Survivor: Wes Anderson

Confessionals => Young Writer => Topic started by: Young Writer on September 03, 2021, 07:48:54 am

Title: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 03, 2021, 07:48:54 am
Salutations Spectators!

I will be your humble narrator in this confessional and I hope to keep my explanations succint, though I will surely fail. I've simply been trying to get to know my tribemates at the moment, and I've managed to connect a little with everyone. However I definitely have some clear favorites.

The theme clearly means a lot to Suzy and Richie, the latter of whom appears to already be shifting to game oriented speech. Richie also just mentioned Herman has also seen the films associated with the theme, and I might make a "Movie Club" of the four of us to do a covert alliance, but not actually make it an official one. I do worry that I've mentioned my distate for Yorgos Lanthamos to Suzy, who quite likes him as a directory, and I hope I haven't spoken too much of myself to them.

As for the other end, Oracle is active but connection is difficult, but I haven't spoken to Kylie at all, so I'd likely target them at a tribal council.

As an addendum, this game I do plan to purposely do worse on challenges than I normally do. A dangerous position to take, but being a rallying force and being seen as a challenge threat has undone me far much more than it has ever helped me. Besides if I truly want to pull off a late game challenge run (my personal dream) people need to not expect me to do it and get complacent. Hopefully I'm not misplacing my trust in my social abilities to survive more tribals than normal.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 03, 2021, 11:23:49 am
I do worry that talking as if I don't trust everyone to follow a plan won't cause my tribemates to be distrustful of me, but the entire notion that such a system would hold rather than lead to a few people being goaded into having no chance at an item while we go to tribal sounds incredibly likely, but now that I've said that, if it actually happens, who does everyone suspect, probably the one who pointed out the potental abuse.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 03, 2021, 11:32:45 am
And I say all that only to be convinced that the way I was skeptical of was better in the end, what a pickle I have put myself in.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Jane Winslett-Richardson on September 03, 2021, 12:10:08 pm
Congratulations on completing the first 24 hours of Survivor: A Wes Anderson Production! In recognition of this momentous milestone, I have come to provide stimulation in the form of SPECTATOR ENGAGEMENT. As a note, please do be informed that these questions are being posted to every confessional in identical form. These are not individualized at all - please do not read any intent to guide or influence you, as this would most certainly breach some form of journalistic integrity that I surely hold dear as... I think my character is a journalist? Okay, I'm doing the thing where I type out all my thoughts and I've lost the plot. HERE COME THE QUESTIONS--------

1. With nothing to do but network with your tribe, you will hopefully have learned something about those who you will live with, fight alongside, and ultimately cut loose. What is the most interesting, funniest, or just plain weird thing that you now know about one of your tribemates?

2. Your first challenge has brought with it an interesting conundrum in the form of competing goals to vie for. What do you most hope to achieve when the Flea Market closes? What do you believe your tribemates will reach for?

3. As a hypothetical, consider the following:
"Someone is targeting you to be the next vote-out should your tribe to go Tribal Council. Who is it? Why do they want you gone? Who will you rely on to stay in the game? How worried are you that such a situation might arise?"

Thank you dear, and do remember to have fun!
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 04, 2021, 01:26:06 pm
Congratulations on completing the first 24 hours of Survivor: A Wes Anderson Production! In recognition of this momentous milestone, I have come to provide stimulation in the form of SPECTATOR ENGAGEMENT. As a note, please do be informed that these questions are being posted to every confessional in identical form. These are not individualized at all - please do not read any intent to guide or influence you, as this would most certainly breach some form of journalistic integrity that I surely hold dear as... I think my character is a journalist? Okay, I'm doing the thing where I type out all my thoughts and I've lost the plot. HERE COME THE QUESTIONS--------

1. With nothing to do but network with your tribe, you will hopefully have learned something about those who you will live with, fight alongside, and ultimately cut loose. What is the most interesting, funniest, or just plain weird thing that you now know about one of your tribemates?

2. Your first challenge has brought with it an interesting conundrum in the form of competing goals to vie for. What do you most hope to achieve when the Flea Market closes? What do you believe your tribemates will reach for?

3. As a hypothetical, consider the following:
"Someone is targeting you to be the next vote-out should your tribe to go Tribal Council. Who is it? Why do they want you gone? Who will you rely on to stay in the game? How worried are you that such a situation might arise?"

Thank you dear, and do remember to have fun!

1. The weirdest is certainly trying to get my head around any tangent that Anthony goes on. He has a most bizarre way of words (rivalling even mine) and our conversation about dance moves and creating new tennis spins is perfectly absurd.

2. I hoped that we would at least have everyone get their desired item, even if it cost a bit more. In this way the challenge was a complete failure, but I have at least some insight into what happened and will likely have to kick the can down the road.

