Author Topic: [Life in General - Potentially IDable information found here]  (Read 1377 times)

Rust Cohle

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Re: [Life in General - Potentially IDable information found here]
« Reply #15 on: July 07, 2020, 09:29:11 pm »
So not only am I now doing twice the work in my normal capacity running this second location, I'm also taking part in a great deal more above property discussion via a series of standing weekly conference calls I've been added to and increasingly regular invitations to more informal conference call discussions between various members of leadership.  All great stuff, but it has taken a toll on my ability to stay active here in my confessional and for that I apologize.  I'm still trying to be a bit more aloof than I might otherwise be in game, but with a swap into this big tribe I thought it important to devote the time I have been able to spare to my messaging.  I can always catch up in a confessional, but you can never get those crucial post swap hours back in the game.

Today was a bit of an emotional rollercoaster for me.  Tuesdays are my only fixed day off, as we're operating both markets on a limited COVID schedule six days a week, so today was my day to take care of some outstanding responsibilities regarding my mom's estate.  There were some complications in closing her cell phone account due to the fact that my mom was a major technophobe.  A few months ago my sister convinced her she needed to upgrade to a newer phone and went with her to get an iPhone, but she hated it and only used it for a few weeks before switching back to her old phone.  Rather than return it she mailed it to me, despite my insistence that I didn't need or want an iPhone, because that's how she was.  She thought maybe my wife could use it if I didn't.  So that iPhone is still in my possession, and even though it's no longer where her phone number was active it was linked to the account somehow and my mom's sister in Florida wasn't able to close the account until I brought it to the Verizon store here to return it.  When I did that today and plugged it in for the first time so we could open it up and format it, I discovered that all the pictures from her old phone had been transferred to this one I guess through Apple cloud services or something and almost started crying in the Verizon store.  I wound up excusing myself to take the phone back home and transfer the data to my computer.  I'll return the device itself tomorrow so we can complete the process of closing the account.  There were pictures in there from the last couple of times she came to visit me, from our most recent extended family vacation in November which was the last time I saw her... it was a lot.

Then just when I was back home composing myself I get a package in the mail, and it's a framed picture of my mom and me on a Christmas morning when I was a teenager from my aunt on my dad's side.  My folks got divorced seven years ago, but they were able to remain on decent terms and would have been good co-grandparents.  She stayed in touch with my dad's side of the family over the years as well, and dad has stayed close to my mom's side enough so that he came and spent the weekend with us at her brother's house where we were sitting Shiva after the funeral service.  I guess my aunt had this photo at her house and thought it was something I would want, which is very thoughtful, but whew that got me right into my feelings again.  Then when I called my aunt to thank her she started crying too.  I'm sure there will be a lot more days like this to come.

If you can safely see the people you love right now, hug them.  If you can't, call them and tell them you love them.  It's a cliche to say they won't always be there but it is absolutely true.  Life is fragile and short.  The end seems so far away until one day it isn't.  Don't miss one single opportunity.

Rust Cohle

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Re: [Life in General - Potentially IDable information found here]
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2020, 01:43:30 pm »
Working regularly in person with coworkers feels a lot more intimate in the pandemic than it ever did before.  Yes we're all masked, but here we are sharing the same air for hours day in and day out.  We're all cognizant of the fact that we have to keep our bubble safe or it could endanger not just our own lives but all of our families.

I got a COVID test on Friday, the kind with the nasal swabs getting shoved five inches into your face until they tickle your brain stem.  One of the weirdest sensations I've ever experienced.  The current turnaround time on testing results in my state is up to 7 days so I had to go get it done then in advance of seeing my family again next weekend.  I need that negative test for my peace of mind.  I don't know how people can live with the guilt of exposing a vulnerable family member to this awful disease.

I'm still going on my family's annual beach rental vacation.  It feels more important than ever that we keep up the tradition since we just experienced a collective tragedy losing my mom.  It's going to be an emotional week.

Rust Cohle

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Re: [Life in General - Potentially IDable information found here]
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2020, 06:30:14 pm »
It's just unbelievable how much awful stuff keeps coming in 2020.  My coworker's brother was murdered.  A guy who reports to me as an hourly supervisor on my management team, and someone who I've become really close to over the last two years working at this place.  I'm in total shock.  No matter how close I am as friends with black Americans I will never understand their lived experience.  White people can not comprehend it.  Things happen in metro communities that are so far outside the realm of possibility for us.

Rust Cohle

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Re: [Life in General - Potentially IDable information found here]
« Reply #18 on: July 24, 2020, 12:29:18 pm »
I'm packing my car up right now and about to leave on a 20 hour, overnight road trip.  This will be an interesting last few hours of TC.

