Author Topic: Nick Wilde - Our First TC :/  (Read 213 times)

Penelope Garcia

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Nick Wilde - Our First TC :/
« on: August 16, 2020, 11:25:31 am »
11th - Nick Wilde

I knew coming onto Strike that we were the most likely ones to be targeted. We had a majority BAU, but that didn't mean we were all extremely tight. I knew I hadn't made all the connections that I had wanted in the game and that you were a slightly bigger threat than me at the time, and with the 12th/BAU immunity runs, we were bound to be targeted at our first tribal. I really enjoyed talking with you and noting down recipes I have to make :P I wish we could have coordinated sooner and maybe tried to snatch the Tiger Idol, but I think we didn't really solidify anything until your tribal, which was a mistake on both of our parts. We definitely had enough clues to find it :/ Also, I cannot wait to find out if the Corporal Advantage is real or not because you definitely threw a wrench into my game as I was constantly worrying whether or not someone else had that! What happened with that????