3. The likely situation is I'd use my connection with richie to stay alive. The man clearly has his fingers in a lot of pots (being in at least 3 group chats by my count) and is bound to come out of this tribe a winner, while I will have to work with a middling position based on alliances to frankly more powerful presences. I think it's unlikely on this tribe though as Kylie has barely sent a PM.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 04, 2021, 01:32:50 pm
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 04, 2021, 02:18:07 pm
Oh, My. Well my trend of befriending the most terrfying player continues here, and while it feels a bit early to say so, an F3 of Myself, Suzy and Richie sounds like an excellent trio for endgame. Now I get to spin narratives and deceive my tribemates though, which is most dissapointing, but this is a great clue as to what actually happened during the auction.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 05, 2021, 02:13:08 am
Hmmm, I suppose I should give you all some trust rankings. From most trusted to most likely to boot let's do:

1. Richie: Obviously the person who literally can't vote for me is my number one ally. He's clever, has a good game sense and I would suspect is in the best position on this tribe. I'm going to be playing catchup to him quite a lot, which means establishing ways to have a tactical advantage over him will be necesarry in the future.

2. Suzy: Suzy is remarkable, she has a passion for film and just a loving personality. If I ever must betray here then it shall be with tears in my eyes with somber music playing, and we've only just met.

3. Anthony: Seems to at least be alligned with Richie and I do have a group chat with him. A bit hard to talk to directly but still, will be a valuable ally.

4. Oracle: So from this point on (Oracle included) I don't have a lot of trust. However, Oracle is clearly a smart gamer and I can keep tabs on him via the chat of him, gustave, richie and anthony. As such I shouldn't be worried about anything.

5. M. Gustave: Similar reasons to oracle but I talk significantly less with gustave, though I do think if I breakthrough I will be very good friends with such a gentleman.

6. Sam: We just...keep missing each other, he clearly talks game to some people but I haven't been nearly responsive enough to warrant his trust.

7. Herman: Kind of here, barely a conversation, and a good person to pin the entire item debacle due to his own lack of statements in public.

8. Kylie: We just...have sent 1 message to each other each. Kylie will be booted at tribal if we go.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Snoopy on September 05, 2021, 02:13:48 am
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 05, 2021, 02:14:32 am
Oh, move Duke into the 6 slot. He's becoming active but I don't him in the least. Alarm bells ring whenever talking to them.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 05, 2021, 02:16:01 am

Oh I am indeed very excited about the ring. There's nothing to forge a bond like literally not being allowed to vote for the other, it will make every tribal that we both attend that much better. I do worry a bit about how it may cause us to be seen as a pair, but that I suppose is the price. I plan to distance myself from Richie since the more dangerous alliance moves require complete and utter trust, that the item has given us.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 05, 2021, 02:17:13 am
The one downside if I believe Richie is a much stronger player near the end, I won't be able to directly assault him, but Frankly I'd much rather use my words to form a narrative where he loses to me at Final Tribal than me have to betray him in a foolhardy attempt.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 06, 2021, 12:41:59 am
I can not resist doing well at challenges huh. I suppose I could miss on purpose but I'd only do that with a lower risk shot
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 08, 2021, 07:56:43 am
A bit nervous about my position in this tribe should we attend another tribal (or more accurately my position down the road in this game). My activity fell drastically over the past few days and Anthony decided to make a new group chat without Richie or Me in it which while I can't fault them for it, certainly makes me feel like I'm outside the "Big Four" on this tribe of Suzy, Anthony, Richie and Oracle. Also despite being around Anthony hasn't responded to my last message yet. Also I'm about to be occupied until well after challenge results.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Snoopy on September 08, 2021, 08:28:27 am
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Brendan on September 08, 2021, 09:16:22 am
Why are you playing hot potato with the flu serum?
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 08, 2021, 01:11:07 pm
Very tired but these are easy to answer.

So my nervousness about Anthony is still there but the reason I know is cause he told me and Richie he did that, which makes it very weird but *shrugs*.

The second is just cause Duke asked in public for it.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 10, 2021, 02:57:01 am
So about purposely throwing seems I can't resist helping my tribe solve a puzzle, blast.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Captain Sharp on September 10, 2021, 03:19:18 am
Were you planning on throwing? Post 13 says you are worried about your position in the tribe if you attend another tribal.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 10, 2021, 05:24:56 am
Well you see, my goal is to sandbag more in challenges, not enough to lose often, but enough that I'm not a big challenge threat and....I'm currently the only who can do the strategy that can get SOMETHING IN 5.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 10, 2021, 07:58:31 am
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Wes Anderson on September 10, 2021, 08:01:09 am
If you die it’ll have to be “lost his touch”
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 10, 2021, 08:55:53 am
Welp...yeah people won't forget this...guess I have to live the rest of the game in the spotlight, or really hope people have short memories.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Wes Anderson on September 11, 2021, 12:04:06 pm
What’s the story on you and Peter and that knife?
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 11, 2021, 12:05:45 pm
A bond shared by fellows who each have something the other needs. Unfortunate no one misfired on our tribe, it would have been most fortunate.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 12, 2021, 06:17:45 am
Update from Richie and Anthony. Apparently Samuel is attempting to target "Herman or Me", I'm not uber surprised by this from Sam, but it does make me want to win the challenge even more and turn this all on Sam.

Strangely Sam also was telling players on the other tribe to ask me any item questions to me, despite me telling everything I knew publically. This is most regretable.

