Author Topic: Épisode Neuf: A Delicate Balance  (Read 337 times)

Hercule Poirot

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Épisode Neuf: A Delicate Balance
« on: July 17, 2020, 10:15:28 pm »
Mon Dieu, Mlle Hopps ees infuriating on zis challenge. She ees not doing 'erself any favors.

Luckily we 'ave zis idol to keep 'er safe, because she could be in real danger if we lost.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Neuf: A Delicate Balance
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2020, 11:40:22 pm »
Weirdly eet might be better to lose zis challenge zan to win because we 'ave an idol if we lose, but if we 'ave another full round, zat idol could easily be found by someone else or taken by ze other tribe.

'Owever, I am not nearly confident enough in our ability to correctly play ze idol to throw, and I don't especially want to vote anyone off either. But if we lose ze next round and one of us goes 'ome, I will regret not losing zis challenge instead where we could 'ave been saved.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Neuf: A Delicate Balance
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2020, 02:40:27 pm »
Zis challenge 'as been 'orrible. I feel zat zese people want to ask so many complicated questions and I don't feel like fighting zem, but some questions were totally wasted. Zat Billboard 100 question? Wasted. Zose were coordinates questions? Wasted.

We 'ad no need for eet, because you guys are choosing prominent people and things. And I 'ave been saying zis, but zese people refuse to listen.

At least Mlle Hopps went to bed. I'm sure she would 'ave fought against just saying France or guessing zat ze person was British.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Neuf: A Delicate Balance
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2020, 05:32:37 pm »
Spectateurs! Where are you at? I love engagement.

I've neglected my confessional zis round on account of ze challenge, but as you can see from my voting confessional, some stuff 'as been 'appening with ze idol.

Ironically, eet might be bad for Mlle Hopps zat we won 'ere, because eet means zat if we lose again, zere ees a lower probability of getting to successfully play ze idol, and a higher probability of 'er being ze one voted out. Ze same for me, I suppose, but ze plan wasn't to  play ze idol on my anyway because we all agree zat I am not ze most likely to be targeted between ze pair of us.

I'm glad to not go though. I think zere would 'ave been a push to vote out M. Lucifer, which would be bad. And voting out M. Wilde ees better, but not ideal. I'm better off just winning until merge and not 'aving to mess with idols.

I 'ope M. Kennedy and M. Cheddar survive on ze other tribe. I don't know zat zey will.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Neuf: A Delicate Balance
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2020, 07:42:48 pm »
So I notice ze As and Fs and hands edited into ze images in ze dossier.

You may ask why I still am looking for clues when I already know ze culprit?

I want to try to deny someone else ze opportunity to find eet zis round so zat if we lose next time, we can still successfully use eet.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Neuf: A Delicate Balance
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2020, 07:45:24 pm »
I also see all of ze recent edits you made, but I don't know what to make of zem.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Neuf: A Delicate Balance
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2020, 08:06:33 pm »
I don't think I'm going to find zis, but eet eesn't from lack of trying. Why am I so 'orrible at finding things?

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Neuf: A Delicate Balance
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2020, 08:51:33 pm »
I keep getting clues because Mlle Garcia keeps telling me about zem, and zen I keep sharing zem with my alliance.

Honestly, I 'ave no need to be so sneaky about zis, I don't even think zat one of us would get voted off. But maintaining control of ze idol ees important just so no one can try anything, and just in case.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Neuf: A Delicate Balance
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2020, 09:56:58 pm »
I am almost certain Mlle Garcia ees who I thought she was earlier...


And I really 'ope zat I am right! But even if not, I genuinely connect with 'er, and I'm saying zat more because of 'ow much I connect with 'er zan because of any ID tells or anything like zat. If I'm right about zis ID, we 'ave come a long way from when we first met in a game.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Neuf: A Delicate Balance
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2020, 09:58:37 pm »
But I just love 'er so much and she ees such a delight. I think I strictly speaking enjoy 'er messages more zan anyone else's in ze game.

Strategy-wise, M. Briscoe ees my closest ally, but mon Dieu, I want to go so far with Mlle Garcia. I would 'appily take 'er to ze end.

Hercule Poirot

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Re: Épisode Neuf: A Delicate Balance
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2020, 03:17:18 pm »
M. Briscoe and I are working with M. Peralta, and apparently M. Peralta wants to bring me into zeir alliance called ze "Good Old Boys" with M. McGruff. I think zat name ees very stupide, but hey, zere eet ees. 'Owever, I am wary, and so ees M. Briscoe. We're going to work with M. Peralta for ze time being, but 'e ees not 'igh on ze totem pole, and we want to maintain more power zan 'e 'as.

Zis tribe ranked for me at ze moment:

1. M. Briscoe- my closest ally and confidant. If 'e betrays me, 'e 'as more zan enough ammunition to do eet, but I think we plan to work together deep into zis game and I trust 'im a lot.
2. Mlle Garcia- surprisingly, she 'as surpassed Mlle Hopps. I think she ees a far more useful longterm ally to me zan Mlle Hopps, and she ees someone I think I legitimately 'ave pull over. She ees just a delight, and I am so 'appy to 'ave met 'er when I did. I think we could go far together. She may/may not 'ave me zis 'igh, but she ees so much fun. I also did not tell people zat she told me about ze second clue, because I want to somewhat 'ide if possible 'ow close she ees to me in particular, but zat may be impossible. I could see 'er becoming my closest ally eventually.
3. Mlle Hopps- I still trust 'er, she ees charismatic, and she draws a lot of eyeballs. I 'ave always 'ad problems with 'er as an ally, and I think she ees swiftly approaching ze point of being a liability, but I don't especially want to proactively cut 'er, and I suspect zat someone else will do eet for me eventually. I also would like 'er on ze Jury.
4. M. Lucifer- On paper, zis ees ze boot people are going to push for if we lose, but I actually do think 'e trusts me? I don't especially care about 'im, and 'e ees incredibly disposable, but I do think I factor into 'is longterm plans to some degree. Part of why I wanted to win zese challenges so badly was because I know zat 'e will be in danger if we lose.
5. M. Peralta- 'e likes me and 'e wants to include me in 'is plans, and we've gone so far as to form an alliance. I can't 'elp but feel zat I will always be on ze outskirts of 'is plans 'owever, and zat 'e ees overcommitted to people who are not me, which ees a worry because I also think 'e would be unafraid of making a big move against me. Not an immediate concern, but I can't play myself into a position where my fate rests in 'is 'ands, because I 'ave no trust zere.
6. M. Wilde- I do like 'im a lot, but 'e does not message me nearly enough and our game talks 'ave just gone nowhere, and again, I don't think I am 'igh on 'is priority list at all. I will be pushing for 'im to go 'ome if we ever lose, and I think eet would benefit me if 'e 'appens, because I can feel ze friendliness without going deeper. By far ze biggest immediate threat to me and also ze most likely chink in ze armor in terms of zis tribe's unity.

I am aware zat I am slightly overexposed, so moving forward working with other big, attention-grabbing players ees important. M. Cheddar and M. Kennedy may factor into my plans if zey survive to meet me again, but I'm also not sure zat zey are ze people I need close to ze end with me, so maybe eet wouldn't be ze worst thing in ze world if one of zem went now, plus zat would 'ave ze added benefit of making me even less obviously connected. We will 'ave to see. My path to win ze game ees a rocky one, but I don't think my odds are 0%.