Survivor: Wes Anderson

Confessionals => Madame D. => Topic started by: Madame D. on September 24, 2021, 11:00:17 pm

Title: Chapter 11
Post by: Madame D. on September 24, 2021, 11:00:17 pm
Chapter 11

Another chapter, another round where I find myself tied to Richie. I thought that it might be all a dream, but then I woke up and it wasn't. Oh well.

It is obviously disappointing to no longer have an immunity idol in my possession, but I can't say that I regret playing it. I knew that there was a serious push on me (which I have since confirmed was the case) and being at work for the latter part of the TC I did not trust myself to reliably work out what was going on. I would have felt much more foolish had I been voted out without using the idol.

I also think there may be opportunity from here for me to survive without the assistance of the offcuts of my slain enemies, but that will be for a confessional post later.
Title: Re: Chapter 11
Post by: Madame D. on September 25, 2021, 11:55:06 pm
I haven't heard my name come up yet and I'm seriously worried that I'm not going to get any votes and that would be so disappointing!! I think I've probably already broken my record for most votes received in a game but I want to break it more!!!

Anyway, I don't really know how to start this, so I'm going to do another one of those things where I talk about individual people and my game plan is probably going to come out in between the lines or something.

This will be ordered from who I most want out to who I least want out. And don't ask me whether that's whether I want them out now or in a round or two. It just gets too complicated that way.



The relationship with Oracle has, at the very least, been superficially repaired. We are back to sharing music and life musings. He is honestly very sweet and may even be interested in working with me.
The problem is that I can't actually trust what he says. He's the sort of player that will tell you all the right things and then reluctantly vote for you when he feels as if he does not have a choice in the matter. And that's dangerous! An ally who will sway with the wind is not an ally you want! Oracle being gone would also be ideal to reduce options for Duke, Suzy and Gustave even.

As I've said to Richie, if I could magically make any player in the game just be gone, Oracle would be that player, but the actual process of getting him out is bound to be a lot trickier, and my relationship with Duke in particular would likely suffer as a result. Maybe that's part of the reason why Oracle needs to go.




Suzy had made this big show of wanting to go to the end with me and have open communication and rebuild our relationship, but she's just not putting the required effort in to do that. She has this way of recounting a version of a situation so that she is the victim and not responsible, which is probably a deeply entrenched habit more than anything else, but annoyingly transparent. She also is doing this thing where she's trying to get me to tell her more than she's actually telling me (for example I do not have a better idea of what she wants this TC than I did at the very start of it) and she's the one that voted for me twice.

I may need to keep her in the game a while if she's as close to Richie as he claims, but I don't even know if she is based on how she talks about Richie to me. Of course, it could easily be misdirection, but it could also be Suzy effectively playing him.

Another thing she has made a show of, though, is that she won't be voting for me this round, which is truly very appreciated.



Gustave stlll makes my heart flutter just a little bit. I don't know, I just like him. I like how upfront he was about having wanted to vote for me, as well as this round about wanting to vote for Margot. A sharp contrast from how Suzy goes about it. Obviously it's not an amazing idea to keep him in the game if he wants me out, but at least I'd know about it? I can't say the same for Oracle and Suzy.

He may be the person that needs to go in this vote due to a vote on Oracle likely upsetting Duke and a vote on Suzy just not being a great idea right now and that would be slightly sad, but okay.



Richie is fantastic, he truly is. He is very entertaining and I admire his zeal for the game! All the different ways in which he involves himself here! I feel like we work together quite well when I'm actually around and engaged with the game. Of course, he seems to compliment me with very suspicious frequency, and sometimes I wonder if he is actually incredibly frustrated with me and just having to hold it back. But that's neither here nor there. I cannot take Richie too far, and ideally I want him on the jury when I'm at the end. Of course, being actually unable to vote for him until after the Final 5 does hinder things somewhat, but I can be creative.



