Author Topic: Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 7  (Read 510 times)

Joss Carter

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Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 7
« on: August 04, 2020, 05:02:04 pm »

Hercule Poirot
Leon Kennedy
Lucifer Morningstar

Penelope Garcia
Rust Cohle

Rust Cohle has immunity!

Welcome to your Tribal Council. You must each vote for one coworker to be fired from the Survivor PD.

Please answer the following questions in this thread:

1) If this is an F2, then this is the last time that the number of people who will NOT be at FTC outnumber the people who will be at FTC. This means somebody in the majority is making the wrong choice.  Do you think this could be you?
2) If this is an F3, then only an immunity run can stop an alliance of 3 from making it to the finals. Do you feel like you have put your trust in the right people to win a jury vote?
3) Last round saw everybody vote in the majority. Did anybody make a mistake by letting Judy go?
4) Using the below scale, how safe do you feel at TC tonight?

5) Are you proud of the game you've been playing so far?

Time to reveal the votes

PDT5:00 PM, Mon 3 Aug
EDT8:00 PM, Mon 3 Aug
BST1:00 AM, Tue 4 Aug
ACST9:30 AM, Tue 4 Aug
AEST10:00 AM, Tue 4 Aug

Rust Cohle

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Re: Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 7
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2020, 06:30:46 pm »
1) If this is an F2, then this is the last time that the number of people who will NOT be at FTC outnumber the people who will be at FTC. This means somebody in the majority is making the wrong choice.  Do you think this could be you?
Anything is possible

2) If this is an F3, then only an immunity run can stop an alliance of 3 from making it to the finals. Do you feel like you have put your trust in the right people to win a jury vote?
Anything is possible

3) Last round saw everybody vote in the majority. Did anybody make a mistake by letting Judy go?
Inevitably, whoever doesn't make the final tribal council will have regrets about something.  I don't think we can say with any certainty what the specific regrets will be.

4) Using the below scale, how safe do you feel at TC tonight?
Finally I can say: "These Go To Eleven"

5) Are you proud of the game you've been playing so far?
Yes.  Reaching the final five is an accomplishment we should all be proud of.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 7
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2020, 06:46:54 pm »
1) If this is an F2, then this is the last time that the number of people who will NOT be at FTC outnumber the people who will be at FTC. This means somebody in the majority is making the wrong choice.  Do you think this could be you?
-I think if eet ees a F2, zen so much of ze endgame will depend on who wins zose crucial few challenges. Someone could be said to make ze wrong choice at every vote, since someone always goes 'ome next, but for all we know, zat person would 'ave gone no matter which path zey chose.

2) If this is an F3, then only an immunity run can stop an alliance of 3 from making it to the finals. Do you feel like you have put your trust in the right people to win a jury vote?
-I'm not sure. But I'm also not sure zat I feel confident enough zat I'm actually making eet to ze end to think too much about zat.

3) Last round saw everybody vote in the majority. Did anybody make a mistake by letting Judy go?
-Eet ees very possible I did. If anyone made a mistake, I think eet was me. I was weighing my vote (and whether or not I should tell Mlle Hopps about ze push against 'er, which I did not end up doing) up until ze last hour before FTC, but in ze end, my preference last round didn't wind up even mattering zat much anyway. But eet 'as not escaped my notice at all zat BAU vs SVU ended up being a central conflict zis merge, and now, for ze first time since F9, BAU outnumbers SVU thanks to Mlle Hopps' elimination, so if ze three BAU are sticking together 'ere, eet ees me or M. Kennedy who would be going 'ome.

4) Using the below scale, how safe do you feel at TC tonight?
-I am going to say I feel Endangered. With only four options to vote out, I think you are foolish you feel safe.

5) Are you proud of the game you've been playing so far?
-Oui, I am. C'est vrai, like M. Cohle said, making eet to ze final five ees a 'uge accomplishment in a 21-person game, and we should all be proud of ourselves for making eet zis far no matter 'ow things go from 'ere.

Penelope Garcia

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Re: Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 7
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2020, 11:49:23 am »
1) If this is an F2, then this is the last time that the number of people who will NOT be at FTC outnumber the people who will be at FTC. This means somebody in the majority is making the wrong choice.  Do you think this could be you?
I think with this round I'm either in the majority or going home, so I don't think I have the luxuries of making the wrong choice :P

2) If this is an F3, then only an immunity run can stop an alliance of 3 from making it to the finals. Do you feel like you have put your trust in the right people to win a jury vote?
I trust the people I've worked with thus far to do what they need to do, yes, but I don't think that's what's going to get me jury votes. Only a person's individual game play is going to do that and depends on the jury of course!

3) Last round saw everybody vote in the majority. Did anybody make a mistake by letting Judy go?
You're right :/ I should have voted with her.

4) Using the below scale, how safe do you feel at TC tonight?

Definitely a 1 star, but that's more of a judgement on how I didn't take any good notes on the candlesticks :/

5) Are you proud of the game you've been playing so far?
It's gotten me this far :)

Leon Kennedy

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Re: Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 7
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2020, 03:18:58 pm »
1) If this is an F2, then this is the last time that the number of people who will NOT be at FTC outnumber the people who will be at FTC. This means somebody in the majority is making the wrong choice.  Do you think this could be you?

I don't know and I'm not sure how to answer this. Anything is possible as Rust have said because challenges are still a thing.

2) If this is an F3, then only an immunity run can stop an alliance of 3 from making it to the finals. Do you feel like you have put your trust in the right people to win a jury vote?

Hopefully, I put my trust to the right people.

3) Last round saw everybody vote in the majority. Did anybody make a mistake by letting Judy go?

I'm echoing what Hercule said: "for ze first time since F9, BAU outnumbers SVU thanks to Mlle Hopps' elimination, so if ze three BAU are sticking together 'ere, eet ees me or M. Kennedy who would be going 'ome."

4) Using the below scale, how safe do you feel at TC tonight?

Ariana Grande

5) Are you proud of the game you've been playing so far?

Yep! As a newbie who was confused at the start, I didn't really expect to get this far, lol. This game has truly been a wild experience for me and I'm proud of what I've achieved. <3

Penelope Garcia

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Re: Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 7
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2020, 04:58:23 pm »

Sherlock Holmes

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Re: Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 7
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2020, 05:03:14 pm »

Does anyone have any items they would like to play?
Nobody stands up

Very well, lets see the votes...





You're a loose cannon, Penelope Garcia. Turn in your badge and your gun; you're off the case.
Time for some Desk Duty, welcome to the Jury


Sherlock Holmes

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Re: Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 7
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2020, 05:04:47 pm »
Gaaaaah, sorry I had all the stuff queued to post and just clicked send but people posting a comment before I click send will make it not send and I forgot to check it had been sent xD