Author Topic: TC1  (Read 1064 times)

Nick Wilde

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« on: July 20, 2020, 05:26:43 pm »
Woah wait what the game started

no stop I wasn't ready

Joss Carter

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Re: TC1
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2020, 05:27:39 pm »

Nick Wilde

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Re: TC1
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2020, 05:46:57 pm »
Who's your faves right now? Who are you most excited to get back with

Weirdly, Penelope is now my favourite by a country mile. When we got swapped together here she opened up a lot and I think we've got a pretty strong bond from being the two 12ths who have been together all game, especially since 12 got wiped on SVU. She's involved in everything I'm involved in at this point, which is probably a bad thing, but it's something I'm fine with right now because she's doing serious work on getting people on board with things. I've pretty unanimously heard from the SVU peeps "We all thought she'd be an easy boot but she's actually great to talk to!". And if them liking her means they don't vote for me either I'm very good with that :D

After that, Poirot, but in a very different way. Penelope is someone I like working with, Poirot is someone I like talking to - his gimmick is actually the best thing in the world, and we connect on the essay-writing message style front - but I feel like his sheer charisma combined with the fact that I'm one of the last people to meet him makes him a bad option for a close ally. I doubt I could get to a position where I'm his #1, *but* I do want to see him make it deep because a) I really enjoy talking to him and b) he's probably the biggest shield in the game.

Lucifer is someone I don't talk much to, but trust implicitly. Almost *because* I don't talk much to him. He's straightforward, nobody seems very sold on him (even his former tribemates), and that means that when he's committing to something he probably really means it because clearly he's not done that much to other people. He's shared his view of the 99th tribe dynamics with me (Judy-him-Poirot-Grouch-Cheddar alliance with a Judy-Poirot-Cheddar core that's clearly split up a bit since SVU) and I feel like he's all in with me to some extent. I really want to go a long way with him, *but* he's also seen as the easy target by others, which means I may have to make the decision of whether or not to stick out my neck to save him.
I don't want to go home at my first TC. So I might have to let him go.

Jake, I feel like I have a decent relationship with but he's very clearly first and foremost about aligning with his OG tribe. It's weird how honest he is about that. I don't trust that I'm anywhere near being his #1 but I do think he wants to work with me at least for the time being. He's still a big social threat too in my eyes, but less so than he used to be because he keeps disappearing for ages.

Judy is straightforward about everything and kinda forceful sometimes too. It's... hard to talk through, but it's something I like in a sense because I at least know she's probably being honest about where her head is at. She can be kind of obnoxious at times too though (see, insistence on the 3v3 in that one challenge despite forcing Quentin to be awake at 2am for it) and I think that's going to make her unpopular.

Lennie is probably the person I trust least and like least. We've had decent conversation, but it's clear he doesn't think I'm messaging enough, and I don't feel like I have any real strategic connection to him either. I'm loosely connected through Jake, buuuut, very very tenuously and I think I'm almost relying on Jake to get Lennie not to try to target me here.

Nick Wilde

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Re: TC1
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2020, 03:23:44 am »
Ever wondered what 9 rounds of immunity does to a gamebot?
It makes them go insane! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
time to overplay the hell out of my only TC and maybe go home

It's BIG MOVE time folks

Nick Wilde

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Re: TC1
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2020, 03:28:16 am »
BAU wants to go Judy. Lucifer's clearly a little unsure on that.

SVU supposedly wants to go Lucifer, but I think they might actually want to go for me.

What is the sensible thing to do? Probably to stay calm, find out whether they're targeting me or not *first*, then carefully examine the situation with some trusted allies.

Nick Wilde

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Re: TC1
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2020, 03:35:18 am »

Nick Wilde

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Re: TC1
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2020, 11:53:47 am »
Okay so, things are getting interesting.

I just had possibly the most frank conversation I've ever had with someone leading a vote on me. Judy is an interesting character indeed. She was straightforward about what she was doing and why and the fact that I was likely going home.

So it seems to be 4-3 right now, SVU+Lucifer vs Jake/Penelope/myself. In addition it seems that the tiger is likely being used on Judy. Going after her is a non-starter even if we can get Lucifer on board.

Lennie would easily easily be my choice if I had one, but Jake doesn't want to do that because he's tight with Lennie. SVU won't vote for each other either so Lennie's completely out as a target. Poirot, nobody would ever bite.

That leaves my fellow BAU players, Penelope, Jake, and Lucifer. Lucifer is potentially an option but it's clear that Lennie is pushing for me, and Lucifer just made it clear to SVU he'd vote with them, so why would they cut him loose? Jake is an option and someone Judy actually wants out, so that looks promising, but then I have to figure out how to make my way around Lennie considering SVU probably don't want to alienate him.

That leaves Penelope. But Penelope is amazing and probably my closest ally here. Sure, she's not the most connected, but would I really stab my friend in the back like that?


MUAHAHAHA of course I would

Nick Wilde

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Re: TC1
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2020, 11:57:12 am »
Well, I'll do anything to survive, anyone who knows me knows that. But actually, I'm not going to here.
Poirot values loyalty. Judy values loyalty. How does it look if I throw my closest ally under the bus? Not good, and they're not going to join me on that.

So, let's look at it the opposite way, and disregard targets entirely. How do I get Poirot and Judy to like me enough to save me?

Well, being honest and open with them is a good start. And I've done that. But it might not be enough, because they don't know how loyal of a player I really am. Would I stick with them or am I just doing whatever I can out of desperation?

