Author Topic: Épisode Onze: Ze Merge Enfin  (Read 621 times)

Hercule Poirot

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Épisode Onze: Ze Merge Enfin
« on: July 21, 2020, 06:10:51 pm »
Eet finally ze merge! I 'ave made eet.

M. Pikachu prefers zat I not use my accent to 'im, so of course I am going to comply, though eet will be a struggle and I guarantee zat I will slip up. At zis point, while I play zis game I think in my accent, so eet ees second nature to me.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Onze: Ze Merge Enfin
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2020, 10:13:32 pm »
I am irritated.

I am not 'appy with ze state of zis merge.

Why can't my friends be friends with each other?

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Onze: Ze Merge Enfin
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2020, 11:22:19 pm »
Mlle Hopps 'as proposed a final two deal with me! Maybe after seeing me sacrifice by undoing my idol play? I like to think zat my choices 'ave such clear positive consequences, but eet ees so 'ard to tell with zat one.

I accepted and promised to take 'er to ze end, and I meant eet. Do I think we will be allowed to be ze final two? Absolument non, one of us will be taken out, but if I'm honest, if I 'ad ze choice, I would take 'er to ze end (partially because I think I'm a better player and would beat 'er) but also because I just 'ave enjoyed 'er so much zis game and I wouldn't even be mad if she beat me, I can't name a more iconique winner honestly.

And more importantly, I think she actually would be true to eet and be loyal to me in exchange, which ees not easy to get in zis game. I think zere a very few people who willingly go to ze end with me at zis point, and she ees one of zem.

So I will continue trying to distance and talking about 'ow crazy she ees to everyone and meet, because at ze end of ze day, I know she 'as my back, and honestly? I 'ave 'ers too. She's such a fun ally. Crazy? Oui. Unreliable? Oui. Dangerous in some ways? Oui. But I'm 'aving fun playing with 'er, and I 'ope to continue ze Mlle Hopps experience for a long time. She's really made zis game pour moi.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Onze: Ze Merge Enfin
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2020, 05:37:16 pm »
Wait a second, ees M. Grouch Cop...

Xof??? I can't believe I didn't see zat, but ze way 'e acts like everything I tell 'im ees something 'e already knows ees ze tell zat ees making me think zat hahaha. Love you Xof. I definitely could be wrong, but I usually can identify Xof.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Onze: Ze Merge Enfin
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2020, 07:51:14 pm »
Ahhhhh M. Cohle ees trying to set up something with me. I can tell. Why do I like 'im? I already 'ave too many friends.

Zis ees going to be such a tricky spot. But you know what, I will let eet go where eet goes. I'm not closing any doors. Even though I 'ave been setting up a vote on 'im or M. Pikachu, maybe we can take out M. Pikachu first, assuming zat 'e does not win zis challenge. People always come on to me first, eet ees not my fault I'm so charismatique.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Onze: Ze Merge Enfin
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2020, 01:12:32 pm »
Mon ami, please forgive my delayed message...the last two days have been absolutely bonkers at work. I'm sitting at my desk, grimy, still dripping from the rain, fueled by caffeine, and with a "to do" list as long as my...arm. I have felt most secure in where I stand with you, monsieur, and with Lennie, and so I have focused my energies and limited time elsewhere. I also wanted to work some other angles so I knew what all of our options are before we decided how to proceed.

I have heard through the grapevine that you might be ready to do that evolving we spoke of, and perhaps distance yourself from liabilities. I don't know if I am ready for that just yet, but looking to the future, I certainly want to have you included in my circle of friends. You are already familiar with Messrs. Leon and Lennie, may I strongly encourage you seek out Scruff? He has likewise received my recommendation of you. Miss Garcia also does not hold a grudge for the ouster of Nick, and is ready for a realignment of interests.

With regard to returning assets from the former 99th, you should be aware that significant animosity exists between Grouch Cop and the rest of the Narcotics Unit. Who betrayed whom is quite dependent on whom you ask, but what is evident is that he would likely have been a unanimous vote had a third TC visited them. Four axes to grind is quite a lot, especially when some of them are our allies.

If I have been at all unclear, Monsieur, please understand more directly: I would like to proceed in an alliance with you, but it looks like the post-merge union we discussed in the Strike Team is non-viable. I have been as forthright as I can be without betraying confidences at this time, please advise as to your disposition.

Warm regards!

So basically 'e wants to take out M. Grouch ees what I am getting from zis.

I don't know if eet ees viable to save M. Grouch 'ere or not, but I do think and 'ope zat a path might be possible. I mean ze six votes would be myself, Mlle Hopps, M. Morningstar, Mlle Garcia, and M. Briscoe, and I do think I could get all of zose people along with M. Grouch to vote together to save 'im, but eet ees a great use of resources.

At ze same time, I can tell M. Kennedy, M. Peralta, and M. McGruff are all more loyal to each other zan me. M. Peralta's message 'ere makes zat very clear. And I don't know 'ow solid M. Pikachu and M. Cohle are with zem, supposedly M. Peralta does not like M. Cohle, but I don't want my fate in ze 'ands of M. Peralta, because 'e ees not someone I can influence. So if I just let M. Grouch go, I'm folding and potentially giving up my ability to actually be ze one in control of zis tribe.

