Author Topic: Welcome to your confessional!  (Read 3140 times)

Lennie Briscoe

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Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« Reply #75 on: August 10, 2020, 11:43:18 pm »
So Poirot's in the final 2 and I have to admit, my vote is virtually set. It's not even that I don't think Lucifer couldn't put forth a deserving case, but if he does, he'll probably have to win without my vote. Not because I have anything against him, or think he's intrinsically undeserving, just that if there's anyone who would unquestionably have my vote at the end, it's Poirot.

Lennie Briscoe

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Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« Reply #76 on: August 13, 2020, 01:03:30 am »
I think Poirot's done a really good job with the jury questioning. I do feel bad that I revealed that I pursued a final 3 with Lucifer and Leon, I hope Poirot doesn't feel too bad about that, but like, he would have beaten me? And I think he knows it? This may be performative to an extent, not unlike JT and Stephen, who I referenced. Like yeah, you know, it's fuckin great to be the dude in a duo who would win, it's not such great shakes to be the other guy. Ugh I hate that I can't reference specific previous experience here because I had a pretty specific idea of how I would get to the end and it involved specifically not being out in front like Poirot (who wasn't out in front, we had Jake and Judy in front of us). Judy (and specifically her winning immunity) was really the wildcard that fucked that up. I'm still not sure we could get the votes on her the round that I left, it'd probably hinge on Leon in retrospect, but I think the argument for getting Jake out to Leon probably works to get Judy out? It's academic at this point.

Joss Carter

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Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« Reply #77 on: August 13, 2020, 01:05:04 am »
The specs can't see your confessional now! You can say whatever you want!

Lennie Briscoe

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Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« Reply #78 on: August 13, 2020, 01:05:31 am »
Oh also one note, I haven't been super active in jury questioning just because my vote is so set and I don't want to be like the Obnoxious Advocate for someone who ends up turning people against them. If Poirot weren't doing as well I'd step up more, but I don't see it as necessary at this point, and I could easily see it damaging him, which is the last thing I would ever want to do.

Lennie Briscoe

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Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« Reply #79 on: August 13, 2020, 01:31:39 am »
The specs can't see your confessional now! You can say whatever you want!
Ooh good point. So hi I'm het, and in my first game about 6-9 months ago, I felt like I had a vaguely similar relationship to Zoraster in that game that I did in this with Poirot (similar in that we met in the first swap and developed a close bond, different in that Zor and I spent a goodly time apart until meeting again at the merge). It's not the same because I love Poirot deeply in a way that I didn't quite to that extent with Zor, and also because Zor actively cut me at 5 in part because he thought I could beat him. I was hoping to be the Zor this time, but there was no Judy Hopps in that game unfortunately. Actually in retrospect that could have been Haschel if I didn't cut him so early in the merge? Sorry again about that.

I'm frustratingly competent at this game, which sounds like a humblebrag, but I mean it in the sense that like I have good odds to make it a decent way into the merge , but I don't know if I can ever close it out. And that's too fatalistic to say "can't ever", but playing this game takes a lot out of you so I dunno if I'll play again soon. My takeaway from my first game was that I need to play less, so that I'm the less appetizing target, and things still didn't really work out. Like I said above, probably because of Judy.

Lennie Briscoe

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Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« Reply #80 on: August 14, 2020, 11:52:10 pm »
I think Poirot had maybe a couple clunkers in his answers, but Lucifer seemed sort of resigned to getting an anti-Poirot vote more than pro-Lucifer, so I think Poirot probably will have this? We'll see with the closing statements. I think Lucifer completely punting on Grouch's question about how the jury will vote (which, I'll be honest, I always hate as a question, it feels like such a trap, but kudos to Poirot for stepping up on that one and actually doing a good job) probably pushed Grouch towards Poirot a bit.

I think Poirot's biggest missteps were probably towards Pikachu, e.g. saying that when Pikachu tried to push me/Poirot/Judy as a vote it "backfired" on him, which I think was poor phrasing; it didn't get any traction, but Pikachu basically got the votes the way he wanted them on that vote, he just got hit with an idol, which I suppose you could ascribe to him targeting Jake and Jake's allies in the former SVU. I probably would have gone out of my way to frame that vote as like "hey, Pikachu, you made a great move that should have worked, I was fortunate enough to be good with the person you targeted and he had an idol". I understand the point that Poirot was making, which wasn't about how Pikachu went home that round but how a vote on Poirot couldn't have happened, but it seemed tone-deaf to me. Pikachu later seemed to strongly imply that he would be voting against Poirot for other reasons, so maybe it was a lost cause entirely, but I don't think that helped.

On a tangentially related note, one thing I've never been crazy about is when jurors criticize finalists' jury management of other players. Like, if A manages B poorly, then B doesn't vote for A, that's the consequence for that in my mind. I have a hard time imagining myself holding it against someone who I liked and felt treated me well for managing some other juror poorly (outside of serious social transgressions that go beyond "jury management", like sexism/racism/whatever). I realize that part of the game is understanding the criteria that each person uses in their evaluation of who to vote for at the end, so if someone's jury vote hinges on your jury management of everyone else then you're obligated to take that into account, but that's a criterion I've never been crazy about people putting much weight into.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2020, 01:49:38 am by Lennie Briscoe »

Lennie Briscoe

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Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« Reply #81 on: August 15, 2020, 07:44:24 pm »
Poirot desperately needed an editor for that final speech, hopefully it's enough.

Lennie Briscoe

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Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« Reply #82 on: August 15, 2020, 07:54:11 pm »
The specs can't see your confessional now! You can say whatever you want!
Ooh good point. So hi I'm het, and in my first game about 6-9 months ago, I felt like I had a vaguely similar relationship to Zoraster in that game that I did in this with Poirot (similar in that we met in the first swap and developed a close bond, different in that Zor and I spent a goodly time apart until meeting again at the merge). It's not the same because I love Poirot deeply in a way that I didn't quite to that extent with Zor, and also because Zor actively cut me at 5 in part because he thought I could beat him. I was hoping to be the Zor this time, but there was no Judy Hopps in that game unfortunately. Actually in retrospect that could have been Haschel if I didn't cut him so early in the merge? Sorry again about that.

I'm frustratingly competent at this game, which sounds like a humblebrag, but I mean it in the sense that like I have good odds to make it a decent way into the merge , but I don't know if I can ever close it out. And that's too fatalistic to say "can't ever", but playing this game takes a lot out of you so I dunno if I'll play again soon. My takeaway from my first game was that I need to play less, so that I'm the less appetizing target, and things still didn't really work out. Like I said above, probably because of Judy.
I was thinking about this some more and the thing is, I said my takeaway from my first game was that I need to play less, which is true that that was my takeaway, but it was really the wrong takeaway, and Poirot's closing speech really crystallized it. I said I wanted to be the Zor this time, but the fact is, both Poirot and Zor put way more effort into the game than I did. I'm sure I'll spend more time than is warranted or healthy thinking about this stuff in the coming weeks.