point because I want to root for the guy, however I don't know what he did this game that would be worthy of my vote at the end despite very desperately wanting to vote him to show my support for his unwavering loyalty to me this whole game. Could I really justify that against any of the other 4 though?

As for Royal, I anticipate him going this round, but I'll re-assess if he pulls off some weird blindside here and planned to be here the whole time just for the sheer balls of it all.
Title: Re: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 28, 2021, 02:10:21 pm
I did think of one move Margot can absolutely claim as her own and it's the 5-3 vote, followed by the 3-2-2 vote. So yeah I might be more inclined to award her my vote over Suzy or Gustave at the moment.

I still think if Madame or Richie are at the end and I'm on jury I probably vote for one of them for playing the crap out of this game.
Title: Re: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 28, 2021, 04:36:06 pm
cards against humanity is just a touch too awkward for me and my family to play, lol. in smash i play as kind of a lot of characters, but i tend to like sword-users and lucas more. it's kind of weird that i like lucas because all the other characters i like are more of the 'good range, medium to slow speed' archetype and he's very much not that. i respect good peach players a lot because when i play her i just end up floating into people's faces and spacing my attacks horribly. she's unique, but in a good way. if you have nintendo online, we can play some after this is over.

i wasn't very clear but i was including suzy in the 'we' earlier, you're right that we have no clue if it's a f2 or f3 setup and hopefully the mods will let us know soon.

thankfully i am feeling a bit better, certainly better than i was last night. you being there helps a lot.

I'm so busy trying to be socially cutthroat that I forget sometimes how much an impact someone being here means to me. Duke quitting was my first time, but then I get this PM from Gustave.

You guys I love Gustave, I'm so happy I fought for him last time. Like I didn't actually expect to make a friend like him this game. I'm getting emotional from this PM. He's so awesome. Like people really didn't take time this game to truly appreciate this dude. He's so genuine and just such a nice guy. Like "you being here helps a lot" I could start crying all over again. I'm feeling a lot of sappy emotions right now knowing I still have one great friend here who means a lot.

Like even if I don't win, this experience was worth having for making friends like Gustave and Duke. Wow. I don't have words.
Title: Re: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 29, 2021, 12:18:16 am
Okay so no one has messaged me except Madame and Gustave since tribal results.

Would Margot, Royal, Richie and Suzy be planning to vote me here? That would be weird right? Like if it is me, why would all 4 just ghost me for that lengthy amount of time? But like also, because everyone told me Royal before results were out, are we just all giving ourselves a break?

Jeez this round is kind of screwing with my mind.
Title: Re: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 29, 2021, 12:20:35 am
Also voting out the person with probably the worst jury management in the game is...a choice.
Title: Re: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 29, 2021, 01:47:13 am
But if the idea is to get me out here would that really be the worst thing in the world?

Like on one hand I’m here to win if I can, but on the other hand I would get my life back and this game has quite literally been insane. Maybe I could avoid the stress of the final few rounds?

Like I go back and forth in the absence of any messages.
Title: Re: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 29, 2021, 02:14:24 am
Okay Suzy confirmed Royal finally. Guess that is what is happening.
Title: Re: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 29, 2021, 05:00:50 am
Okay so basically everything is up in the air right now. I have no idea and I'm trying to keep myself from having a full on meltdown. I've already cried twice today and it's been ruff.

This is probably the most difficult and wild game I have ever played and it makes it almost impossible to know how things will turn out. Am I going to have a coming to jesus moment with Richie? Will Margot ever message me again? Does Royal get the boot here or are people going to use his absence against him to drag him to the end? Will Gustave finally message people?!

All this and more coming to you live during Round 11!!!!

I know you all have been dying for answers to these questions. *sarcasm*

Margot finally messaged me for sure for sure after almost 24 hours of nothing.

Gustave is finally talking to people again.

I think Royal is getting the boot here.

And I don't think Richie and I had a coming to jesus moment but we aren't trying to kill each other this round to the best of my knowledge. So I'll take it?
Title: Re: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 29, 2021, 05:03:22 am
I've also noticed over the last 24 hours or so that Wes Anderson will periodically log on and look at both alive and dead players' profiles. It's made me raise an eyebrow. I don't necessarily think it has anything to do with anything, but the back of my mind is like "what if this is for some sort of memory challenge or hidden thingy?"
Title: Re: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 29, 2021, 05:37:11 am
It’s also possible he is getting my image because I’m potentially getting a vote or two here.
Title: Re: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 29, 2021, 05:37:25 am
Or 4. Who knows.
Title: Re: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 29, 2021, 08:34:13 am
Huh. I thought for sure I would see my name that time. Still no votes against me at f6. I probably should try hard to win this next immunity though.
Title: Re: Round 11: The Last of the Doghicans
Post by: Oracle on September 29, 2021, 08:34:32 am
Also okay, will make a new round post tonight.