Author Topic: Épisode Douze: Things Get Messy  (Read 525 times)

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Douze: Things Get Messy
« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2020, 10:51:11 am »
A storm ees brewing between two of my alliances, particularly between Mlle Garcia and M. Peralta, and I may need to make a decision between zem soon, possibly as soon as next round.

Zis round will either be a proxy war taking out a secondary piece on one of zeir sides or eet will be a consensus boot on someone like M. Cohle who no one ees going to stick up for. For one of zem, booting M. Cohle might be a mistake.

I think booting M. Cohle ees a mistake for M. Grouch and Mlle Garcia, but eet seems like zey might mistakenly prefer eet. But ze problem with zat ees zat if M. McGruff links back up with 27 and Mlle Hopps refuses to flip on zem, zey will 'ave ze numbers. I feel comfortable in my place with zem because I 'ave M. Briscoe and Mlle Hopps still, and I think M. Kennedy, M. Peralta, and M. McGruff make ze more troublesome target, especially if people wrongly assume zat M. Briscoe ees in with zem too.

But keeping M. Cohle gives me a path to possibly make a move against zat group at 9, which depending on 'ow things go might be something I'm interested in. I'm not sure.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Douze: Things Get Messy
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2020, 10:52:39 am »
Also we love waking up to twenty new messages. I 'ave so much to wade through I don't even know where to begin. Groupchats are crazy.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Douze: Things Get Messy
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2020, 12:29:46 pm »
I was just honest with M. Cohle about ze fact zat 'e ees in danger and targeting M. McGruff ees 'is best 'ope at staying alive. I 'ave Immunity, so I might as well really push for what I want to 'ave 'appen instead of taking a backseat on ze round I 'ave ze most leverage to accomplish my goals.

Eet might blow up in my face, but if so, oh well. At least I can't receive ze blowback, not immediately anyway.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Douze: Things Get Messy
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2020, 12:39:59 pm »
I really am going to be in a bad spot eventually. I'm not sure what to do about eet. I'm too obviously powerful.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Douze: Things Get Messy
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2020, 01:02:34 pm »
I deleted my message to M. Cohle.

Taking out M. Cohle puts me in a better spot. Taking out M. McGruff ees too obviously my doing, and I'm already overexposed. And eet means zere ees no pressure to take out a 27 next round.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Douze: Things Get Messy
« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2020, 01:13:09 pm »
If M. Cohle goes, next round ees 4-4-1 in terms of original tribes, and I don't see 'ow I get voted out unless M. Grouch, Mlle Garcia, M. Morningstar, and M. McGruff all band together, but even zen, zat's only 4 votes. I am in a position to make ze decision.

On ze other 'and, if I force through a vote on M. McGruff, which I could do, eet ees 4-3-1. All eyes will be on 99, and eet will be ze perfect time to make a move against one of ze most obviously powerful people in ze game.

Long-term, I 'ave problems either way. M. Grouch 'as been honest about feeling like an underling, which ees trash in terms of getting zis person to take me to ze end. Honestly I think siding with ze M. Grouch, M. Morningstar, Mlle Garcia side of things next round might spell doom, as much as I like zem. I don't know zat any of zese people 'ave genuine interest in taking me to ze end, whereas M. Briscoe and Mlle Hopps might.

I don't think zey realize eet, but keeping M. McGruff 'ere might spell out at least one of M. Morningstar, M. Grouch, and Mlle Garcia's doom next round.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Douze: Things Get Messy
« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2020, 01:21:50 pm »
I think M. Peralta just seems weak after everyone against 'im last round, but eet ees definitely possible zat things pick up against 'im instead.

So M. Cohle, I can't stop laughing because we are such a désastre. Last round, I was waiting for Mlle Hopps to get online and when she finally did, she was leaning towards voting M. Pikachu, but before we confirmed anything, we both got messages from M. McGruff saying zat 'e thought M. Peralta was such a 'uge threat and 'e was voting against 'im and would not be online for ze rest of ze round, copy-paste messages basically. So we were like, well, I guess our decision ees made for us, and zat was why we decided to go against M. Peralta instead of M. Pikachu. We 'ad no idea zat you were considering zat and we thought zat without M. McGruff, ze numbers were lost. But in reality, M. McGruff for some reason possibly only sent zat because 'e thought we were already against M. Peralta and 'e wanted to be on ze winning side. I don't know 'ow zat 'appened, other zan ze fact zat ze four of us 'ad not met until merge and didn't 'ave ze trust in each other to tell our true feelings, but ze votes should probably 'ave been against M. Pikachu if we weren't all 'orrible at zis. And zen hilariously, ze votes didn't even matter and we all got what we wanted anyway, and we flushed an idol while we were at eet. We are truly savants idiots.

So, M. Cohle, in ze spirit of 'aving better communication zis round, I'm going to be 100% honest with you 'ere. You could leak zis and really you 'ave a lot of reason to do so, as you will see, but I think if we're going to be relying on each other 'ere, I cannot remain silent zis round. I do trust you and I want you to stay alive.

Zere ees currently a push to eliminate you zis round. I don't know zat eet currently ees set in stone, but eet ees definitely ze way ze winds blew overnight. I 'ave no interest in doing zat, especially since we just formalized an alliance. If ze numbers are zere, I might 'ave no choice, but I truly do not want zat to 'appen.

So 'ow do we save you? I think by far ze best bet ees to target M. McGruff, which I know you may not love since ze two of you are close, but I think ze vote ees currently down to ze two of you, and honestly, I think if we don't target M. McGruff, you will be ze one going 'ome. Zere still are four hours left in ze vote, so of course things can change, but I think M. McGruff ees ze only vote option other zan yourself zat I see with real traction.

I might be wrong though. Maybe zere are some secret plans 'appening zat I am not included in, in which case I would appreciate eet if you let me know about zem. I'm putting a lot of trust in you by telling you zis, but we agreed to try to keep each other safe, and zat ees what I 'ave been doing.

Obviously I would appreciate eet if until we figure out 'ow to proceed 'ere, you did not share zat I told you zis. I 'ave no interest in seeing you go 'ome zis round, and when we agreed to keep each other safe, I took zat seriously.

Zis was my PM to M. Cohle zat got deleted. Think 'ow eet would change things if eet was sent.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Douze: Things Get Messy
« Reply #22 on: July 26, 2020, 04:22:57 pm »
M. Grouch just admitted to me zat 'e does not plan to take me to ze end. Which, I mean, I appreciate ze honesty, but at ze same time...zat just confirms to me zat sticking with 'im and Mlle Garcia over Mlle Hopps and M. Briscoe ees not a valid choice 'ere.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Douze: Things Get Messy
« Reply #23 on: July 26, 2020, 04:50:20 pm »
Yeah that's entirely fair and I think we all feel the same. My worry here is that people take Scruff's posts and go, "Hmm, he's wrong on Judy but maybe he has a point." And then focus ends up on you Poirot.

And that would be a shitty situation. You hopefully have Grouch and Luc in your corner though.

Eet ees a totally legitimate concern. I worry about ze same thing. And I can't win every Immunity, eet was a minor miracle zat I won zat one.

I don't know what I can do though. I 'ave decided to stick with M. Briscoe, M. Kennedy, M. Peralta, and Mlle Hopps next round though. Zis public post tipped ze needle for me, along with M. Grouch admitting zat 'e does not see me as an endgame partner.