Author Topic: Favorability Rankings  (Read 430 times)

Lucifer Morningstar

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Favorability Rankings
« on: July 08, 2020, 04:07:59 am »
New friends? New enemies? How would you rank your new tribemates in terms of favorability?
Okay I'm just gonna try to do routine favorability rankings every round in this thread if possible. I can be kind of bad on following through with initiatives like this, but I'll do my best. My confessional is sorely lacking content so this is a good place to start.

Lucifer Morningstar

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Re: Favorability Rankings
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2020, 05:04:23 am »
so a disclaimer on how I interpret and view favorability before I begin. It exclusively relates to how much I like an individual and want to work with them in the game. Other players opinions of a player do not impact these rankings directly. I essentially view it as who Lucifer likes in a vaccuum basically. That's the simple idea behind it. I'm also not ranking people if they're not on my current tribe.

1. Grouch Cop
This shouldn't be surprising if you've listened to any of my voice confessionals. We've been solid since Day 1. Grouch messages me a lot every day and it's always very quality messages. Our conversations are basically always enjoyable. There's a high level of trust there right now too- I tell them a lot about the game state and they also share a lot of info with me. They're part of my long term plans for this tribe and I can't see a scenario right now where I'd ever want to vote them out while on this tribe.

2. Scruff McGruff
As I talked about in the other thread, I'm in a four player alliance right now with Scruff/Jake/Grouch. Grouch beats them out because of familiarity and better trust, but Scruff is still up there. We've had nice lengthy PMs back and forth and talked a fair amount so I've enjoyed that. They're also very upfront with strategy and I honestly haven't minded that at all.

3. Jake Peralta
The last player from our four person alliance. I like Jake but the messages haven't been as lengthy as they have been with the other two. I've also struggled to get a good read on Jake personally, his personality makes it a little hard to figure him out for me. We also just haven't talked much game and that gives me slight pause. That's not to say I dislike Jake or anything though, I'm just explaining why he's lower than the other two. He's very fun to talk to and a cool person.

4. Nick Wilde
I'm kind of loving Nick right now. He's enjoyable to talk to and he's been pretty open about game talk. He wasn't shy about giving me reads on his old tribemates early on and that really meant a lot to me. In fact, that may be the biggest reason why he's ahead of Pikachu on my list. Like when I asked Pikachu about reads he just gave a generic 'I like everyone on my tribe' response that came off as superficial and dodgy. Whereas Nick had depth and was a bit negative of Penelope which honestly made me trust him more. Nick might move up if he continues to be cool.

5. Detective Pikachu
Nick's honestly made me feel a lot better about Pikachu. Pika's been a little hard to read and came off as slightly like a gamebot to me, but hearing that he likes me a lot from Nick has helped ease some of those trust concerns I had. I've also enjoyed the non-game side of our messages. The messages are a solid length and he's someone I've enjoyed talking to so far. I also feel like we've exchanged a fair amount of messages which is cool.

6. Rust Cohle
I've appreciated how fast Rust has responded and our conversations have been OK. The messages are on the shorter side, but it's still good enough to keep our conversation going. My biggest issue here is that I feel like our chat has been very fluffy, we have talked a ton of meaningful game yet at all. And he's not doing bad at messaging, I've enjoyed others messages a little more.

7. Penelope Garcia
My biggest complaint with Penelope is how infrequent her messages have come in. They've been few and far between and it makes it really hard to get a good chat going when that's the case. Her messages themselves are fine, I just feel like I've heard very little from her overall.

8. Quentin Lance
I've heard he's making improvements from some people, but I still haven't seen them. It's been over 24 hours since I last heard from him and the last message I got contained six words. It's been a massive struggle to communicate with him. I may very well end up working with Quentin, but make no mistake- it is out of necessity, not favorability.

Lucifer Morningstar

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Re: Favorability Rankings
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2020, 05:23:38 am »
finally some updated rankings!

1. Grouch Cop
Like Grouch Cop would have to do something seriously bad/weird to lose this spot anytime soon, they're pretty amazing and very secure here.

2. Nick Wilde (+2)
Okay so Scruff and Jake have slowed down messaging me and I'm kind of starting to feel better about Nick now. Some of the stuff he's said makes me feel like there's long term potential for us to work together and I've enjoyed talking to him slightly more than the other two.

3. Jake Peralta
Jake's still very cool and I think we could work together well going forward. I've just felt like me/Nick are slightly more on the same page than me/Jake rn.

4. Scruff McGruff (-2)
I still like Scruff, but he's largely taking a hit because of activity here. I don't have anything against him and I hope everything gets better in his personal life, but until then sadly he's gonna drop a little, because others have done a better job of engaging with me lately. He's still in a very respectable fourth too.

