Author Topic: Épisode Cinq: Ze Walls Close In  (Read 246 times)

Hercule Poirot

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Épisode Cinq: Ze Walls Close In
« on: July 08, 2020, 05:36:28 pm »
Eet feels a leetle more small in 'ere now with M. Chan gone.

Any one of us could be ze next boot on zis tribe. I trust my alliance with Mlle Hopps, M. Leon, and M. Briscoe, and I do trust M. Cheddar and Mlle Macer too, but eet ees getting to ze point where I may 'ave to cut some allies.

Mlle Macer I think trusts me, but I can tell zat people will target 'er if we lose again. I might fight for 'er 'owever, I need to decide. She ees new, and I want 'er to get ze chance to play, and I feel in all honesty better about 'er zan I do about M. Chase and M. Blart. And maybe even M. Cheddar in ze long term, though I do think M. Cheddar ees with me for now.

So we'll just 'ave to see I suppose. Eet ees definitely best if we don't lose, especially since ze other tribe still 'as M. Lance to take care of.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Cinq: Ze Walls Close In
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2020, 07:03:07 pm »
We're about to lose our second challenge in a row aren't we?

Matsing who? I have faith in Mlle Judy, M. Briscoe, and M. Leon. And we might just need each other to get through zis.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Cinq: Ze Walls Close In
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2020, 07:41:40 pm »
Yeah M. Briscoe ees bringing up ze idea of targetting Mlle Macer. She does not deserve zat. She really deserves better. But eet might be what 'appens.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Cinq: Ze Walls Close In
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2020, 07:42:22 pm »
Zis episode title was onimous. A frightful premonition. I predicted ze futur

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Cinq: Ze Walls Close In
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2020, 08:17:29 pm »
Everyone in ze game ees telling me 'ow much zey trust me and want to work with me. Do I believe zem? Sure, I guess I do.

Eet ees just 'ard. I feel like no matter what I'm letting an ally down.

M. Chase just proposed zat our two tribes vote together for one of ze blue tribe members. Do I let zis be M. Blart? I don't know.

Eet's also 'ard because M. Leon ees in zis alliance, but 'e ees not online right now, so 'ow do I make a plan with 'im?

I think I want ze boot to be M. Blart, as 'orrible as zat ees. I also would be willing to lose M. Cheddar, 'owever. Or M. Chase, but I know zat people like 'im.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Cinq: Ze Walls Close In
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2020, 09:40:11 pm »
Okay, going to sleep, but before I do.

So ze person who ees doing ze worst job connecting ees Mlle Macer, so I assumed zat she might be ze boot 'ere. Right? Wrong. Which suits me fine, we 'ave connected well enough and she ees a bit eccentric, but I don't mind. Papa Poirot loves to see 'is newbies succeed in ze game and do well. In ze novels, Poirot refers to 'imself as Papa Poirot when 'e ees 'elping young lovers, so I am taking eet on myself to 'elp ze new players. Zis may 'urt my game, but I don't know zat I mind. I 'ope to win, but I don't expect to.

Mlle Macer ees not being targeted zis round nearly as 'ard as I expected. M. Chase, who I 'ad previously not talked much game with, came to me and suggested zat we work together, and suggested zat we all vote for one of precinct 27. And I agreed to work together, because in ze situation, 'ow could I not?

Meanwhile, I am in a tight group of 4 with Mlle Hopps-M. Briscoe-me-M. Kennedy. M. Kennedy and Mlle Hopps are slightly unhinged, but I love zem anyway. Eet ees Poirot's island of misfit toys, except for M. Briscoe. 'e ees not a misfit. M. Cheddar already called 'im a social threat to me, by ze way, which solidifies zat I want to keep 'im in ze game long-term even more.

M. Cheddar ees apparently my ride-or-die now? At least in 'is mind 'e ees. I always kind of got ze vibe zat 'e bought into our relationship more zan I did, and zat seems to be ze case. I was kind of throwing out 'is name, along with M. Blart, in my alliance chat, but we will get to zat.

