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Topics - Richie Tenenbaum

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Richie Tenenbaum / Epilogue
« on: October 06, 2021, 12:06:24 pm »
A gentle rain falls in the cemetery, and the sky is getting dark.

Richie Tenenbaum / The Final Four
« on: October 05, 2021, 08:10:32 am »

M. Gustave

What an up and down, hot and cold horseback ride of a game we've had together man.  Against all odds here we are together.  Three of the Four Horsemen.  From that early game alliance we went through the trial of getting painted as a dangerous pair by Sam, we came back together at the merge and then we lost faith in one another and our paths diverged.  You point blank told me I was getting voted out when Herman was sent to the jury to try to shake an idol out of me (surprise, I did have one after all!)  At our lowest point I didn't hear from you for almost two full rounds.  But neither one of us ever closed the door completely and I am so glad you were still here to make the big play with me.  Thank you for taking me up on my offer and I sincerely hope you do uphold the deal we cut, because I am pretty damn sure I'm not winning final immunity.  So, either I'll win my way in on fire making to sit next to you in the finale or I'll be giving you my jury vote as promised.  Either way I tip my hat to a game well played.  You've earned your spot at the end.

Richie Tenenbaum / The Jury
« on: October 04, 2021, 05:57:46 am »

Peter Whitman

Looking back, I think I did you wrong by following my assumption that you would have the Rushmore version of my idol.  That assumption certainly closed the door on anything I might have considered about working with you long term.  But I can't say it was a mistake for me to get you out when I did either.  We had a good alliance going with Writer and Royal, and maybe if there had been a second vote on Grover Cleveland we could have built on that further (although there's a large possibility I would have tried to blindside you there instead.)  But coming into the merge I was connected to almost everyone in some form or fashion and I had to figure out how I could untangle all those interconnections by peeling back the outermost layers in a way that didn't disturb the inner layers.  Letting you go was the first step in that process.  I had other alliances involving Writer and Royal and I could gently push them to let you go too because of those.  I had more interconnections with almost everyone else, so you were really in a tough spot to pick a target that round because I couldn't abide the easier targets you went for.  There was really only one other person in the merge that you could have targeted and I would have considered siding with you, which was Duke, but he had his own alliance network that would have likely made it impossible to get him out there anyway.

I really appreciate how aggressively you came to play the game.  Taking the mutiny over to Ivanhoe and going for the throat of the majority took some serious backbone.  Even though it didn't work just the gumption to try it impressed me.  But I maintain that it was a mistake for you to use your Double Vote there, and a bigger mistake that you publicized Writer's part in you coming to possess it.  Even bigger still was the fact that you went against what he wanted in the vote that round.  Exposing him but not supporting him ended up putting him on the block too and it's no wonder he was the next person voted out after you.  I think your indelicacy with privileged information there is the biggest thing that made me wary of really working with you.  I saw how badly you had damaged Writer's position even though Writer was always very careful about his secrets.  It was bad enough that I was in danger of losing one of my closest allies because you had undermined him, I couldn't put myself in a position where I'd be directly undermined by you too.

Richie Tenenbaum / The Premerge
« on: October 04, 2021, 01:55:17 am »


Hey buddy, we never got to meet but thanks to my trip to Rushmore at the mutiny I did get the opportunity to see how excited you were to play this game in the tribal forums.  It's a bummer they turned on you in the first round.  I think you might have taken some piece of the Auction home with you, and if it was the Heist Plans I definitely owe you one because I got to play from a strong position with my idol and the potential Rushmore idol never came into play.

Richie Tenenbaum / Chapter Eight
« on: October 01, 2021, 08:35:07 am »
TBH I think I might just publicly announce I'm going to play an idol and let them squirm

Richie Tenenbaum / Chapter Seven
« on: September 26, 2021, 09:50:21 am »
At least we're putting on a good show, am I right?

Richie Tenenbaum / Chapter Six
« on: September 22, 2021, 08:52:49 am »

Richie Tenenbaum / Chapter Five
« on: September 19, 2021, 02:53:13 am »
Tragic medevac withdrawal calls for a chapter break

Richie Tenenbaum / Chapter Four
« on: September 18, 2021, 08:37:53 am »
Congratulations to the Hon. Peter Whitman, Mayor of Ponderosa

Richie Tenenbaum / Chapter Three
« on: September 16, 2021, 10:04:15 am »
It's merge baby that's a chapter break and a half.

It is so great to make merge having already met everyone in the game.  Mutiny for the win!

Richie Tenenbaum / Chapter Two
« on: September 15, 2021, 03:35:01 am »
The chapter in which Richie starts brainstorming how to get Peter blindsided before he tells anyone anything about the Heist or the existence of the Idol

Richie Tenenbaum / Chapter One
« on: September 13, 2021, 04:54:55 am »
I'm going to say that hitting a twist of this magnitude is definitely cause for a chapter break.  Prologue over.

It remains the case that there are only two people on this tribe I really truly need to survive to the merge with me and that's Writer and Suzy.  If I skedaddled over to Rushmore here I feel confident they've got the chops to make it without me.  I would like for Sam to still get voted out, but even if it causes some chaos for me to disappear and Sam wriggles out of it I don't see that landing on Suzy, and certainly not on Writer since he got the Mendl's.

Am I trying to talk myself into this mutiny or out of it?

Richie Tenenbaum / Prologue
« on: September 03, 2021, 12:29:35 am »
Ah, the honeymoon phase.  Getting to know everybody.  I'm having pleasant conversations with most people.  I haven't played in a while but I am really excited to be here.  I absolutely adore this theme.

I look forward to chatting with you lovely spectators as well!

Your friend,

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