Author Topic: Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 8  (Read 406 times)

Joss Carter

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Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 8
« on: August 06, 2020, 05:04:12 pm »

Hercule Poirot
Leon Kennedy
Lucifer Morningstar

Rust Cohle

Lucifer Morningstar has immunity!

Welcome to your Tribal Council. You must each vote for one coworker to be fired from the Survivor PD.

Please answer the following questions in this thread:

1) In this challenge you got a chance to look back through the game, looking back again what's been your favourite moment of the game?
2) Only 4 of you left now, Immunity is crucial. Lucifer won it here, did he need it or was it more important to block others from getting it?
3) What's the biggest factor in working out who is a Jury threat?
4) Using the below scale, how safe do you feel at TC tonight?

5) FTC is so close, is there anyone who you're dreading to get questions from?

Who went home?

PDT5:00 PM, Fri 7 Aug
EDT8:00 PM, Fri 7 Aug
BST1:00 AM, Sat 8 Aug
ACST9:30 AM, Sat 8 Aug
AEST10:00 AM, Sat 8 Aug

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 8
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2020, 06:31:43 pm »
1) In this challenge you got a chance to look back through the game, looking back again what's been your favourite moment of the game?
-Zat ees so 'ard! Zis ees not necessarily my favorite moment, because I was an emotional wreck during eet, but ze M. Grouch vote at final nine was definitely an incredibly exciting moment, and knowing zat ze vote was going to be 5-4 and zat one person could flip eet was thrilling, though eet also turned ze estomac. Ze fact zat M. Grouch was ze victim of eet and I 'ad to lie to 'im about eet up until deadline was heart-wrenching, though. But in some ways zat was ze last vote where I felt like I actually 'ad some control over what was 'appening, so maintenant I think back on eet fondly.  I also quite enjoyed ze M. Wilde vote, and zat might be more of a purely positive moment. Ze excitement of knowing zat we 'ad control of ze tiger idol and zat M. Wilde would go 'ome no matter what 'appened with ze votes was a lot of fun. And of course I 'ave 'ad lots of fun conversations, and just ze experience of being Poirot and interacting with my fellow players as Poirot makes zis game one zat will always 'ave a special place in my 'eart.

2) Only 4 of you left now, Immunity is crucial. Lucifer won it here, did he need it or was it more important to block others from getting it?
-I think we all desperately needed Immunity, but of course denying others eet ees important too. Zis loss was absolutely crushing pour moi. I made a minor erreur in my chain, and I couldn't find eet, so I 'ad to keep going back through, getting more and more flustered and frustrated and angry with myself. My time was just embarrassing. I really, really wanted eet. I feel zat I let myself down zis time.

3) What's the biggest factor in working out who is a Jury threat?
-I don't really 'ave ze luxury of thinking about zat. I'm just trying to get to ze end.

4) Using the below scale, how safe do you feel at TC tonight?
-F? I do not feel safe. I feel ze least safe I 'ave felt zis entire game.

5) FTC is so close, is there anyone who you're dreading to get questions from?
-My blindside of M. Grouch was brutal, and I know zat when I face 'im, whether as a finalist or as a fellow Juror, 'e probably will 'ave a lot of things to say to me zat 'e 'as been unable to say for a long time. Other Jurors 'ave reasons to be mad at me too, but what I did to M. Grouch and ze way I treated 'im leading up to 'is elimination was especially horrible.

Leon Kennedy

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Re: Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 8
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2020, 08:18:37 pm »
1) In this challenge you got a chance to look back through the game, looking back again what's been your favourite moment of the game?

Hmm, I think my favorite moment of the game is despite being in countless pre-merge TCs and "dramatic" merge TCs, I've formed relationships and bonds with people. I'm certainly not the strongest player out of everyone, but I've definitely connected and bonded with a lot of people.

2) Only 4 of you left now, Immunity is crucial. Lucifer won it here, did he need it or was it more important to block others from getting it?

Everyone in here needs the immunity and Lucifer totally deserved it cause he won the challenge.

3) What's the biggest factor in working out who is a Jury threat?

I guess how you overall play the game.

4) Using the below scale, how safe do you feel at TC tonight?

Ariana Grande

5) FTC is so close, is there anyone who you're dreading to get questions from?

Well, basically, everyone in the Jury. I'm not sure if the people who are in Jury right now likes me. If I ever do manage to be in the FTC, then that would be amazing and thrilling at the same time cause I get to feel the whole survivor experience.

Rust Cohle

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Re: Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 8
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2020, 01:08:08 pm »
1) In this challenge you got a chance to look back through the game, looking back again what's been your favourite moment of the game?
There were some very fun tribal challenges, but for me the biggest moment was making the merge.

2) Only 4 of you left now, Immunity is crucial. Lucifer won it here, did he need it or was it more important to block others from getting it?
Immunity at this point comes with the only seat at the table that can truly dictate the way forward.

3) What's the biggest factor in working out who is a Jury threat?
I expect the jury to be respectful of everyone's game, but in a broad sense social grace is an indicator of jury threat.

4) Using the below scale, how safe do you feel at TC tonight?
2.5 stars

5) FTC is so close, is there anyone who you're dreading to get questions from?
It would be an honor to field jury questions from everyone.  I don't think anyone on the jury is out to excoriate a particular player.

Joss Carter

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Re: Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 8
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2020, 05:00:40 pm »

Does anyone have any items they would like to play?
Of course not; items expired last round.

Very well, lets see the votes...



One Vote Left.
Who could it be?
Let's find out.

You're a loose cannon, Leon Kennedy. Turn in your badge and your gun; you're off the case.
Time for some Desk Duty, welcome to the Jury