So, I ask M. Briscoe, probably my number one, 'ow 'e feels about M. Blart, and 'e ees okay with cutting 'im, so I am all in on zat plan. I like M. Blart, but I like Mlle Macer too and she ees new, and voting out either 'er/M. Chase right now would alienate ze other. I'm really 'oping zat we don't lose again, but if we do, we can talk about eet. Honestly if we're trading blows, zat might kill M. Cheddar, or I might even consider turning eet around on Mlle Judy because even though I do like 'er, she ees a bit of a crazy person. But I'd rather none of zem go. Let's not plan zat far ahead.

Ze point ees zat M. Briscoe ees okay potentially losing M. Blart, and with zat knowledge, zat ees my current plan. Eet keeps M. Chase and Mlle Macer 'appy. Eet keeps M. Briscoe and (hopefully) M. Kennedy 'appy. Eet keeps M. Cheddar and (hopefully) Mlle Hopps 'appy. Ze whole tribe will be good with me, and zen I pray we don't 'ave to go to a vote again.

Zat ees where I'm at. I'm well aware zat I might be overplaying, in fact I probably am, and even my gimmick may not be enough to save me. I need to do less, but I cannot. Like physically cannot. And I'm kind of at peace, even if I went 'ome now (which I do not plan to) I've 'ad fun and I've gotten to play Survivor. I can tell zese people probably plan to backstab me at some point, but if I know zat, 'opefully I'll be able to anticipate eet and do enough in advance to make eet not 'appen. And zen if I go, I go.

But I do think I'm in a good spot, at least on paper. Down ze line, I may run into trouble, but at least I'm not delusional about zat fact. And M. Cheddar at least seems aware zere are social threats, but 'e 'asn't pegged me as one, or at least 'e feels comfortable mentioning M. Broscoe as one to me, which ees nice. Zat ees part of why I want to keep 'im more zan I did before.

Lots of thoughts and I'm probably forgetting things. A lot of shit ees going down. My number one priority ees keeping ze peace and leaving zis tribal with as many relationships intact as possible.

I also love confessional questions! I know a lot ees going on. One thing zat gets me in trouble ees 'ow quickly I'm able to churn out long PMs, so some nice, long confessional questions would 'elp me by giving my 'ands and leetle grey cells something else to do.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Cinq: Ze Walls Close In
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2020, 02:21:03 pm »
Also ze name of my alliance with myself, Mlle Judy, M. Briscoe, and M. Kennedy ees LL 'Cule J. Just saying in case no one else mentioned zat. Eet was Mlle Judy's idea.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Cinq: Ze Walls Close In
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2020, 04:39:33 pm »
M. Blart 'as messaged me ze most in ze last two hours before TC.

Does zis make me regret voting 'im out? A leetle bit. I do not feel like a great person, and I do think 'e liked me and would 'ave worked with me to a point. With zat said, was I really in 'is longterm plans? Eet's 'ard to know for sure.

I am feeling guilty though. Zis one 'urts. If eet's me and 'e managed to turn things around, good for 'im.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Cinq: Ze Walls Close In
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2020, 04:55:24 pm »
Group chats add such an interesting extra dynamic. I think zey make me feel more safe, since eet would be 'arder to fake long conversations which took place without you present, par exemple.

Zey could make for some epic blindsides though, if people are willing to lie in zem. Which I might be forced to do as soon as next round since after M. Blart ees gone Mlle Judy and I are aligned with (and in an alliance chat with) everyone on ze tribe. And I've initiated basically none of eet.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Cinq: Ze Walls Close In
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2020, 04:59:27 pm »
Poor M. Blart. I feel so bad.

I also feel bad zat zis ees my shortest confessional, but probably ze most interesting round of ze game so far.

I think we're making ze right move if we never lose again. If we lose again, zen I am less sure, unless we can find another boot zat keeps everyone 'appy.