Survivor: Wes Anderson

Previous Tribes => Rushmore Academy => Topic started by: Wes Anderson on September 08, 2021, 09:15:48 am

Title: Tribal Council Three: Rushmore Academy
Post by: Wes Anderson on September 08, 2021, 09:15:48 am
Tribal Council 3

Rushmore Academy, welcome to Tribal Council.


Please answer the following questions before casting your vote:

1. That was quite a brawl there, but Ivanhoe took the upper hand and held on.  Do you think they had better strategy or simply better challenge performers?  Or is it the fault of the challenge itself?

2. Is there ever a time to vote out a weak challenge competitor, or is that an outdated concept?

3. Have there been any developments on the item situation from challenge one?  Do you think there are hidden immunity idols in the game?

4. Do you have any concern as to being down in numbers at a future swap or merge?

5. Anyone think it could be their head on the chopping block here?  Plead your case.
Title: Re: Tribal Council Three: Rushmore Academy
Post by: Foxy Fox on September 08, 2021, 03:38:39 pm
1. That was quite a brawl there, but Ivanhoe took the upper hand and held on.  Do you think they had better strategy or simply better challenge performers?  Or is it the fault of the challenge itself?

I actually was out with friends by the time the challenge started, but the common consensus I've gotten is that it was the challenge itself. A few people, myself included, just didn't understand the challenge at all.

2. Is there ever a time to vote out a weak challenge competitor, or is that an outdated concept?

Merge, probably. I don't think voting people out based on challenge is a smart thing to do, since a weak challenge competitor could be a strong social player.

3. Have there been any developments on the item situation from challenge one?  Do you think there are hidden immunity idols in the game?

I kinda forgot the items existed, ngl. There's probably a HII somewhere, but thinking about who has it and if they're gonna play it is really just an exercise in futility.

4. Do you have any concern as to being down in numbers at a future swap or merge?

Lmao no. Like, yea, going to a swap and being down would be kinda unfortunate, but nothing that I really care being like "oh this is game-ending detremental" type thing.

5. Anyone think it could be their head on the chopping block here?  Plead your case.

Not really. I feel like I've been social enough that actually getting the majority to vote me would be extremely difficult to do, bordering on impossible, unless someone were to play an idol and get me out that way, but like, that just comes off as overly spiteful.
Title: Re: Tribal Council Three: Rushmore Academy
Post by: Peter Whitman on September 08, 2021, 03:43:01 pm
1. That was quite a brawl there, but Ivanhoe took the upper hand and held on.  Do you think they had better strategy or simply better challenge performers?  Or is it the fault of the challenge itself?

I don't know what their strategy was or if it was any different than ours. It felt like a whirlwind tbh but I think we did decently well that it wasn't a landslide. I do wish I understood the challenge a bit more than 10 minutes before it started, but that's on me.

2. Is there ever a time to vote out a weak challenge competitor, or is that an outdated concept?

Truly an outdated concept. i hear challengers in slings boost a tribe's morale by 20%!

3. Have there been any developments on the item situation from challenge one?  Do you think there are hidden immunity idols in the game?

I personally don't think there's an idol just yet. Call that wishful thinking but i feel like the auction was just to get things talking and probably only 2-3 of the items were close to useful.

4. Do you have any concern as to being down in numbers at a future swap or merge?

Not right now. it's easy to come back from being down a number. plus there's always next challenge! we'll get them

5. Anyone think it could be their head on the chopping block here?  Plead your case.

oh 100%. I know I've been out for a bit with an injury. and this site is always raving about "put yourself first" and how the game should be secondary, but it's still a reality that this game is a social one and being out of the social dynamic, even for a few days, isn't going to help my case. so i know i have to do a bit more work to show i'm really in this game.
Title: Re: Tribal Council Three: Rushmore Academy
Post by: Wes Anderson on September 09, 2021, 04:49:44 am
Only two players answering Tribal Council questions so far??  Let's look alive, people!  We need those answers in.
Title: Re: Tribal Council Three: Rushmore Academy
Post by: Max Fischer on September 09, 2021, 05:15:29 am
1. That was quite a brawl there, but Ivanhoe took the upper hand and held on.  Do you think they had better strategy or simply better challenge performers?  Or is it the fault of the challenge itself?

Better luck with that "there have been five new replies" "there has been a new reply" "there has been a new reply" dialogues that prevented some of us from posting quickly. It was a tough, confusing challenge.

2. Is there ever a time to vote out a weak challenge competitor, or is that an outdated concept?

I think there could be if somebody's not showing up or trying at all, but we haven't really seen that. We don't know what any given challenge is from one to the next, so voting somebody out due to poor performance in one challenge could be disadvantageous later.

3. Have there been any developments on the item situation from challenge one?  Do you think there are hidden immunity idols in the game?

Not that I'm aware of; oh, probably

4. Do you have any concern as to being down in numbers at a future swap or merge?

Of course, nobody wants down-in-the-numbers-at-a-swap to be their downfall, you'd like to hope it was your gameplay.

