Author Topic: Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 3  (Read 513 times)

Joss Carter

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Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 3
« on: July 27, 2020, 05:00:50 pm »

Grouch Cop
Hercule Poirot
Jake Peralta

Judy Hopps
Lennie Briscoe
Leon Kennedy

Lucifer Morningstar
Penelope Garcia
Rust Cohle

Lennie Briscoe has immunity!

Welcome to your Tribal Council. You must each vote for one coworker to be fired from the Survivor PD.

Please answer the following questions in this thread:

1) Last round certainly seemed to be an explosive one! How well are you navigating the fallout?
2) Lennie won immunity this round. Did he need it?
3) How does Jury Management start to affect your decisions now?
4) Using the below scale, how safe do you feel at TC tonight?

5) Is the person you are voting for going to be the same person you were planning on voting for at the start of TC?

Time to reveal the votes

PDT5:00 PM, Tue 28 Jul
EDT8:00 PM, Tue 28 Jul
BST1:00 AM, Wed 29 Jul
ACST9:30 AM, Wed 29 Jul
AEST10:00 AM, Wed 29 Jul

Rust Cohle

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Re: Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 3
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2020, 09:08:43 pm »
1) Last round certainly seemed to be an explosive one! How well are you navigating the fallout?
It's the merge, Joss.  Everything is explosive.

2) Lennie won immunity this round. Did he need it?
Need, maybe not, but immunity is never a bad thing to have.  I'd certainly like to have it right now.

3) How does Jury Management start to affect your decisions now?
Well for one thing we're going to pretend I didn't miss tribal council questions for the last two rounds.

4) Using the below scale, how safe do you feel at TC tonight?
Why is six below three?

5) Is the person you are voting for going to be the same person you were planning on voting for at the start of TC?
I'm answering these now so I don't forget before deadline, which makes this pretty hard to say anything more than I Don't Know.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 3
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2020, 09:37:02 pm »
1) Last round certainly seemed to be an explosive one! How well are you navigating the fallout?
-Eet 'as been an explosive merge en général. I am 'andling eet like I 'andle everything else in zis game: with order and method and ze leetle grey cells.

2) Lennie won immunity this round. Did he need it?
-Eet ees 'ard to ever be sure about zese things, since Immunity ees always nice to 'ave, but I think M. Briscoe probably would 'ave been fine without eet.

3) How does Jury Management start to affect your decisions now?
-Eet ees because we're starting to get to ze point in ze game where ze end ees in sight, so if people aren't thinking about ze Jury already, I think zey will start thinking about eet soon.

4) Using the below scale, how safe do you feel at TC tonight?
-I suppose zat I will give myself a "venti" on ze scale. Italian ees not as magnifique as le français, but eet ees most pleasant nonezeless.

5) Is the person you are voting for going to be the same person you were planning on voting for at the start of TC?
-Given zat ees currently ze start of TC, I don't know 'ow I can answer zis. Though I will say zat I currently am not sure who I am voting for, so unless I forget to cast a vote, I suspect zat ze answer to zis ees probably "non"

Lennie Briscoe

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Re: Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 3
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2020, 10:43:20 pm »
1) Last round certainly seemed to be an explosive one! How well are you navigating the fallout?
Practice, practice, practice.
*consults stock joke answer book*
sorry, I meant to say "Very carefully".

2) Lennie won immunity this round. Did he need it?
I hope not but it's nice to have it.

3) How does Jury Management start to affect your decisions now?
It probably should have affected our previous decisions too?

4) Using the below scale, how safe do you feel at TC tonight?

5) Is the person you are voting for going to be the same person you were planning on voting for at the start of TC?
Considering how the last two TCs have gone I can't imagine why anyone would answer yes to this.

Leon Kennedy

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Re: Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 3
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2020, 11:12:43 pm »
1) Last round certainly seemed to be an explosive one! How well are you navigating the fallout?

Moving on.

2) Lennie won immunity this round. Did he need it?

Everybody needs the immunity and he deserved earning it even if he didn't really need it.

3) How does Jury Management start to affect your decisions now?

I'm a newbie here what does jury management mean

4) Using the below scale, how safe do you feel at TC tonight?

No one is truly safe without the immunity and an idol

5) Is the person you are voting for going to be the same person you were planning on voting for at the start of TC?

Every TC is different and I wanna know where the wind is blowing.

Judy Hopps

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Re: Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 3
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2020, 03:09:23 am »
As well as I can considering I was named quite clearly.

Don't think he needed it. Nailed the challenge though so he certainly earned it.

I mean it has to equate somewhat. I think that if you don't make it to the finale it doesn't matter how your jury case looks. Getting there is my priority.


I mean, generally it seems like I wake up and find out who I am voting for. So probably? Has been every TC of merge so far.
Do not call me Joody Hoops!

Penelope Garcia

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Re: Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 3
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2020, 03:56:48 pm »

1) Last round certainly seemed to be an explosive one! How well are you navigating the fallout?

With a smile of course! Every round is explosive in this game, and that's part of the fun of it! Just having a grand ol' time :)

2) Lennie won immunity this round. Did he need it?

Oh my, in 19 minutes?? If he didn't need it, he deserved it :P

3) How does Jury Management start to affect your decisions now?

I mean, I just try and play the game. I'm not going to sweettalk someone on their way out just to get their vote in the end. That's what an FTC is for.

4) Using the below scale, how safe do you feel at TC tonight?

Definitely a PG - 13 rating here.

5) Is the person you are voting for going to be the same person you were planning on voting for at the start of TC?
Who even goes into these TC's with a plan? :P

Grouch Cop

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Re: Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 3
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2020, 04:07:47 pm »
1) Last round certainly seemed to be an explosive one! How well are you navigating the fallout?

2) Lennie won immunity this round. Did he need it?

3) How does Jury Management start to affect your decisions now?

4) Using the below scale, how safe do you feel at TC tonight?


5) Is the person you are voting for going to be the same person you were planning on voting for at the start of TC?

You have the right to scream your head off. Should you give up the right to scream your head off, someone who will scream their head off... will be provided for you.

Jake Peralta

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Re: Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 3
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2020, 04:24:16 pm »
1) Last round certainly seemed to be an explosive one! How well are you navigating the fallout?

2) Lennie won immunity this round. Did he need it?

3) How does Jury Management start to affect your decisions now?

4) Using the below scale, how safe do you feel at TC tonight?

5) Is the person you are voting for going to be the same person you were planning on voting for at the start of TC?

Oh my god this is just like Die Hard!

Joss Carter

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Re: Mafiascum's Finest: Tribal Council 3
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2020, 05:00:10 pm »

Does anyone have any items they would like to play?
Nobody stands up

Very well, lets see the votes...








One vote left.

You're a loose cannon, Grouch Cop. Turn in your badge and your gun; you're off the case.
Time for some Desk Duty, welcome to the Jury
