Survivor: Wes Anderson

Confessionals => Richie Tenenbaum => Topic started by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 22, 2021, 08:52:49 am

Title: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 22, 2021, 08:52:49 am
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 22, 2021, 09:01:32 am
Way more disappointed in Suzy
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 22, 2021, 09:03:07 am
She let herself get manipulated and then she chickened out
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 22, 2021, 09:15:33 am
Every time Suzy goes back to the top of the online list and she hasn't said a word to me my respect for her diminishes
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 22, 2021, 09:53:48 am
Writer man I'm sorry it went like this but you did yourself no favors at all since the cable car twist
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 22, 2021, 09:54:04 am
I don't know if I have a good play with the other rings I'm going to have to think about that
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 22, 2021, 10:37:41 am
Man I feel bad for Herman
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 22, 2021, 12:36:46 pm
Let's see.  I have to find out how badly Suzy exposed us, and I have to figure out if she's still trustworthy to honor our own ride-or-die status.

IF we're not totally exposed (big if) then maybe, maybe we have a chance to subvert a split vote targeting me and either Royal or Herman this round.  They'll assume Richie/Royal/Herman vote together, and they have six votes to counter us with a 3-3 split in case I play an idol.  Suzy could swap to us and we get a 4-3-2.  But I don't think they're going to be that stupid.

I have to hope that people now see me as a valuable piece on the game board to use in their own schemes against each other.  I think that I can make the argument that both Royal and Herman would be worse to have around at endgame because they'll be so attractive to take to FTC, whereas no one is going to think I'm an attractive FTC opponent.  I'm going to do my damndest to shovel so much shit onto Oracle and Duke that they can never claw their way out from under it even if I do just get eliminated in two rounds once my idol spent.  I'm going to keep reminding everyone that Margot probably has the Fox's Tail and I'm going to absolutely go public with how I got the Bandit Hat after I play it, or maybe before I play it, and point the finger at her on that one too.  That's going to be a really fun public thread post.  I'm going to hammer away at Madame D. arguing that I can be her ace in the hole from now on.  I'm going to share every piece of dirt I get my hands on with anyone applicable in the hopes that they'll turn on each other.

If I'm very lucky next round will be some manner of train track challenge that I'll have an advantage on from the Binocular item description.  I'm certainly not going to roll over and give up, but this is going to be a long and grueling run the rest of the way.
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 22, 2021, 10:35:22 pm
I've reconsidered the rings and I think they may be useful to try to play.  Yes I could just be exposed but my position is already quite bad so the benefits I could reap are far greater than the potential to fall a little further into the pits.
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 22, 2021, 11:12:32 pm
Cautious optimism while we wait

I haven't read it, but I've seen the movies and there are worse people to be than Robert Pattinson.  I may in fact have a gift for you, a la Edward and Bella.

What would you say if I could offer you something to guarantee (mechanically, as in enforced by the game's rules) that I am true to my intention of not voting for you again?  I do want to be your secret thrill, but I don't want to be danger.

If you accept I will direct Pietro to run as fast as he can to the radio room to signal a moderator for their needed assistance in this matter.  Thereafter I will gladly divulge every single secret, piece of dirt, errata and lesser known fact from his meticulous archive of my correspondence.

With a mysterious secret agent sign off for effect

Your vampire,
I can’t promise that I would trust you completely or that I would necessarily be able to reciprocate.   That would likely depend on the content and circumstances. There’s a phrase often used in the vampire world… once bitten, twice… sigh?
No matter! I would gladly accept your offer, and I can assure you that I would not seek to use any of that information against you unless I absolutely must do so for my own survival or you are attempting to have me eliminated.

Your curious cat,
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 22, 2021, 11:13:30 pm
She really is the most fun person to PM with
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 23, 2021, 05:49:51 am
Playing the music game was a mistake
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 23, 2021, 06:12:16 am
final jeopardy music
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 23, 2021, 06:12:31 am
Will she or won't she?
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 23, 2021, 06:24:32 am
She will!
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 23, 2021, 06:25:06 am
Team Zissou Forever

Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 23, 2021, 08:07:39 am
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 23, 2021, 08:32:15 am
such a shocking outcome margot wins another immunity
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 23, 2021, 08:42:09 am
individual immunity challenges, the worst part of survivor
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 23, 2021, 01:07:46 pm
I'll tell you what, I really really wanted that Fan Club final three, but now that it's blown to hell this deal with Madame D. is a fantastically satisfying alternative.
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 23, 2021, 01:18:52 pm
Wow, Oracle could not be more dismissive of me right now if he tried.  Like, do you even jury manage bro?
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 24, 2021, 02:17:15 am
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 24, 2021, 03:08:47 am
Suzy girl why are you pushing Madame now.  It pains me.
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 24, 2021, 08:29:58 am
I learned much today.  Madame has the Fox's Tail and will play it to save herself (I fucking hope).  Suzy revealed the new every-Ivanhoe-except-Richie alliance that is targeting Madame.  She leaked to me and I promptly leaked to Madame.
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 24, 2021, 08:30:38 am
You know, or I'm being misdirected seven ways to Sunday and getting voted out
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 24, 2021, 10:28:50 am
What the hell man when do the binoculars come into play?
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 24, 2021, 11:31:01 am
For a final eight with like, at least two people who are just absolutely dead set against me this actually doesn't feel like a terribly bad position right now
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 24, 2021, 12:05:08 pm
Even though Madame's idol play was a waste it is good for me that the Fox's Tail is out and gone because now many people will assume no more idol(s).