M. Grouch would be a good first Juror for me though, probably ze best first Juror I could 'ope for.

Zere ees a lot to think about. I think I could get ze votes against M. Cohle or M. Pikachu if I really wanted to, especially because Mlle Garcia already said zat she would vote zat way. M. Briscoe, I do think I 'ave enough influence over 'im to get 'im to vote my way. And zen M. Morningstar and Mlle Hopps would fall in line I think if I did ze work. So eet ees possible.

I'm not a weak-willed person. I think I might do eet. Even if eet goes wrong, I'd rather try and fail zan not try at all. But let's see what 'appens.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Onze: Ze Merge Enfin
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2020, 03:09:14 pm »
I really don't like ze vibes M. Kennedy 'as been giving me since ze merge. I still think 'e likes me and wants to work with me, but 'e ees very clear about being closer with M. McGruff and M. Peralta zan with me, and 'e ees such a weak-willed player zat I think whatever zey said, 'e would do, even if eet was voting me out. I do not think 'e would stick up for me when faced with allies who wanted me dead.

So zat ees 'ighly concerning.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Onze: Ze Merge Enfin
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2020, 03:10:58 pm »
Like when I said zat I liked M. Peralta, 'e said zat makes 'im feel "much better about me" and 'e said zat 'e ees "also close to M. McGruff so 'e cannot leave 'im out".

Eet ees very worrisome. I think we need to make a move against zat power base sooner rather zan later. Eet might be smarter to take out a peripheral person like M. Pikachu first, and zen gun for a big dog in a few rounds.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Onze: Ze Merge Enfin
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2020, 03:43:30 pm »
Not only that, but if I voted out Cheddar, the only person I would have a chance of 'burning' would be Grouch-- but on the other hand, if I voted out Pikachu, it would alienate Rust (Who's close to Pika), Jake (Who's close to Rust and Pika), and Nick (Viewed Pika as his closest ally)

Worrisome! Red alert, red alert, red alert!

We need M. Pikachu, M. Rust, M. Peralta, M. McGruff, or M. Kennedy to go 'ome zis round. Any other vote ees a mistake. If we don't get one of zem out, our fate will be in ze 'ands of M. Peralta, and 'e would 'ave no qualms about sending me 'ome if zat ees what 'ad to 'appen. Eet will be a betrayal for 'im no matter what.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Onze: Ze Merge Enfin
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2020, 09:49:44 pm »
Alors, Mlle Garcia ees far from guaranteed to vote with us 'ere. I need to put in work with 'er. I understand why, she ees ze swing vote and yet we're not able to give 'er 'er ideal choice, but ze other option ees a vote on M. Kennedy which ees not really an option at all, but I would rather M. Kennedy go zan M. Grouch (or whoever else zeir side of things ees currently planning on targeting, eet could be me for all I know).

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Onze: Ze Merge Enfin
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2020, 10:32:43 pm »
Zis ees such a 'orrible tribal. Everyone ees keeping zeir opinions to zemselves.

I almost wish I 'ad gone through with getting rid of M. Kennedy back on SVU instead of M. Chase. I think M. Chase would be troublesome and would 'ave different ideas about what to do 'ere too, but M. Kennedy ees just frustrating to me. And I do not think M. Chase would 'ave turned on M. Cheddar.

Alexandra Cabot

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Re: Épisode Onze: Ze Merge Enfin
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2020, 04:20:21 am »
feeling blessed to read your thorough confessional 😌

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Onze: Ze Merge Enfin
« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2020, 11:58:25 am »
You are too kind, Mlle Cabot! I 'ave done a worse job zis merge round, but I try to keep updating eet with my thoughts.

I really like interaction with ze spectateurs, so if you 'ave any questions, do not 'esitate to ask zem, mon ami.

Ze vote 'as moved from M. Pikachu to M. Morningstar and now zere might be a counterpush against 27 from M. Pikachu/M. Cohle/M. Grouch? 27 ees definitely powerful and everyone sees eet, so zat ees good for our longterm chances. But eet puts me in an awkward spot since I might be ze sixth vote zey need to get whatever plan zey launch off ze ground.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Onze: Ze Merge Enfin
« Reply #13 on: July 24, 2020, 12:28:53 pm »
So 'ere ees ze thing. Zey want me to let M. Lucifer go, which ees not great, but not ze end of ze world. Eet ees a weak move, but eet ees a publicly weak move, and I think all eyes will be on 27 going forward, which ees ze main benefit.

M. Pikachu/M. Cohle/M. Grouch/M. Lucifer are kind of trying to band together as ze people on ze bottom/outcasts and zey potentially want me and Mlle Hopps to join zem. Ze problem I see with zat ees zat if I do zat, I don't think zat ees a group I see longterm success with. I stand out like a sore thumb, whereas with M. Briscoe and M. Peralta I 'ave more similar players to 'ide behind. I'm also burning a lot of allies and voting at least one out, since I don't even know who ze countertarget ees, but eet would 'ave to be M. Briscoe, M. Peralta, or M. Kennedy, and all of zem I think trust me and more importantly I think at zis point zey will be targets before me because 27 ees seen as a tight group.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Onze: Ze Merge Enfin
« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2020, 12:30:09 pm »
I do like ze idea of all of ze people who can't get what zey want turning around and taking eet out on ze power players denying zem eet, so I'm not writing a big move off. I just think a big move ees a bit premature, especially since I know I 'ave M. Briscoe on my side.