Sticking with Penelope proves my loyalty. Acknowledging that she's the best target, and then actively refusing to consider voting for her, is how I can show them that I'd make a good ally.

Nick Wilde

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Re: TC1
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2020, 11:58:01 am »
I'm not willing to target Penelope. I know she'd probably be the person I should be shifting it to if I want the best chance of living but... if you start being willing to do absolutely anything to survive in the game, you might go the distance but you're going to hate yourself when the game is over. At least for me. I have to have a line somewhere and right now, that's mine.
That's not even because I liked her much on 12th. She was someone I felt like would be amazing if she talked, but who didn't talk, to the extent that I might have wanted to vote her out before Chan even (although that was because I liked him). But she's opened up massively since we swapped to this tribe, and given Chase is gone that's the beacon of trust I have in this game right now. I'm not willing to betray that and I hope you can understand that; if that sends me home, so be it =/

Nick Wilde

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Re: TC1
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2020, 12:17:39 pm »

Option 2: Idol Lennie out of the game

Well not really. But give the impression that I'm going to!

Fake idols are a really hard thing to pull off. I've tried and failed a lot before. The real problem is that you have no reason to tell your opponents that you're idolling, and if you do, they're less likely to think you have one. If you're trying to convincingly fake an idol play, the only people you can tell are your allies.

Which is a bad thing, because then said allies think you have an idol and are safe. Hence, any attempts to save you grind to a halt.


What if one of those allies had a friend on the other side? Someone they might tip off to ensure that the vote was split, or moved onto someone else?

Lennie just told me to my face that he doesn't think I PM enough and wants me to go home. That sounds like a perfect reason to idol him out to me! And I might just share that with Jake...

Nick Wilde

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Re: TC1
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2020, 12:38:22 pm »
I can't claim to have the Sargeant's idol. Someone has probably found that.

But I can make my own.

Nick Wilde

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Re: TC1
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2020, 01:00:24 pm »
Welcome to the Nick Brainstorming thread, where you get a million things thrown at you in the one TC Nick has before he probably dies. But maybe for once he doesn't! Tune in later to hear more.

Important live thinking stuff.

Where did I find the form? This is important. It has to have been somewhere that has since been removed. It has to have been somewhere that wouldn't show up as edited, which gets rid of basically all of this forum. It has to have been somewhere nobody would look.

Application Form is the reasonable one, but Application Form is not a good option because it's already been used. I can't exactly say they hid the idol in the same place twice. Same goes for basically anything in the rules thread.

Start of game, start of game... It has to be start of game, because that's probably where there wasn't really an idol. If I claim to have found an idol at the same time as someone else found one but via a different method, nobody would believe me.

Haschel's MS profile. Good start. Unlikely to have been checked, if it was I'm screwed but ah well. Can't be anything that shows in thread so location is out. Wiki page maybe?
No, wiki page shows when it was last edited.

Interests field. Bingo. It was edited to the form link and then edited back after. Nobody would ever have checked that.
But then why did I? I guess I was searching more? There's no clue anywhere. How would that ever happen without a clue somewhere. I guess maybe I stumbled on it without a clue? Agh.

My thinking for how exactly the form works is that you submit, get given a message at tribeswap telling you that you've been promoted and have a chance for an idol *and* advantage if you find something important. Is that overkill? It's a hard thing to find though. The way to get it was to complete the sergeant's exam completely backwards, and it excludes you from going for the normal idol for that. I think that works. Police Chief promotion.

What's the advantage though? Extra vote? Can't be anything too OTT because standard game. Extra vote works I guess.

Nick Wilde

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Re: TC1
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2020, 01:19:55 pm »
You wouldn't drive me away. I understand the necessity of doing what you have to in order to survive - that's the name of the game, isn't it? I also totally understand keeping items secret. I wouldn't tell you (or anyone) if I had one until and unless it became relevant and important for you to know. There are too many ways it can backfire.

The extra vote would only tie things up, you're right. Use the idol, and target whom you must. I've always thought that Lennie was a bit cold-blooded, and never really trusted him as much as I did Scruff. This was the proof I needed. Please understand that we did not have this conversation.

Knowing you're immune, I think it's best if I vote for you. Penelope too, if you want to share this with her. That maintains plausible deniability and preserves my link to Poirot and Judy, who will be a force to be reckoned with after the merge. Once we have our other allies, we can decide the best course of action.



Nick Wilde

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Re: TC1
« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2020, 01:39:01 pm »
fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck what would make people think I had the idol

really bad acting?

oh my god why do my allies like me I need them not to like me fuck

Nick Wilde

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Re: TC1
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2020, 01:48:08 pm »


Jake proposed that all 6 votes go on me. I can't say no! Why would I ever say no? It guarantees that who I want to go home, goes home. Except it doesn't, it just guarantees *I* go home. AAAAAAAAAAAAA

So I said yes and was happy about it. I need him to think I have an idol. Everything rests on that.

So now what do I do? Congrats Nick you turned it from a 4-3 into a 6-1. Argh.

But all of the other side know it's me being targeted, and if it goes 6-1, maybe they vote split? I have to hope they vote split. And... maybe I can use the fear of a vote split to get Penelope and Jake off me again. Yes. That's the plan.

It's such a stupid plan. They're never going to split the votes. How do I get them to split the votes? I have to make them think I have an idol. But I run into the same problem, if you claim to have an idol, you're doing it wrong!