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Messages - Leon Kennedy

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Leon Kennedy / Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« on: August 15, 2020, 06:38:43 pm »
Vote: Hercule

This sucks. If he only won the immunity, then I can really guarantee being in the final two.


Leon Kennedy / Re: Voting Thread
« on: August 15, 2020, 06:37:31 pm »
Vote: Lucifer

I've made my decision and I think Lucifer deserves to win this game. It's the only right option.

Final Tribal Council / Re: Structural
« on: August 13, 2020, 08:17:48 pm »
Thanks for the clarification, Leon. I know it's hard to know in the moment and it's all hindsight now- but I did want to go to the F2 with you. I don't know how accurate this is, but at the time I thought the two of us against each other would be the fairest scenario for us. I also hoped that my willingness to vote Rust at F4 would show you that I was serious about us going to F2 and that I was not attached to going with Rust like you had seemed worried about.

Hmm, I actually didn't realize that until now. I guess the whole F4 TC, I was super blinded by my relationship with Hercule. :<

I have no hard feelings from you, btw.

Final Tribal Council / Re: Structural
« on: August 13, 2020, 08:14:36 pm »
But eet ultimately was partially a failure of communication between ze two of you zat caused M. Kennedy's elimination, and zat ees not entirely on 'im.

I actually agree with this.

Lucifer, when I tried to beg you to take me in the final two, I felt like you weren't really sincere about it, which made me feel embarrassed, and then that embarrassment went into doubting. We both know that we hadn't really communicated so much during the whole merge. We were distant because of Jake and after Jake was gone, I didn't also know how to communicate with you because our message gap were so big. It's like every time I come online, I'm only talking to Hercule and Rust, mostly Hercule, that's probably why Hercule managed to emotionally manipulate me.

I think if you told me about you thinking that there is a possibility Hercule and Rust are targeting me, then I would've realized it instead of being blinded by my relationship with Hercule and doubting where I truly stand on you.

Final Tribal Council / Re: Structural
« on: August 13, 2020, 08:04:14 pm »
I wasn't sure if I'm allowed to say things other than questions, so I didn't bother to respond, but now it's clarified to me that it's fine.

I was in fact considering voting for Lucifer IF only Hercule wins immunity. Regarding the 2-1-1 vote, I didn't suspect that I was digging my own grave at that time. I was too trusting of Hercule and I respect my relationship with him. Not to mention, he was emotionally manipulating me into something I'm super against to. I've convinced myself that I was the goat of this game and Hercule bribing me with his jury vote was very tempting as well as making me feel guilty about voting him because of our so-called "relationship", that's why I tried to force a tie to send him in a firemaking challenge with Rust. It was a hard decision for me because I was set on voting for him and getting him out, just like I had always planned.

Anyways, I really didn't want to vote for Rust cause I didn't want to piss him off if I did send him in the firemaking challenge and he won it. That's why I had to make Lucifer flip on Rust while keeping my vote on Hercule. I just really assumed Hercule is voting for Rust and Rust is voting for Hercule. If Lucifer actually hadn't considered flipping to Rust, none of this would have happened. I really like Rust and he's actually the person I wanted to be with in the F2. I was also doubting Lucifer at that time, that's why I wasn't being completely honest with him. I don't know if Lucifer really wants me to be with him in the F2. Doubting Lucifer impacted my decision and clouded my judgement on the F4.

To clarify, my ultimate goal is to at least be in the 2nd place, but I wasn't really sure who will actually take me to the F2 because I really thought Rust and Lucifer were so close together that they'd take themselves into the F2 and leaving me behind in the F3. With Hercule, assuming he won a firemaking challenge with Rust, I can guarantee being in the F2 because there's no way Hercule would take Lucifer and Lucifer would take Hercule in the F2 instead of me.

I hope this makes sense. I don't know where to put this question, but I figured to put it in here along with my post.

Hercule, do you think emotionally manipulating someone for your #BigMoves will earn you a jury vote?

Desk Duty / Re: Rust Cohle - Ninth Juror
« on: August 10, 2020, 06:00:17 pm »
Great game!!

I've been dying to ask you this: what happened in the final four?

Desk Duty / Re: General Discussion
« on: August 08, 2020, 09:21:41 am »
Oh btw, @Scruff, were you really my closest ally in the game? I'd love to know your honest answer.

You were my closest ally up until somewhere in the middle of the Narcotics Unit where you mentioned that you were doubting the validity of our bond together-- around maybe the vote after Cheddar? With you saying that you would be fine with a Pikachu and Grouch alliance (with us in it), that showed that you didn't have a lot of trust or faith in what I was saying and that I likely couldn't rely on you to stick with me 100% of the time in the future-- thus me growing attached to Rust (And Pikachu, to a lesser extent) over the course of that tribe. I was absolutely on your side throughout the first tribe and I pretty much fought for your name to never be brought up or even mentioned despite the mediocre challenge performances.

Rust was actually the reason why I doubted you cause he said you and Pikachu have some sort of "secret" closeness, so I was questioning it cause I know you were my closest ally. I never would turn my back on you lol.  I also tried to save you after Pikachu was idoled out.

Desk Duty / Re: Leon Kennedy - Eighth Juror
« on: August 08, 2020, 09:16:27 am »
Hahaha, no it's okay. In a way, our dumpsterfire interactions are one of the things I'm going to be fondest about in this game. Cuz like, we started out really really well, and then things happened, and then we never really had a chance to recover from that. And never really openly talked about the things which could maybe actually properly repair stuff, cuz it was risky for us both to do so.
That's true, yeah. I really felt bad when I put you in the worst spot.

