Author Topic: Ze Prejury  (Read 194 times)

Hercule Poirot

  • Mafiascum's Finest
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Ze Prejury
« on: August 07, 2020, 08:56:23 pm »
Salut mes amis! Eet 'as been a truly incroyable journey to make eet to zis point. My journey zis game 'as been tumultuous, and zese past few rounds 'ave been especially treacherous, but 'ere I sit, in ze final three, and I couldn't be 'appier about eet. I'm ready to write zese torchwalks and give zem ze attention zat zey deserve.

Salut, M. Ventura! You are one of ze relatively few people in zis cast who I never met, and I know extremely leetle about you. Being ze first boot ees never agréable, but eet 'as to be someone, and for some raison, zis game eet was you. I 'ope zat you took something positive away from zis experience.

Mlle Jenny! You were my first nemesis in zis game. You 'ad me pegged from ze start and were ze first one in ze game to recognize 'ow duplicitous and sneaky I could be. But I enjoyed you a lot despite ze fact zat I knew zat you 'ated me and my accent, and your presence in zis game made eet more enjoyable pour moi. You are a true reine, an absolute déesse, and I don't know zat anyone else in ze game 'as ze same appreciation for you zat I do, so I'm so thrilled zat I can be sitting 'ere in ze F3 writing zis. Keep on being yourself, because you are fabuleuse. I also 'ave noticed zat you 'ave continued being active on ze forums, so zat makes me 'appy as well. I 'ope you 'ave 'ad a nice time following along.

Salut, Mlle Wells! You are ze other person in zis game who I never met, and I know virtually nothing about you, so zis may be brief, but I did 'ear zat zere actually was a push to save you and send M. Blart 'ome, so you definitely could 'ave made eet farther zan you did. Zat was a bit of bad luck with your tribe losing twice.

M. Ka-kui! I don't know zat I ever called you M. Ka-kui during ze game, but I should 'ave. I don't think I 'ad started my convention of referring to everyone by zeir last name at ze point where we met. (Edit: apparently eet should be M. Chan because eet ees a Chinese name. I'm glad zat we voted you out before I started embarrassingly calling you M. Ka-kui.) But back to you, I think you just did not 'ave enough time to commit to ze game and so come swap, you were an easy first boot. Mlle Macer and M. Chase did both fight to save you, which ees something at least, but you needed to be around more at ze swap in order to survive. I do respect zat you fought for your life though, and you gave me one of my favorite Mlle Hopps moments of ze game when Mlle Hopps told you zat she 'ad no reason to keep you around in zat group chat you formed, so thank you for zat.

Mlle Macer, oh 'ow I 'ave missed you. During ze swap, I assumed my Papa Poirot role, and you and M. Kennedy were my newbies. I wanted so badly to go far in zis game with you. I think you 'ave so much potential as a player, and I found your PMs, particularly when discussing history, incredibly charmant. And you came so close to surviving ze vote too! M. Blart wanted to vote for M. Chase, but none of us felt like pretending to change, so your undoing was just I suppose us not caring whether or not M. Blart voted for M. Chase or you because we thought eet did not matter. I know 'ow frustrating getting idoled out with a single vote must be, especially during ze premerge, but despite getting taken out in a freak accident, I think you played well, and I 'ope you return and play again. And I 'ave enjoyed seeing your name online so often, so I'm glad zat you remained invested. I 'ope you 'ad a fun first game, and zat when you play again, you can avoid such malchance.

M. Blart! You were such a fun person to play zis game with! I truly don't know why you were targeted as much as you were. I never 'ad anything against you, and I didn't even find you to be especially inactive, which I know you blame your elimination on. I genuinely wanted SVU to win zis challenge so zat we could get you to swap, but eet was not to be. I think your initial vote was mostly one of us needing to agree on a convenient target zat kept everyone 'appy, and zen your second vote was because we all realized zat you could never fully trust us again, but if things were different, I could 'ave seen us making eet far and working together well. Your idol play was impressive and exciting, and I wish zat eet bought you more zan one round, because you deserved better. And our PMs after your idol play were frank and refreshingly honnête, so zat ees a pleasant memory I 'ave of you as well.

M. Chase! Ze fact zat you placed zis low ees honestly a travesty. You were an incredibly strong player, apparently ze most active person on 12, and socially and strategically you were very capable. Zis challenge loss was so crushing because everyone left on SVU was someone I planned on taking deep into ze game with me, but once we lost, eet became clear to me zat your connections to ze rest of 12 could be an asset, but zey could also make you dangerous. I genuinely considered making a move against M. Kennedy instead of against you zis tribal, and I think zat I could 'ave made eet 'appen, but with 'indsight, I do think we made ze correct call, and M. Kennedy ended up being a crucial number for us in ze merge. But I do wonder 'ow things would 'ave been different in zis merge with you 'ere instead of M. Kennedy, because eet very nearly 'appened. I think ze entire landscape of everything would 'ave looked drastically different, and eet would 'ave been a very different game, because you were a force.

M. Lance, I don't know zat I 'ave zat much to say about you. You were inactive on 99, and you probably should 'ave gone 'ome over Mlle Jenny if she didn't dig 'erself in a 'ole. Zen you were inactive on all of BAU and didn't send some people PMs for ze entire time zose tribes were together. Zen you continued being inactive on Narcotics, and you were thus promptly sent 'ome. Eet kind of became a joke on SVU zat you were still in ze game while we were 'aving to boot such committed players, but I understand zat life 'appens and not everyone 'as very many hours each day to devote to a Survivor game. Eet ees impressive zat you made eet as far as you did considering 'ow leetle you were around. Ze way you survived ze first tribal on 99 was especially impressive. And you are a memorable character to me if nothing else, so of zat, you should be proud.

Salut, M. Cheddar! I 'ave missed you. When we first met, I wasn't sure 'ow connected to you I felt, but going through SVU together was such an incroyable bonding experience, and by ze time you went 'ome, I was truly devastated, so much so zat I named a thread in my confessional after you. You 'ave such a pure energy and a positive attitude towards everything zat you do, and during ze dark times on SVU, 'aving you zere meant so much to me. Your elimination was ze first real loss zat I felt in ze game, though in a way I am grateful for eet, and eet may 'ave bailed me out of a sticky situation. You died keeping ze knowledge zat you were not blindsided and zat I secretly told you about ze M. Chase vote to your grave, and if zat 'ad come out later, eet would not 'ave looked fantastique for me. And I also worry zat long-term, we may 'ave 'ad different interests and directions we wanted to take ze game, especially since you clearly saw yourself as ze bottom of SVU after ze M. Chase vote. Still, you were a great ally, a great friend, and I can't wait to learn who you are, because I 'ad many guesses, but I suspect zat most of zem were wrong.

M. Wilde! I mentioned your vote as one of my favorite moments of ze game, because managing to pull off your elimination and 'aving control of ze tiger idol zis round truly was thrilling. You are someone who I think under different circumstances may 'ave been one of my closest friends. You were extremely charismatic and easy to talk to, and your appreciation of personnalité and my posting gimmick were both things zat immediately made me like you. I could talk about Dame Christie with you forever. Unfortunately, ze swap pinned us apart, and you never fully opened up to me or took me seriously as an ally until eet was too late, so you 'ad to go 'ome. I think you would 'ave been friends with my enemies in ze merge, so eet ees a good thing in 'indsight zat you went 'ome when you did, but I did truly enjoy meeting you, and I'm sorry zat you 'ad to go 'ome ze first tribal zat you attended.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2020, 09:43:23 pm by Hercule Poirot »