Author Topic: Challenge 18: Chain of Custody  (Read 523 times)

Sherlock Holmes

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Challenge 18: Chain of Custody
« on: August 05, 2020, 05:00:13 pm »

So we all know now that Cephrir was responsible for Reck's murder, but Cephrir is claiming that the evidence against them was planted to frame them! And uhhh, we didn't quite think the murder mystery challenge through. Now all sorts of people have gone around touching pieces of vital evidence!

We're going to need to painstakingly go through every officer here to ensure that they weren't the murderer.

This challenge will test your knowledge and memory of the game. When you are ready to begin, click the link below and you will receive a series of clues labeled A to U. Each of these clues describes a connection between two Survivor: PD contestants, or rather, something they both have in common. (E.G. "A Juror" or "An Individual Immunity Winner" etc). Your objective is to successfully place all 21 contestants correctly between the connection clues. You will post a list 1-21 of each contestant in your confessional in the following format:

Clue A
Clue B
Clue C
Clue D

Where the player is between the 2 questions relating to said player (the top player loops round to the bottom question)

(Concept image only. Please note that in the challenge, there will be 21 clues and contestants to place instead of 20)

Your goal is to get the most correct connections, with one point awarded for each contestant placed in between two clues correctly. In the event of a tie, whoever completes this challenge quickest will win immunity.

Click here to begin

Who won't be chained to a desk

PDT5:00 PM, Thu 6 Aug
EDT8:00 PM, Thu 6 Aug
BST1:00 AM, Fri 7 Aug
ACST9:30 AM, Fri 7 Aug
AEST10:00 AM, Fri 7 Aug

Joss Carter

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Re: Challenge 18: Chain of Custody
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2020, 05:03:09 pm »
Good work, detectives; you all managed to get the Chain of Custody established correctly!  That means it will all come down to time.

Who was the fastest?
It wasn't Poirot, who took 57 minutes, 44 seconds.

It also wasn't Leon, who took 51 minutes, 38 seconds.

So who was it, then?
Rust finished in 21 minutes, 49 seconds.

Lucifer finished in...

15 minutes, 14 seconds!

Lucifer Morningstar has won immunity!