Of course if Margot still has a Bandit Hat that's going to be a problem when she finally loses an immunity, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 24, 2021, 12:07:29 pm
Actually I have an idea how I would deal with that probable idol play.  Assuming a non immune Margot is a consensus target for everyone and no one is thinking about an idol, Margot would likely let everyone think she is powerless in the hopes of dictating the elimination with her single vote.  In that case, I share the existence of my idol with Royal and explain how it means that Margot is the only person who can have another one, and the two of us split just our two votes off onto a secondary target of our choosing.
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 24, 2021, 12:31:16 pm
Confessional Prompt 23: We're down to F8 now. With end game in sight, what is your current primary concern?
Trying not to die, trying not to let Madame D. die, trying to keep Suzy trusting me and sharing info with me (and maybe trying not to let her die), trying not to let Royal die, hoping someone finally beats Margot for individual immunity
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 24, 2021, 10:26:51 pm
Now with new and different mess!

Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Wes Anderson on September 25, 2021, 01:50:35 am
Is there a cliffs notes caption to that diagram?
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 25, 2021, 03:48:07 am
Wes, I don't really understand that mess myself
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 25, 2021, 03:52:04 am
The purple lines radiating from me indicate:
Unbreakable alliance with Madame D.
100% trust alliance with Royal
Broken trust with Suzy, but still acting like it's a top tier alliance as long as she trusts me
Questionable trust with Duke

Trio alliances:
Me, Royal, Madame
Me, Royal, Duke

Extremely strong connection between Oracle and Duke
Strong connection between Madame D. and Margot
[missing from graphic] Strong connection between Madame D. and Duke
Some level of connection between Suzy and Margot

Four way alliances I'm not a part of but know about:
Duke, Oracle, Margot, Madame D.
Duke, Oracle, Gustave, Suzy (but this one is on the rocks after the last vote and may not have a group chat since their five way chat with Herman is defunct)

Presumed 1 to 1 connection between Oracle and M. Gustave
Presume trio among Oracle, Duke and Gustave
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 25, 2021, 08:32:04 am
Holy fuckballs I can't believe it
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 25, 2021, 08:32:45 am
Eli Cash is my best friend so of course this is the challenge I had to win!
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 25, 2021, 08:33:01 am
Paging Eli please come celebrate with me bring the peyote
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 25, 2021, 09:10:10 am
I hope two or more people call this a worst case scenario in their confessionals
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 25, 2021, 09:43:28 am
Time to put every person I know has been pushing my name on the spot and ask if they know who has been pushing my name
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 25, 2021, 12:15:01 pm
Operation put Oracle on tilt
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Captain Sharp on September 25, 2021, 12:16:05 pm
What does that look like?
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 25, 2021, 12:17:28 pm
I don't know I didn't actually mean to I just wanted to cut through the BS and be direct and he went and told Suzy he was gonna log off because of me
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 25, 2021, 09:58:52 pm
I made a meme for Oracle.  These are five PMs that we exchanged, verbatim.

Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 25, 2021, 09:59:52 pm
I actually want Oracle out though lol
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 25, 2021, 10:01:55 pm
I'm starting to plan for the possibility/likelihood of Margot living at least to F4 because I still think she has an idol too and I think it may be better to just ignore that, work with her and take out people who are more active threats against me.
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 25, 2021, 10:23:45 pm
My actual goal this round is Oracle out either with a 5 vote majority or by splitting up the opposing votes and getting 4-3-1 or 4-2-2

Gustave is supposedly targeting Margot.
Oracle and Duke are both pitching everyone but me on a Royal vote but might be open to voting Gustave.
Myself, Margot, Madame D. and Royal will vote either Oracle or Gustave but I'm pushing for Oracle.  We'll tell Oracle and Duke that we're voting Gustave.
Suzy might just die from anxiety before she makes her mind up about anything this round but as much as I want her to agree to vote with me I consider her vote the least important in this equation because I'm confident she would flip on Oracle or Gustave if its a 4-4 tie rather than go to rocks (and I'm immune so if she really wants to go to rocks now after she caved and didn't go to rocks for Writer, go right ahead honey child.)
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 25, 2021, 10:27:26 pm
Duke is smart, but he's not smart enough to get in the trio chat he made with me and Royal and just say anything at all.  Being too uncomfortable to talk to people is such a major tell in these games.

I'm engaging in a super ironic debate with Duke over the pros and cons of voting Margot vs Gustave while he actually targets Royal and I actually target Oracle.
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 25, 2021, 11:00:18 pm
This is going to be an F2 and I'm going to get 3rd but fuck it I'm having fun
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 25, 2021, 11:39:21 pm
Watch me drag Gustave kicking and screaming to the final three without him ever PMing me back again just so there's a neutral party there with me and Madame D. in case neither of us wins final immunity.
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 26, 2021, 02:50:09 am
Fairly obvious when Oracle, Duke and Margot are all exchanging PMs (probably in their group chat) rapid fire and not sending anything to me.  They're giving Margot the hard sell on a Royal vote.
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 26, 2021, 02:56:57 am
Wish I could be a fly on the wall in that chat it's gotta be lit
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 26, 2021, 03:40:57 am
Confessional Prompt 24: Who do you want to go home this TC?
Oracle please
Title: Re: Chapter Six
Post by: Richie Tenenbaum on September 26, 2021, 08:51:05 am
Suzy are you just putting on an act about being scared of everything or what?