I have come to love Margot so much. I don't usually appreciate a conversation so much when it is as saturated with game-talk as mine with Margot is, but there is something just so comfortable about it here. I know that I previously had doubts about her, but I don't know if I need to anymore. After all, I think that making a move on me would probably be a bad move for her, just as the reverse would be.
When it comes to the endgame, at this stage I will take whatever I can get, but Margot being there would not be the most ideal, as there's beginning to grow a thought that I am using her as a shield, and people always look at the shield in FTC scenarios. i think I could argue ways in which my game is very separate from Margot's but it would be trickier than I'd like.



I think my trust in Duke may have been higher than deserved, as he has kept important information from me during the last few rounds, but it is difficult to know how much that is because he just doesn't like talking about other people's business.
I ended up confronting him about the Ivanhoe-minus-Richie alliance to gently facilitate more openness which worked okay but again, he's only telling me what he feels he needs to.
It's something I'm going to need to think carefully about, but I would like to go far with Duke if possible.



This post will not say nearly enough about Royal, and I am aware that his time in the game is likely coming to an end soon. Royal is not who I feel closest with, he is not who I trust the most and he is definitely not who I talk to most, but he is a good person, a good ally and a good friend, and if I could have gone to the end with him, I would have.


The low-down of this vote is that Margot's name has come up, primarily pushed by Gustave, but it's unclear who else might be interested in that. Oracle and Duke appear to prefer Royal (which is strange given that I think Richie was thinking Duke was closer to them than that) while Margot and I have been saying Gustave but as I've said above, Oracle going would be pretty sweet if that could somehow happen.
Meanwhile Suzy has told me nothing.

We'll see how it all goes!
Title: Re: Chapter 11
Post by: Madame D. on September 26, 2021, 07:49:56 am
Suzy is still ghosting me. Richie seems very excessively agitated that it might be Gustave going and not Oracle, so I'll need to manage that. Oracle had a passive aggressive blow-up about how Royal had heard that Oracle wanted him gone (after Oracle has been pushing Royal's name for several rounds) and is saying he needs to vote Royal. Duke is also planning to vote Royal, but has more sensible reasoning, believing that Royal is a threat to Duke's chances of getting to the end (which is not true, but I can see why Duke thinks it might be)

At the very least, I'm hoping that I can rely on Royal, Richie and Margot for this vote. That should be enough.
Title: Re: Chapter 11
Post by: Madame D. on September 26, 2021, 08:08:17 am
I swear I've seen Buckley be online more often as a Producer than when he was still in the game! I wish I could talk to him about all this ridiculousness. Richie is a fun sounding board but he just gets too intense about things sometimes. Meanwhile I feel like Buckley and I are just past the point of caring about the little things and would be having so much more fun with this.

I miss you Buckley!
Title: Re: Chapter 11
Post by: Madame D. on September 26, 2021, 08:43:44 am
I'm sort of surprised that I didn't get any votes.
Title: Re: Chapter 11
Post by: Brendan on September 26, 2021, 06:01:33 pm
Are you willing to draw a rock here? And if so, how are you coming to terms with the fact that it could be you going home?
Title: Re: Chapter 11
Post by: Madame D. on September 27, 2021, 06:34:12 am
Are you willing to draw a rock here? And if so, how are you coming to terms with the fact that it could be you going home?
Oh definitely! I've gone to rocks before in game and been sent home and I'd do it again, every time!

I am kind of annoyed with Duke and Oracle because Margot and I were clear about how we wanted Gustave and they were like "don't mind, will go along with the group" and then suddenly they were all "nahh we're voting Royal". It think it's a red flag and especially after there was a group created of Gustave/Duke/Oracle/Suzy/Herman which that ended up being a vehicle to get me out that neither Duke nor Oracle told me about is, I believe, reason enough for me to be concerned about people from that group forming a majority.

Of course, I do get where Duke and Oracle are coming from. Royal going is much better for their games. But I'm not folding because I need to do what's best for ME! Also I've been targeted so many times and received so many votes that they should give me a break. :P
Title: Re: Chapter 11
Post by: Madame D. on September 27, 2021, 06:58:03 am
Meanwhile in PMs I'm like "Go us for each sticking up for our individual games and doing what's best for us! No shame!

Inside I'm like

Title: Re: Chapter 11
Post by: Madame D. on September 27, 2021, 06:59:21 am

Woah the passive aggression is real