Author Topic: A Solemn Event  (Read 450 times)

Lucifer Morningstar

  • Mafiascum's Finest
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A Solemn Event
« on: July 16, 2020, 06:49:13 pm »
As much as I love messaging people and trust me this is a prime time for messaging people, it is important that we pause from our daily lives and take a moment to reflect.

I just want to give a brief thank you to everyone gathered here. You coming means a lot to me and to many others as well. I know this is sad and hard for all of us, but that's the way life is sometimes. It's not all sunshine and rainbows. I'm happy that some of you realize that and have joined me in this somber but special moment. This is time you could've spent doing a lot of other things, but you're here.

Please, please- head inside. I'll be in momentarily and then we'll get started

Lucifer Morningstar

  • Mafiascum's Finest
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Re: A Solemn Event
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2020, 06:53:31 pm »
Once again, thank you all for coming. It means so much.

Please find a seat. Make yourself at home. I know there's not a lot of room- but with the turnout we've had, social distancing really shouldn't be a problem. There's room for everyone.

Joss Carter

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Re: A Solemn Event
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2020, 06:54:13 pm »
*sits down*

Lucifer Morningstar

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Re: A Solemn Event
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2020, 07:00:59 pm »
It's best we get started. We're all here for one purpose, to remember one extraordinarily... ummm inactive individual.

He brought so... little- so little pain into everyone's life. That was the beauty about him. In many ways he was not known for the things he did, but for the things he didn't do. It's sad, because that often led many people to ignoring the contributions he made by *not* doing anything. But we weren't those people- we are here because we noticed. We saw the inaction for what it was. We admired him not in-spite of it, but because of it. *deep breath* I know this is hard for all of us. We all lost someone that wasn't far from us. Sure he didn't come around much, he didn't talk much- but in spirit, he was there for us.

Lucifer Morningstar

  • Mafiascum's Finest
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Re: A Solemn Event
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2020, 07:27:11 pm »
I still remember the day I first met him. I told him I was the devil and he said... he said "hello the devil" ..... that was Quentin. that was Quentin. Some people might have balked at it, questioned me... judged me, but not Quentin. Quentin didn't judge people. He was silently there for each and every one of us. We didn't know he was there sometimes, but he always was. At least I like to think so.

Not all my memories of Quentin were sunshine and rainbows though. We had our problems. When we went to that first tribal council he heard his name come up. And he asked me about it and... I couldn't lie to Quentin. I knew I played a role in it and I certainly couldn't lie. I may be many things, but I'm not a liar. So I told him the truth... and do you know what he said back? he said... *sniffles*

-I'm sorry, I'm tearing up. this is emotional for me, as I'm sure it is for all of you. We lost- we lost a real guy. I know it was hard to tell he was real and there sometimes, but he was.

sorry, he- he said- he had nothing against me. He even said he understood and he might've of even made the same mistake in my shoes. *wipes eye* I'm telling you, he was special. It was hard to see, but he really was special. I deserved hell- but Quentin forgave me. I'll never forget that. It may be hard to see- but there's lessons we can all learn from Quentin.

Another time I remember Quentin was when we got moved together. Oh man, I didn't realize it at the time- but I was happy he made the transition with me. Having him there in those first few days meant a lot. My good friend Grouch asked Quentin if he wanted to tell the truth about what happened at the Nine-Nine. Grouch didn't want it to reflect badly on Quentin. And Quentin- knowing all to well what the risks of telling the truth were and the negatives consequences it could have on him- he resoundingly and without hesitation told us to "tell the truth." Because he knew, that in the long run, that's what was important. Even if it costed him, he was gonna be honest. What. A. Guy.

That was really one of the last meaningful conversations I had with Quentin. We didn't talk much after that- we drifted apart and that's one of my biggest regrets. I should've stayed closer to him. I really should have. You never know when something's gonna end, you gotta make the most of ever moment you have together.

But even though I wasnt close to Quentin, I still got to watch him from afar. And he still set a great example. Even when we were split up and competing as rivals, he was kind and considerate. Even when it was all on the line for him and he lost and we all in the back of our minds knew the end was coming for him- that it was over. He was kind. He laughed about his eyesight, about how it just wasn't what it used to be and he told everyone "well played." That's right, even when their good play costed him everything, he told those that trampled him, "well played." If that's not humility and sacrifice- I don't know what is.

This was a hard ceremony for all of us and I'm so grateful you could come. We're few, but mighty. I wasn't sure I was up to the task here, but I'm glad I did it. Reflecting on Quentin's life shows each and every one of us so so much. What a guy.

This concludes the ceremony, the casket will be open for a few minutes afterwards if you wish to come forward and pay your respects.

Thank you so much for being here. We'll head out to the cemetery to bury him later if you're able to make it, but if not- don't worry, it's OK. We just appreciate you could spend this time with us and remember Quentin. As forgettable as he was when he was alive, let's not forget him now that he's gone. Rest in peace, quentin.