Author Topic: Tigers!  (Read 522 times)

Joss Carter

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« on: July 14, 2020, 05:10:31 pm »
Along with this reassignment I've got some more news. Specifically, I have good news and bad news and also some more bad news.

First the bad news.

The commissioner has announced a hiring freeze. This won't affect you all since you've already been on the force, but it does mean that there will be no more promotions. All outstanding Sergeant promotions that haven't already been granted (if any) are no longer available.  However, that doesn't mean that there can't still be special things out there. Allow me to explain with a little more bad news.

The bad news is that a fine upstanding member of the community named mith had his home burgled last night, and the thief stole his prized pet tigers. So yeah, somebody out there has stolen tigers.

The good news is that we are offering a commendation to anybody who can arrest the culprit!

Here's how this will work. We have posted a thread with dossiers on all the suspects.  We all will make (or have already made) threads in your confessionals called "Tiger Hunt". You each will start off with a clue. You may use the clues to ask ONE question about an attribute. You may NOT ask compound questions. So "Does the suspect have X color hair?" is fine. "Does the suspect have either X or Y colored hair?" is not, nor is "Does the suspect have X color hair or Y color eyes?".

You will get more clues by either performing in challenges or by finding them somewhere on the forum, where they will be added at the END of each challenge (so please don't scour the boards now).

When you want to make an arrest, post ARREST: (SUSPECT) in your voting thread along with your vote for that TC. If you arrested the tiger thief, you will get a commendation that will act as an immunity idol at THAT TC. Therefore even if you know the answer, it is possibly that someone else uses the idol before you do.

If you get it wrong, nothing bad will happen but you will not be able to make any more arrests or find any more clues.  We will always announce in the TC Results post when an attempted arrest has been made and who by.

If multiple people try to arrest the correct suspect at the same TC then whoever locked in their arrest first will win the idol, however when you make an arrest you must lock in all TC actions for that round at that time, if you change your vote then you must re-lock in who you're arresting (this is to stop players from locking in their arrest at the start of TC)

When locking in your arrest, please state who you plan on playing the idol for if not yourself. This is only revealed if you are successful in winning the idol.

If you have any questions, you may ask them in your confessional.

Here are the dossiers.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2020, 12:15:49 am by Joss Carter »

Sherlock Holmes

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Re: Tigers!
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2020, 08:18:55 pm »
Added rule: All questions must be yes/no type questions, as in we will only respond with a yes or no

Therefore you can't ask us 'What vehicle does the suspect drive?" or "Who is the suspect?"

Joss Carter

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Re: Tigers!
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2020, 05:59:20 pm »
All units! Calling all units! There's been an update on the tiger theft; there is evidence of an accomplice. Be on the lookout for anything that can help us find the accomplice.

Keep this channel open for more updates as they come in...

All players who find it will gain 1 extra clue. Please post in your "Clue" thread any evidence you find.

Whenever a post is made in this thread there will be a new clue hunt; this can happen at any random time in the day but only once per TC cycle.

Joss Carter

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Re: Tigers!
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2020, 07:16:37 pm »
We have identified the accomplice; thank you for all your hard work.

We had some CCTV footage of the tigers, but it's gone missing. If any of you find it, let us know.

We only need a few copies of the footage, so the number of clues available is limited.

Joss Carter

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Re: Tigers!
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2020, 05:00:56 pm »
Today is a great day! The tiger thief has been arrested!

Good work, everyone!

There will be no more clues given out or answered because the mystery has been solved.