Rust Cohle

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Re: [Life in General - Potentially IDable information found here]
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2020, 11:22:21 am »
Really having a hard time right now.  Everything about being at this vacation house reminds me of my mom.  There's a spot on the ceiling where we fucked up the paint taping up a big stupid thing for her 60th birthday five years ago and it still hasn't been fixed. She loved the beach, this morning we took my niece to the beach for the very first time and she would have been so happy if she was here with us.

I don't have the energy to fight against the majority forming against me in this game.  I'm sorry for taking a spot when someone could have played a better game than me.

Rust Cohle

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Re: [Life in General - Potentially IDable information found here]
« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2020, 10:28:21 pm »
Tonight was really, really sad, but it was also cathartic.  Not enough to get me out of my funk, but enough for the family to be able to enjoy this vacation without a cloud hanging over every moment like it did all day today.  The family got together and we all brought a couple of pictures of mom in happier times.  My nana brought all these baby pictures and elementary school photos and things I had never seen before.  Each of us took turns passing around the pictures and talking about the memories, and my aunt collected copies of everyone's pictures into two photo albums for me and my sister.  We cried a lot, and we talked about our regrets too, and all the things she's going to miss and the pictures she won't be in that she should have been.

Mom was in such a bad place the last few years.  Just low.  She hated living in Florida.  She hated the trouble that came with owning a house there alone.  She always wanted to see more of us.  I should have visited this year.  I should have been there the week she died.  We knew she wasn't doing well.  Her death was an accident, but it's an accident that wouldn't have happened without the ongoing circumstances.  If she had gone to see my sister when the baby was born she'd still be here.  If this pandemic hadn't left her more isolated than ever she'd still be here.  If I was there to help her last month she'd still be here.  She'd be right here at this vacation rental right now, annoying the hell out of me, just wanting to take a million posed pictures on the deck.  Playing with her granddaughter at the beach and tickling her feet on the couch and putting her down for naps and singing her the same lullabies she sang to me.  Instead its my aunts and my cousins who will help raise my niece, and she'll never know her grandma.  It's so unfair.  I miss her so, so much.  She deserved so much better.  I could have helped her.

I don't know how to do this.  It's never going to be okay.  She could have lived thirty or forty more years.  Women in our family practically live forever.  She could have outlived me.  I don't want the inheritance.  I don't want anything to do with it, I can't even look at it.  I've been ignoring the calls from her financial advisor.  That's not my money, that's my mom's retirement.  That's how she lives comfortably and buys the baby little gifts whenever she feels like it.  That's how we're going to travel together, to go to Santa Fe for her 70th birthday and to go to Ireland and to go back to Israel one more time because she wants to go with her children.  Why did we put it off?  Why didn't we go for her 65th?  Nothing in my day to day life is so important I couldn't have taken a vacation with my mom.

Rust Cohle

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Re: [Life in General - Potentially IDable information found here]
« Reply #21 on: August 05, 2020, 07:16:32 pm »
What am I doing here.  I was this close to rescinding my application.

I'm back at work this week after my family vacation.  Just like I thought, family picture night was particularly emotional.  My sister about had a complete breakdown when my cousins kids wouldn't behave to take a group photo.  That was one thing my mom was always the biggest pain in the ass about, and I think maybe only me and my nana were thinking about it aside from my sister but as soon as she started crying my cousins and everyone else realized exactly why.  But it's pretty goddamn difficult to wrangle four kids from ages three to seven to stand still for pictures.  We spent a while after we finally got done just sitting there, the few of us that were the closest to her.  Mom's mom, her sister and her two kids.  There wasn't anything to say.  We just held hands and cried.  It wasn't the only night of the week that got me but it was probably the worst.

The other moment that will stay with me is the morning we were packing up to leave.  It's always a production to pack that house up, because check out time is early and it was an hour earlier this year thanks to extra COVID cleaning measures before the next rental family could be allowed in.  So even though we stayed up late drinking and remeniscing we were up at the crack of dawn cleaning and packing.  But I got to pull rank, so to speak, and spend an hour of that time just holding the baby.  She's my niece and she's only three months old and it's completely probable that I won't see her again for another year, so nobody fought me on it.  She cries if you stand still but she loves it if you just walk around, so that's all I did, I walked around the main room while everyone packed up around me.  She quieted down, she cooed and then she fell asleep in my arms.  I just about lost it.  The fact that my mom isn't here to hold this baby, and to see me holding this baby and be so, so happy about all of it is killing me.  I went out to the deck so I could hold the baby and quietly cry without disturbing the process of packing up, but my sister caught me and she came and cried too and we just cried together because there's nothing to say.  What can you say?  She's going to raise such an amazing daughter and her daughter is going to have so many amazing opportunities because of what mom left to us, but we'd trade it to have her back in a heartbeat.