Still I have 3 people I expect to vote with me and hope that Oracle would be with us as well. Also mentioning both me and Herman is a decision that should bring Herman to our side.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 12, 2021, 08:17:51 am
Challenge guess, myself 4th overall, 2nd on my tribe.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 12, 2021, 08:32:27 am
Tabulating makes me nervous since my best score is several hours old.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 12, 2021, 09:48:58 am
This mutiny is most unpleasant, I have allies I'd rather be around to help yet there will be tremendous public pressure to leave for the other tribe. Frankly, I'd rather Sam leave since they've stated they are near the bottom (with Yours Truly of course) and rather have them leave to maybe get voted out while Gustave goes here. Perhaps even eliminate Oracle, though they are pleasant enough I'd rather have them live.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Brendan on September 12, 2021, 11:01:58 am
Can you rank the members of this tribe based on how much you'd like to see them eliminated next? What about the members of the other tribe if they were to join you as the stooge?
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 12, 2021, 11:26:30 am
Can you rank the members of this tribe based on how much you'd like to see them eliminated next? What about the members of the other tribe if they were to join you as the stooge?

Most want to eliminate:
1. Sam who even Gustave says is trying to vote me out, it seems like Sam might have been trying to pin their views on Gustave.
2. Gustave, mainly cause I accidentally name dropped a group chat to him and completely tried to cover my ass when I mention it
3. Duke, who I just sort of know
4. Oracle, who while I love to talk to and converse about strategy, I can not trust.
5. Anthony, who is a passive ally
6. Richie who is a threat down the line.
7. Herman who is pretty chill and not threatening.
8. Suzy who I adore and must send better messages to.

The other tribe the only person I connected with was Peter, so not Peter.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Wes Anderson on September 12, 2021, 09:51:24 pm
Congratulations on winning the exciting Mendl’s item! Given that it’s only good this TC and next, do you already have plans of how to use it? What will you do?
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Wes Anderson on September 12, 2021, 09:53:36 pm
Do you want to be kidnapped and taken to Rushmore? Regardless, someone from your tribe is going to be taken away by the pirates. If you don’t want it to be yourself, do you have a plan to make sure it’s not?
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 13, 2021, 11:33:42 am
So Richie chose to leave (he told me so) and now all my group chats are unusable and I'm annoyed, both at that and that I had no groupchats without Richie in them.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Brendan on September 13, 2021, 12:07:52 pm
How do you feel about him choosing to leave?
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 13, 2021, 12:28:13 pm
How do you feel about him choosing to leave?

It's probably a good move for him, and a good move for him is a good move for me, but it only worries more about booting Richie right before the end, which almost certainly would be a travesty, but nonetheless I'm sure will become a wide held view at some point.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 14, 2021, 01:26:04 am
To assume a mysterious plot to murder me and idol, or not idol and save it for next tribal, that is the question. Or use it here on Herman to (hopefully) guarantee Sam is going home. Though frankly, if there is a plot to eliminate me here, then my position in the game is already sunk.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 14, 2021, 01:59:40 am
I'm targeting Sam cause Sam targeted me.
Anthony WAS targeting Herman, though now I'm unsure.
Peter is using his double vote and trying to wrangle Sam and Herman (and I presume Anthony) to vote somewhere else. I would hope the somewhere else is Oracle and not Suzy or Me.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 14, 2021, 02:00:28 am
To be fair we should have me, suzy, gustave, duke and oracle voting for sam but the extra vote makes it 5-5....unless we swap to peter i think
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 14, 2021, 02:12:23 am
Well at least this round will be interesting, I suppose it's better than it being a boring Sam vote, still I'd rather be on the side of chaos. Ugh, well I guess I get to find out how deep Sam's connections run, right?
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 14, 2021, 03:55:36 am
Sigh, am I being an idiot, am I not supposed to flip on Oracle, or should I flip on Oracle. Is working with Sam who I've barely spoken to worse than the potential of being on the outside of Gustave and Oracle and whoever else they like, UGH.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 14, 2021, 04:02:28 am
I did tell Richie chaos would occur if he left, at least I was right about that.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 14, 2021, 05:37:29 am
I am very scared about all this and whether somehow everyone might unite against me, or someone who I'm close to like Suzy.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 14, 2021, 05:42:57 am
Just thinking through whether to play the Mendls here or later. I don't THINK I'm the target here, but I also feel nervous about any silence no matter what, ugh. Peter please tell me I didn't anger you. I wonder if maybe Peter and Oracle are bonding over trying to deal with me. But hey, if I'm out, I'm out. It'd be dissapointing but I'll always have my challenge performances.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 14, 2021, 06:14:09 am
Sigh people know about me sending over the pocket knife to Peter FUN
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 14, 2021, 06:55:15 am
I am worried that even if that doesn't backfire this round, it has potential to backfire down the line. Nonetheless Suzy and Oracle asking about it sure paints me in a bad light, since I only told Richie, which they don't know. Which I suppose is good to know, since it means Richie didn't leak it.
Title: Re: Chapter 1: Foray Into the Partially Known
Post by: Young Writer on September 14, 2021, 08:34:26 am
God does waiting for tribal results scare me