Author Topic: Welcome to the Dumpster  (Read 7393 times)

Heiji Hattori

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Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
« Reply #30 on: June 28, 2020, 05:16:36 pm »
I like one-liners.

Grouch Cop

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Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
« Reply #31 on: June 28, 2020, 07:15:51 pm »

Also... Jenny.. please don't challenge the teams in public like that. Come on.
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Grouch Cop

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Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
« Reply #32 on: June 28, 2020, 07:22:32 pm »
According to Judy though, Jenny has called me cool, so good on me?

I'm hoping this won't turn into one of those situations where everyone has good things to say about me, and that makes them all consider murder because if everyone likes me, then clearly nobody can be my favourite and only friend. Oh well, what's a Grouch to do? Not be fuzzy on the inside too?
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Grouch Cop

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Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
« Reply #33 on: June 28, 2020, 08:51:59 pm »
Lucifer: Also, just for your information, Jenny told me earlier today that you were at the top of her trust list. She may have already mentioned that to you, but I just thought I'd let you know.

She has absolutely *NOT* told me this. How did this happen? I need to scour over our entire PM exchange to find how I've managed this because uh, what?

No really, look, explain this to me
PM Title: Sorry I'm not a pokemon
Grouch: I know I probably look like I could be one, but I'm not. How are you on this horrible day? I bet you're awful :).

Jenny: Oh, stop being a Negative Nancy!  I'm doing just fine.  You definitely don't look like a Pokémon to me, either.

Grouch: Oh! You know my cousin Negative Nancy? Last I heard she had moved out of Grouchland and was having a terrible time fitting in. People didn't seem to want to let her just live in her trashcan, while being happily miserable and grumpy. It's a really sad story full of miscommunications and misunderstandings. As much as hope is illegal in Grouchland, I hope that we won't repeat that kind of story here.

Jenny: Oh, Negative Nancy?  I wasn't talking about *that* NN, but I've heard of her.  Last time I looked, though, Nancy wasn't in a trashcan at all.  What's up with that?

Grouch: Oh, there's more than one Nancy? Huh. Are you telling me Nancy has moved into a house? Oh no, she's really gone local, hasn't she?

Jenny: Wait, no, I was thinking of a different Nancy.  That Nancy is indeed in a house.

Grouch: How many Nancys are there? Why does Nancy no longer look like an actual name?

Jenny: I can only think of one Nancy off of the top of my head, but I'm sure there's hundreds more of them out there.

Grouch: Quite probably. Is that kind of like how there's tons of Nurse Joys?

Jenny: Hmm, I suppose so.  There's also tons of Officer Jennys too.  Not sure why we had to all be named the same though.

Grouch: Do you have to be named Jenny to apply to the job? Or can you have a different name, and Officer Jenny is just the title of the job?

Jenny: Yup, you have to be named Jenny to apply.  I wasn't named that to begin with, so I had to get my name changed, which is just a whole other story that I don't really feel like talking about.

Grouch: Oh! That's very smart of you. You must have really wanted to be a Pokemon cop then. Is it everything you hoped it would be? Are you going to be the best there ever was?

Speaking of being the best, how are you liking our tribe?

Jenny: Uh, I think that's Ash's line.  :P

I think our tribe is a lovely bunch.  One player I'd like to talk about is Hercules-what do you think of their posting gimmick?

Grouch: Well yes, it is. But it's thematic, no?

Oh I like the gimmick actually. It fits the character, cuz that's how he speaks. I don't mind it. It doesn't bother me if I have to pop a few words into Gurgle if I can't parse what they mean. It's fine aside from that. Why, does it bother you a lot?

Jenny: It's slightly annoying, but only slightly.  The rest of his character is amazing.

Grouch: I take it gimmicks aren't your scene then. :P

Jenny: Not necessarily.  If you can pull off a gimmick without it being annoying / cryptic, it's fine by me.  Of course, actually doing that is rather hard to do.

Grouch: That is a very valid point. There's a balance between them I suppose.

Also, I gotta commend you on suggesting using phone for the challenge. That made it so much easier to check. My phone also forces all things to go to a dark/black theme, which meant I had a black background behind the images which only made it that much easier. I really hope that we'll have done well :)

Jenny: You're welcome  ;)

Also, can she please not tell this to people before she you know, tells me???
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Raymond Holt

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Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
« Reply #34 on: June 28, 2020, 10:09:06 pm »
Now this is the challenge all about how
Cops don't have to worry 'bout leaving the seat down

Heiji Hattori

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Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
« Reply #35 on: June 29, 2020, 07:59:39 am »
Now that you know that Jenny thinks about you a lot. Are you going to let her know that you know? The cat is out of the bag if she's telling other people, you know.

In addition, let's talk about the people you rated favorably. Why are Lucifer and Hercule at the top of your list? What endearing interactions have you had with them?

Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
« Reply #36 on: June 29, 2020, 09:07:48 am »
Hi, trash friend  :D

Do you think Lucifer is lying or exaggerating or do you think Jenny really did say that?

So if we lose, I want it to be Jenny.
And do you still want the same result if you go to tribal in light of this information?

Grouch Cop

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Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
« Reply #37 on: June 29, 2020, 01:50:14 pm »
Now that you know that Jenny thinks about you a lot. Are you going to let her know that you know? The cat is out of the bag if she's telling other people, you know.