Today I was back at work and I had a ton of meetings and conference calls all day, but I had to be mentally present for my sister and my aunt too.  My aunt was taking my mom's car to carmax and other places to try to get the best deal we could get for it.  We could probably get more from a private sale, but it's not fair to make my aunt do that and neither my sister nor I can go to Florida to deal with any of this stuff right now, so we took a sale price that we know is probably at best half of what mom paid for the damn thing.  It's a stupid fancy convertible, she bought it after the divorce when another divorcee in town took her out to the car dealerships so she'd have a man with her and feel more secure about things, but it ended up making her buy a fancy car she didn't need.  Life is so stupid.  We can't take this car, but we can't get it's worth out of it either.  Oh well.

My uncle somehow used his connections to get us through Florida probate court with the house in absolute record time.  It's supposed to take six to nine months, he flexed on some judge's secretary and boom it's done with.  We can put the house on the market.  But that just opens up a whole nother round of emotional shit.  She hated that house.  We hate that house.  We can't go to Florida right now it's a pandemic red zone.  So what I live in another red zone.  I don't want to go back into that house, no one does.  My aunt and my nana have to because they're there and they're taking care of getting it staged for sale.  But we thought we would have half a year at least to get ready to do this and now it's on us.  Thanks for getting the rush job, that's amazing, but also fuck.  What are we doing.  What are we doing with this damn house?  I feel so bad, my sister is named the executrix in the will because when the will was written five years ago she lived close by to my mom and I lived far away.  But then mom moved to Florida and we both lived far away, and she never changed the will so my sister is stuck with all the legal bullshit and I'm spared so much and just have to send text messages saying, "Yeah, that sounds good,  I think you're making the right move, I trust your judgement."  What a load of crap.  I'm the older kid it should be me regardless of the sexist side of things.  I wouldn't have been any good at it and she's probably better equipped but I should be the one dealing with it.  But I can't even deal with the financial adviser about the investment account.  I still haven't set up the call I need to have with him about it.  The account is split and it's in my name now but I haven't done anything I need to do with it.  That makes it real.

What am I doing here?  Somebody just tell me what I'm doing here.

Rust Cohle

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Re: [Life in General - Potentially IDable information found here]
« Reply #22 on: August 08, 2020, 02:57:41 pm »
Adventures in working for a small multi city startup headquartered in my own home city.

Last night the CEO got an email from one of our client vendors complaining about the kitchen.  This vendor will come to regret complaining because he set off an epic shit storm that is going to cause him as many problems as it does me.  The CEO came to our location to do a spot inspection, determined to be pissed off about everything.  He kept a running list of what pissed him off, then he called me and gave me a list of cleaning supplies to purchase first thing in the morning.  I met him here at 7AM with cleaning supplies in hand, where I have been ever since, personally deep cleaning the entire goddamn place.  I would hazard a guess that 90% of what I have cleaned was the vendors' responsibility to keep clean, and boy oh boy are they going to know which of their peers set this process off when I announce the new financial penalties that will be assessed every time me or my staff has to clean something that was their responsibility.  Anyway I'm greasy, nasty and sweaty and the CEO is still here sipping a beer at the bar watching me work my ass off.  I had to beg a dinner break so I could come write this and finish my torchwalks before deadline.  Wheeeeeeeeeee

Rust Cohle

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Re: [Life in General - Potentially IDable information found here]
« Reply #23 on: August 09, 2020, 12:35:51 pm »
Day two of ???? in my deep cleaning adventures.  I just wanted to share a picture to demonstrate the levels of utter physical and mental fatigue I will be operating under if I even get an opportunity to do this final immunity challenge before deadline.  This whole thread has a warning about IDable info so go away if you don't want to see it.


Rust Cohle

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Re: [Life in General - Potentially IDable information found here]
« Reply #24 on: August 09, 2020, 12:36:31 pm »
Yes, every drop of that is sweat

Rust Cohle

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Re: [Life in General - Potentially IDable information found here]
« Reply #25 on: August 09, 2020, 03:48:14 pm »
I never needed a shower so badly in my life

Rust Cohle

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Re: [Life in General - Potentially IDable information found here]
« Reply #26 on: August 15, 2020, 03:20:03 pm »
I'd just like to take a moment again to thank everyone who was a part of this game.  Players, mods and spectators, being a part of this game was very helpful for me to have a way to ground myself when my whole life was turned upside down.  I really appreciate that this was happening exactly when it happened.  I'm glad I was a part of it.  This community is important.

Rust Cohle

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Re: [Life in General - Potentially IDable information found here]
« Reply #27 on: August 19, 2020, 12:19:19 am »
I miss her so much.  Grief doesn't go away.

Rust Cohle

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Re: [Life in General - Potentially IDable information found here]
« Reply #28 on: September 03, 2020, 10:50:30 pm »
It's her birthday tomorrow  :-[