5. Detective Pikachu
Pikachu is still really hard to read and I dunno what to think about him. I sent him a paragraph about my thoughts on everyone in the game today in hopes that he'd respond in kind and we could talk about them all and it just didn't really work? I think we can work together, but I'm still a little more hesitant about him than the others I'm allied with. He's just been hard for me to figure out.

It might be worth noting that there's kind of a massive gap here in between players. Like the top 5 are people I like and plan on working with and the bottom three are people idk about or actively despise(quentin)

6. Penelope Garcia (+1)
I'm slowly feeling better about Penelope so I bumped her up a little bit. She was more active than most of the other players this weekend and I feel like it allowed us to connect a little better. So for now she can move up a tad in hopes we're able to connect even more and get something going.

7. Rust Cohle (-1)
I feel like I've really struggled to connect here- he asks me game questions without giving me any info kind of like Pikachu and it makes me hesitant to trust him. I also just really haven't found the right subject to connect with him on a non-game level either. We seem to have very different interests when it comes to music/movies/etc. If I work together with Rust it'll probably be through Jake or something since our relationship just hasn't taken off.

8. Quentin Lance
It's been over six days since he messaged me. Can we vote him out already please?

Lucifer Morningstar

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Re: Favorability Rankings
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2020, 08:57:43 pm »
these are undoubtedly the hardest rankings for me yet. I don't see a clear number one or a clear six here really.

I know the up and down numbers don't exactly line up with the tribe reduction, but i'm still doing them anyways

1. Nick Wilde (+1)
Nick's fun to talk to, super honest with me and I feel like we think about things similarly when it comes to strategy. Nick's great.

2. Penelope Garcia (+4)
I don't know what's crazier- that she's here or that I briefly thought about putting her #1. I just feel like there's been a complete turnaround lately. I trust her a lot more and feel better about our relationship going forward.

3. Hercule Poirot
Hercule is like really great and charming, so that's why he's here. But I also realize he's a snake and I don't trust him. He's also a big social threat. So yes, he ranks high because I like him, but don't think I'm blinded by the gild.

4. Jake Peralta (-1)
Jake is great, but inactivity's a killer. I haven't heard from him in like two days and it makes it really hard for me to get a read on him and understand where he's at. I think Jake is in an amazing spot right now and is super safe, but I'm ranking him lower because he doesn't meet the threshold for activity in Lucifer's brain.

5. Judy Hopps
I like Judy, but this is a stacked tribe and she's super hard to read and I can't figure her out. I just don't know what to think about her and that scares me a tad. I think there's a chance she might be who Penelope/Nick want to go after too? So there's a chance I may try to vote her out soon.

6. Lennie Briscoe (debut!)
I hate to do it to him, he's been enjoyable to talk to, but being the new kid on the block (fmpov) on a stacked tribe is tough. I feel like there's a lack of a strategic connection with him that I have with the others. Also the fact that Jake is lower kind of hurts him too, if that makes sense.

Lucifer Morningstar

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Re: Favorability Rankings
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2020, 01:17:58 pm »

I'm a slacker I know I'm sorry...

[/size]ROUND OF 9 - MAFIASCUM'S FINEST1. Grouch Cop
Grouch Cop = Best Cop. I really like them a lot and would be happy to go deep into the game with them.

2. Penelope Garcia
Penelope's pretty amazing too. She's fun to talk to and I honestly trust her a lot. If people try to vote her out I'm gonna be upset and start a fight.

3. Hercule Poirot
He's pretty cool and has kept me safe which I really appreciate, but he won't vote Jake and is probably a big threat if he gets to endgame

4. Rust Cohle
I never felt like I connected with Rust that well on a personal level, but I trust him a fair amount

5. Judy Hopps
She's cool and I mostly trust her but she doesn't message me much :(

6. Leon Kennedy (debut!)
I feel like I've made a little headway and talked with Leon enough that I'm in a better spot with him than the others from the 27

7. Lennie Briscoe (-1)
Lennie's like someone that's playing really well but he's not remotely allied with me and I'd be happy to see him go home anytime

8. Jake Peralta (-4)
yeah jake sucks. I hate Jake

Re: Favorability Rankings
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2020, 02:14:00 pm »

SCULLY: How about some new rankings?
HITCHCOCK: I don't know... maybe I can get used to just not knowing.

Lucifer Morningstar

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Re: Favorability Rankings
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2020, 03:34:09 pm »
sorry, I suck. At this point Hercule is on the bottom. He goes home 100% this TC if possible. If he wins immunity, I'm voting Leon out. Then for F3 it'd be a toss up between taking Rust or Leon- I haven't decided who'd go yet if I won immunity. If Hercule was there at F3, I'd obviously vote him out.

So like rankings would be:
1. Rust Cohle
2. Leon Kennedy
3. Hercule Poirot

Re: Favorability Rankings
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2020, 11:26:47 am »
Thank you for writing that down for us.  How have things changed since then?