In addition, let's talk about the people you rated favorably. Why are Lucifer and Hercule at the top of your list? What endearing interactions have you had with them?
Yes, I straight up told her, because her PM to me was "I wonder who you like most." which is awfully confrontational, but whatever. I think that's just her brand. It's very confusing. Judy also said Jenny said she likes her, so that's something. Jenny reminds me of a particular player's playstyle, and I'm hoping I'm wrong about what to predict there, because I do not want that brand of chaos.

Lucifer is very charming, and we've just been exchanging music a lot. I think he's a very trustworthy kind of person, though he's laying out the way he plays and views these games almost too openly, which could be a bad choice on his part, but I'll take it and keep that information. I think it's a sign he trusts me a lot.

Hercule writes these walls that no one else does, and yet I don't hate that they're walls. It's just natural conversation progression. Sure there's a ton of French tossed throughout, but I read French fairly well so I rarely have to Gurgle anything. Our conversations have led to me getting to subject him to parts of Elmo in Grouchland, so that's a huge plus. He's just very good on the social front. I think that's what concerns me about him, he is very good, but is he better than I am? Possibly. He's also who most people like and look at, so I like him for that meatshield role.

Hi, trash friend  :D

Do you think Lucifer is lying or exaggerating or do you think Jenny really did say that?

So if we lose, I want it to be Jenny.
And do you still want the same result if you go to tribal in light of this information?
Hello mouse pal <3

Well I'm gonna find out! But I don't think he's exaggerating, he's much more of an underseller kind of guy from what I've seen.

I do still want it to be Jenny, even if she trusts me, I don't trust her. She has given me nothing to work with, and I feel she's the type of player who is going to do what she wants to do and be a bit of a maverick, and not care how it reflects on her or anybody else. I think she's the kind of ally who is a liability, and not an asset. The kind you don't want to like you best, because they'll tell everyone that and bring attention on you. Because they're brutally honest, and in ways they shouldn't be. They're not the kind you can tell to sit on their hands and have them do it. Tact thy name is not Jenny. Admittedly, this could just be my own personal experience with these kinds of playstyles talking and I am misreading Jenny horribly. But, I don't trust her farther than I can throw her, and look at these puppet arms, I probably can't even throw a pokeball.
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Grouch Cop

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Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
« Reply #38 on: June 29, 2020, 05:00:10 pm »
Okay so Jenny told me that she trusts Lucifer the most and I am second or third on the list. Thanks for that amount of honesty I guess? And then Poirot just told me that Judy told him that I'm her favourite with him right after. I have several concerns but you know what, that's fine.
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Grouch Cop

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Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
« Reply #39 on: June 29, 2020, 05:16:53 pm »
Jenny, I'm supposed to rain on everybody's parade. Please stop stealing my bit.
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Heiji Hattori

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Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
« Reply #40 on: June 29, 2020, 05:51:39 pm »
Congratulations on immunity and making it to the top 20. What's your agenda for the next 24 hours?

Grouch Cop

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Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
« Reply #41 on: June 29, 2020, 06:31:07 pm »
Thank you! My plan is to uh... well. Just maintain the communication and get closer to the people I like I suppose?
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Grouch Cop

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Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
« Reply #42 on: July 01, 2020, 03:11:09 pm »
Hoping my score doesn't sink our tribe, cuz precision in flash games? Yeah no. Look at these puppet hands, they are not made for this.

But in other news, solidifying a trio with Poirot and Judy. Judy did mention to Poirot that I was her favourite which, okay sure, but come on. Quentin checked in today! Said he should be done with whatever work has been keeping him busy by this weekend if all goes to plan. Jenny and my conversation are over an avatar bet we are making. Cuz yeah that happened. It is just between her and I what we are betting on specifically, but it'll be a month for whomever wins. Wish me luck?
Lucifer is still my bae, but we've almost fallen into a pattern of conversation? Which isn't the most exciting, but it's not bad either? The music he sends me is nice, if largely the same genre. And then Cheddar our chats are.. I don't know how to describe them really. Like, yeah we're talking about some really important stuff on personal levels a little, but it's also somehow superficial at best? Like we're both doing the check in do the friendship things, and leave not friendship stuff elsewhere. Probably cuz we're just at the we know where the bottom is here, so no need to rock the boat in any way place.
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Grouch Cop

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Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
« Reply #43 on: July 01, 2020, 05:24:14 pm »
Well fuck. The worst part about this is, Quentin was gone for 2 days and PM'd nobody, and it's not gonna be something anybody is gonna fight, I am sure. And if you do try to fight it, it'll have that perspective of clearly someone is trying to protect their pocket number, right? Even though for me it's like, I wanna give him a shot and he hasn't really done anything more offensive than not be here or send a PM longer than a line.
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Grouch Cop

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Re: Welcome to the Dumpster
« Reply #44 on: July 01, 2020, 05:49:07 pm »
Oh good, Poirot at least wouldn't be against voting for Jenny should that be what we as a trio decide. Now just gotta cool my jets a little and not try to push too hard for anything.

But I did notice that I did worst in this challenge out of the entire game. That doesn't bode well for me I don't think. Though, hey, living up to my name as trash puppet I suppose.
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