Author Topic: Ze Final Three  (Read 240 times)

Hercule Poirot

  • Mafiascum's Finest
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Ze Final Three
« on: August 08, 2020, 01:32:12 pm »

M. Morningstar, I 'ave lied to you many times in zis game. I 'ave gone be'ind your back so often, and despite zat, you 'ave always been kind and understanding to me, moreso zan I even deserve. You were ze first person in zis game zat I know of to target me seriously, so ze fact zat we are both sitting 'ere today and zat we could be ze F2 together if zis competition goes ze right way ees an accomplishment in and of eetself. I 'ope zat if you are at FTC, you keep your 'ead up, fight, and never give up, because you 'ave played a strong game, you 'ave always been self-aware, and you 'ave done what you could to win. Eet may not work out for you zis time, but I do think you would be a worthy winner, and I 'ave appreciated ze chance to get to know you. You know who you are as a player and as a person, and you try to play to your strengths, and I 'ave to respect zat. Congratulations on making eet to ze final three.

M. Cohle, I 'ave never, in any game I 'ave ever played, ever, worked as closely with someone I didn't meet prior to ze merge as I 'ave worked with you. We 'ave worked on ze same side, and we 'ave worked on opposite sides. We 'ave worked to accomplish ze same goals, and we 'ave worked to accomplish opposite goals. But in spite of eet all, we 'ave always 'ad each others' backs, and we 'ave always understood zat keeping each other around deep into ze game was in both of our best interests. You are such a smart player, and you really do think through all of your options and choose ze smartest path. I do think you could do with 'aving a bit more courage and being willing to push 'arder for what you want to 'ave 'appen instead of keeping your thoughts so private, but you could probably say ze opposite for me and zat I should keep my thoughts more private instead of letting everyone know what I think even when eet does not benefit me. You 'ave played an impressive game in spite of zat, though, and you should be proud of yourself. Zis move we pulled last round ees probably my favorite things I 'ave ever done with someone in a game, ever, and I couldn't 'ave pulled eet off without you. If I don't win zis game, I 'ope zat you do, and I love zat we 'ave guaranteed zat at least one of us will get ze chance to plead zeir case no matter what 'appens from 'ere.

I don't know zat you are supposed to do a torchwalk for yourself, but I just wanted to take a final moment to reflect. I came into zis game because I was rejected from another game zat I planned to be playing instead, and because I was rereading Agatha Christie novels and I wanted to play as Poirot. I signed up on ze last day zat signups were open. I was almost not supposed to even be 'ere, and yet 'ere I sit in ze final three. I 'ad nothing to prove about myself coming into zis, but if anyone 'ad any doubts about my ability as a Survivor player, I 'ope zat zis performance puts zem to bed. I'm very proud of what I 'ave accomplished, and 'ow I 'ave managed to use my skillset as effectively as possible. I 'ave not controlled ze entire season, but I 'ave controlled enough, and I 'ave made my mark. I 'ope zat I 'ave given Hercule Poirot ze representative zat 'e deserved. Mais oui, I am proud of myself. I think zat my moves at 9 and 4 are both incredibly strong. Eet definitely took some luck to get to zis point, but eet also took a lot of skill and a lot of 'ard work. I 'ope zat I get ze chance to plead my case in ze end, but even if I do not, I'm 'appy with my play, and I'm glad zat I stopped growing ze vegetable marrows and starting playing Survivor once again.

Merci beaucoup to ze moderateurs and ze spectateurs for zeir role in making zis game what eet was. Ze timing of ze theme was per'aps unfortunate, but I think we made ze most of eet and 'ad a fantastique game nonezeless. I'm leaving with only positive feelings. Thank you for everything.