Leon, I just want to make it clear that I never intentionally wanted you to think I didn’t trust you during the game or give you reasons not to trust me

The thing is, I never really trusted you until Scruff decided to be allies with you and Rust lol, but yeah. Thanks for clarifying this. :D

Desk Duty / Re: Detective Pikachu - First Juror
« on: August 08, 2020, 09:14:35 am »
Yep. I was asleep to change my vote on Jake.

Desk Duty / Re: General Discussion
« on: August 07, 2020, 08:31:36 pm »
Oh btw, @Scruff, were you really my closest ally in the game? I'd love to know your honest answer.

Desk Duty / Re: General Discussion
« on: August 07, 2020, 08:31:05 pm »
I'm still not clear on what happened on that vote, other than that Leon voted for Rust so Poirot must have voted for Leon, but he could have voted Rust and gotten Rust out, which seems like a far better move? Maybe it was the sort of thing where he wasn't certain how the votes would fall, or that he'd irrevocably burn Rust's jury vote if he tricked him into voting Leon and then backstabbed him?

I voted for Hercule.
Lucifer voted for Rust.
Hercule and Rust voted for me.

Desk Duty / Re: Leon Kennedy - Eighth Juror
« on: August 07, 2020, 08:29:54 pm »
Yeah I definitely enjoyed the experience, but I don't think I won't try anymore of this game lol. Too stressful for me.

Hercule did explain your side and I understood it, but of course, I was threatened, so I had to vote you.

Also, Grouch, I'm sorry for our relationship. Out of everyone, you and I are a mess together lol.

Desk Duty / Re: Leon Kennedy - Eighth Juror
« on: August 07, 2020, 06:39:55 pm »

Very well played, Leon. Your turn on me with Judy really got me in the feels. No grudges though, it's Survivor. :)

Yeah, I'm sorry about that :<

Desk Duty / Re: Leon Kennedy - Eighth Juror
« on: August 07, 2020, 06:20:04 pm »
Literally me right now

Desk Duty / Re: Leon Kennedy - Eighth Juror
« on: August 07, 2020, 06:10:33 pm »
I know y'all probably have some countless questions to me that I need to address, so ask them out here, I guess? I don't know where to start lol but I figured I'll just say my insights after Grouch has been voted out.

First and foremost though, I'm a newbie. I've lied about countless things and promised y'all a bunch of bs, but that's the only truth I've said.

Okay so after Grouch has been voted out that exposed our Juke Herleonnie alliance (I love this alliance name btw), as soon as the TC started, Rust, Lucifer, and Penelope came running at me and persuaded me to vote with them. Lucifer wanted Hercule, Penelope and Rust wanted Jake. At that time, I literally have no concrete plans on what I wanted to do, but at that time, it made me realize that I'm the "weaker link" in the Juke Herleonnie alliance.

After Scruff has been voted out and Jake has been screwed over by the 1227 (which I really treated as super close allies), I immediately put my trust and loyalty to my SVU alliance. I knew at some point Jake has to be voted out and when Penelope is trying to get me on board with the Jake vote, Penelope said to me that Judy might be on board, in which I figured that out when Judy mentioned Jake's name to me as a possible vote. I decided to push for Jake with the help of Judy.

At that time, I was planning some grand scheme where the final three will always end up to be me, Lucifer, and Rust. But that plan was too risky and I didn't have the guts to do it. So basically my plan is: get the SVU alliance out and Penelope. But as I've said, too risky and too messy, so I just never really went with it.

After Jake has been voted out, Hercule and Lennie were definitely pissed, so I grabbed that opportunity to push for Judy. Meanwhile, I'm keeping close relations with Lucifer, Rust, and Penelope in case something happens and I need to form an alliance with them to get the majority. Well, Judy won immunity as I was pushing for her, then switched to Penelope. That's the time when Lucifer told me about Lennie pushing me, so I got pissed, then sided with Judy, which also helped my case. Long story short, Lennie got voted out.

Hercule and I had some argument to which we bonded afterwards, and also the reason why I got voted out of this TC cause I was too trusting of him that killed me in the end. Anyways, when Lennie got voted out, I immediately talked to Lucifer and Rust about us being in the final three. The whole drama between Lennie and Judy paved the way for me to push my plan easily and safely, rather than the original risky one. So little by little, Judy was the next one to go, then Penelope (which I have been pushing forever).

At the final four TC, the plan was to get Hercule out, but Hercule managed to emotionally manipulate me that got me traumatized right now (not irl dw). I was honest to voting him, he said some things to me, we had an argument, and I felt bad about voting him at the end, stuffs like that. Hercule was begging to be in a firemaking challenge against Rust. I didn't like it cause it was too risky and I don't want to risk Hercule being in the final three. But in the end, Hercule managed to get me to side on him.

I was going to play dirty because Lucifer mentioned about possibly going with Rust instead of Hercule since Hercule is bad at the challenges than Rust, which can be of great advantage to me and Lucifer, but instead, I told Lucifer that I'm flipping on Rust to get him to flip on Rust while still maintaining my Hercule vote to force a tie vote. Little did I know, Hercule was just playing me and he probably got Rust to vote me.

Hercule really messed me up lol.

I wasn't in the right state of mind to think logically because I thought we were really friends. He was guilt tripping me and all that stuffs. So, being here right now, made me realize I was digging my own grave.

Sorry for the long ass rant but I'm feeling a different type of hurt.

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