5. Anyone think it could be their head on the chopping block here?  Plead your case.

I'm all set, Wes. Hopefully that's not famous last words.
Title: Re: Tribal Council Three: Rushmore Academy
Post by: Margot Tenenbaum on September 09, 2021, 05:45:58 am
1. That was quite a brawl there, but Ivanhoe took the upper hand and held on.  Do you think they had better strategy or simply better challenge performers?  Or is it the fault of the challenge itself?
the challenge was frustrating and confusing, but I also take some responsibility for reading the rules wrong and crippling my own performance slightly. I don't think it would've made a difference though. Unfortunate.
2. Is there ever a time to vote out a weak challenge competitor, or is that an outdated concept?
I mean, yes, but there's a lot of nuance to that. Generally, you should be voting out weaker players or players who don't fit into your game.
3. Have there been any developments on the item situation from challenge one?  Do you think there are hidden immunity idols in the game?
idk; idk
4. Do you have any concern as to being down in numbers at a future swap or merge?
T'would suck if that made an impact on anyone's game!
5. Anyone think it could be their head on the chopping block here?  Plead your case.
Don't kill me, I'm too pretty to die.
Title: Re: Tribal Council Three: Rushmore Academy
Post by: Steve Zissou on September 09, 2021, 06:44:46 am
1. That was quite a brawl there, but Ivanhoe took the upper hand and held on.  Do you think they had better strategy or simply better challenge performers?  Or is it the fault of the challenge itself?
I don't know anything about this challenge because I didn't understand it all and I didn't take part in it.  It's possible they had a better strat, but I'm not 100% sure.  The challenge was incredibly confusing to me

2. Is there ever a time to vote out a weak challenge competitor, or is that an outdated concept?
I feel like it's hard to quantify what makes a person "weak" in challenges.  Peter and I screwed up our shots in the target practice despite both of us practicing a lot.  Everyone else seemingly hit their shots with little to no practice.  It's also possible that the last challenge didn't compliment our skill sets.  The next challenge will be better.

3. Have there been any developments on the item situation from challenge one?  Do you think there are hidden immunity idols in the game?
I haven't heard anything about any items or other advantages.  I don't have any so while I treat it with concern I'm not going to let it change how I vote.

4. Do you have any concern as to being down in numbers at a future swap or merge?
I think it's more about how you play it.  Being down in numbers isn't that big of a deal going into a swap, it's about making yourself appealing to work with and finding the cracks in the other tribe

5. Anyone think it could be their head on the chopping block here?  Plead your case.
I think it's possible I could be on the chopping block since I missed my shot and sat out of the last challenge.  I'm here to play and want to make it past this vote!
Title: Re: Tribal Council Three: Rushmore Academy
Post by: Madame D. on September 09, 2021, 06:59:55 am
Tribal Council 3

Rushmore Academy, welcome to Tribal Council.


Please answer the following questions before casting your vote:

1. That was quite a brawl there, but Ivanhoe took the upper hand and held on.  Do you think they had better strategy or simply better challenge performers?  Or is it the fault of the challenge itself?

2. Is there ever a time to vote out a weak challenge competitor, or is that an outdated concept?

3. Have there been any developments on the item situation from challenge one?  Do you think there are hidden immunity idols in the game?

4. Do you have any concern as to being down in numbers at a future swap or merge?

5. Anyone think it could be their head on the chopping block here?  Plead your case.
1. I have to admit I didn't pay attention to how the loss actually occurred so I'm not sure whether it was a case of poor strategy or execution.

2. I don't think it's an outdated concept, and I think that the advantage of being close to people who are good at challenges is something that is often overlooked. In this specific situation though, I feel it is very difficult to translate "performance" in our challenges so far into how good someone is likely to be at the upcoming challenges.

3. I am not aware of any developments on the item situation, and I'm expecting that there will be some sort of creative aspect to rewards in this game.

4. It is a mild concern to me and is part of the reason why winning challenges is a good thing, but I think that there is a lot more to the game than who was on what tribe.

5. I... uh yeah I don't know. I've really enjoyed this game so far and I've really enjoyed the people here, and I look forward to (hopefully) continuing that.
Title: Re: Tribal Council Three: Rushmore Academy
Post by: Buckley on September 09, 2021, 07:43:26 am
1. That was quite a brawl there, but Ivanhoe took the upper hand and held on.  Do you think they had better strategy or simply better challenge performers?  Or is it the fault of the challenge itself?
I think it was a combination of them being slightly faster than us all-around and also getting a bit luckier with the preview format. The amount of times I saw 'at least one new person has posted...'

2. Is there ever a time to vote out a weak challenge competitor, or is that an outdated concept?
The correct time to vote anyone out is when you want to and are capable of doing so.

3. Have there been any developments on the item situation from challenge one?  Do you think there are hidden immunity idols in the game?
I've heard exactly zero things about the location of any of the items. I hope you enjoy them, mysterious thief! I don't have much reason to think one way or the other about whether or not you've put idols in the game.

4. Do you have any concern as to being down in numbers at a future swap or merge?
A little bit. The hope is always that people will look past that sort of thing, but sometimes they don't. We've just got to do our best to hold our own.

5. Anyone think it could be their head on the chopping block here?  Plead your case.
I know that I've had some trouble being as active as I wanted to be going into this so far. But I think that's finally going to be changing. I'm here to play and I'm not ready to go just yet.
Title: Re: Tribal Council Three: Rushmore Academy
Post by: Wes Anderson on September 09, 2021, 08:30:22 am
It is now time to read the votes.  If you'd like to play an immunity idol, now would be the time to do so.

Nobody stands up.

I will now read the votes.

First vote:


Second vote:


Third vote:


That's two votes Klaus, one vote Royal.

Fourth vote:


Fifth vote:


That's four votes Klaus, one vote Royal, four votes remaining.

Sixth vote:


...and the second person voted out of Survivor: Wes Anderson,


That's five votes, that's enough.  Klaus, please bring me your torch. I'm sorry, you have been eliminated.

