Author Topic: Nick Wilde  (Read 213 times)

Lucifer Morningstar

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Nick Wilde
« on: August 07, 2020, 05:59:17 pm »

Nick :( You were really awesome and I am so sad things ended the way they did between us. I really wish it had worked out differently. I loved talking to you on the BAU. I felt like we had an actually good conversation going and I was always really excited to log onto the forums for the first time everyday because I'd have a message from you and it was always a joy to respond to them and talk to you. I got really really excited when you offered me an alliance too. It gave me a lot of hope for my future in this game and I thought it gave me options too and it was just really exciting. I was pretty happy about swapping onto the Strike Team with you too because you were the one person I felt like I could count on and trust there.

Everything just really fell apart on us at that tribal council and it makes me sad. We obviously weren't fast enough at getting that idol and then our relationship just seemed to crumble before my eyes. I was really torn because I liked Hercule(at the time) and Judy, but you and Penelope were also awesome. Like if it was up to me Jake or Lennie would've gone home but that seemed unfeasible. Jake just really didn't care for me so I knew that relationship was shot and I think it ended up ruining our relationship too. When I heard you were pushing my name, it felt like I had no choice but to take you out. Like I just really felt like our trust was gone and that you were a lot closer to and interested in working with Jake than me. Nonetheless I was still sad about voting you out and not being able to work with you more and you not making merge was sad for me. I felt especially bad for you because you posted about how this always happens to you and how you went at the first tribal and I could really relate to that. I'm always being voted out in spots like that and it's never fun. Sorry :( I absolutely adored you as a person and wish things had gone better between us.