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Messages - Scruff McGruff

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Desk Duty / Re: General Discussion
« on: July 30, 2020, 04:01:34 am »
Yup, that's pretty much my view on it as well. I'm basically willing to vote for anybody but Lennie at this point due to how badly he burned me in just a couple of messages after the fallout from the Pikachu vote. If anyone else is able to show that they got to the end on their own merits and not by riding another's coattails, or that they survived against significant odds, then I'd be willing to win. For me, following someone else the entire game and then cutting them at the end is not a valid strategy, it's just taking out the people who could claim that they had you on a leash. Right now I'm leaning towards voting for Penelope or Rust, but I could easily see my thoughts swinging to Lucifer if he reveals that he actually was a significant presence beyond that one long message he sent me half an hour before he died, or Jake if he owns up to the game he played. Leon and Judy also have some questions to answer and aren't totally exempt-- and considering I don't entirely buy Leon's newbie story, his pre-merge game isn't going to net him the win either if he does nothing in the postmerge to back it up.

Like... the only people that I was actively leaning away from voting were the bottom 3, but even then, Jake and Lucifer still have an easy path to my vote, which is still up for grabs depending on what sort of F3 we get.

Desk Duty / Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
« on: July 28, 2020, 06:23:17 pm »
Don’t worry about it. We’re both here now, so I guess neither of us ended up on top.

Desk Duty / Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
« on: July 28, 2020, 05:58:42 pm »
You’re totally fine, yeah. I think Leon is an experienced player who knows how to play people against each other, and is saying he’s new because that’s a legitimate tactic to get further. That said, we also had an alliance with Rust and Pika by the time the vote rolled around, and he literally asked me who we should side with.

On another note— outside of our whole dispute with the Cheddar stuff, I actually really did like you! You were a really fun guy to be around and made me feel like you cared about what I was saying— we just got pointlessly split up over the Cheddar vote due to a lack of communication.

Desk Duty / Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
« on: July 28, 2020, 05:49:13 pm »
Also— mind saying who you’re thinking in the general discussion thread? Specs can’t see this forum.

Desk Duty / Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
« on: July 28, 2020, 05:44:32 pm »
“ Man, you're a very conflicting feel here. I heard an awful lot of things that have made me question a lot of shit.”

Just curious about what you mean here.

Desk Duty / Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
« on: July 28, 2020, 05:34:50 pm »
What stuff did you hear?

Also, I know not to post callouts in public unless you want to go home or already think you’re going home. That wasn’t to try to make a move (especially since I changed my vote), it was to protect Rust and give him time to recuperate from that rough tribal since I knew he had a better chance at making it further than me due to that disastrous merge tribal.

Desk Duty / Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
« on: July 28, 2020, 05:04:48 pm »
Anyway— mind expanding on what happened that round? It sure seemed crazy.

Desk Duty / Re: Grouch Cop - Third Juror
« on: July 28, 2020, 05:01:53 pm »
Damn, what a fun relationship we had! Did not expect you to go here, but I guess what I said about going back to back was true.

Desk Duty / Re: General Discussion
« on: July 28, 2020, 03:39:53 pm »
Also... this tribal sure is entertaining from the Jury, isn’t it?

Desk Duty / Re: General Discussion
« on: July 28, 2020, 03:36:49 pm »
I don’t really have a ‘hope’ for someone joining us as long as it’s not a 12th. Chances of Judy going seem INCREDIBLY slim based on the way the game is going— but I wouldn’t be upset with it.

Desk Duty / Re: General Discussion
« on: July 28, 2020, 12:23:43 am »
Anyway-- I'm more than willing to expand on my current Jury vote list.

Penelope - Played the first merge round pretty masterfully. Generally pretty nice and smart-- and if she gets through this, she'll have earned my respect for sure.
Rust - Less masterful gameplay-- but still pretty great to be around and probably one of my closest allies throughout this. Definitely a close second.
Leon - Claims he is a newbie which I don't really believe? At the very least, this probably isn't his first game. Either way, the opposition would have to be majorly dumb to let him get to the end.
Grouch - He's... been putting in work message-wise, and is at least good at repairing bonds and having influence over a group. Will probably get the opportunity to escape the terrible situation he is in and is the most likely of this top four to actually make it to the end.
Judy - Based on what's been said, pretty decent overall and still middling in my list. I don't know a lot about her game, though, so she'll have a lot of stuff to justify with me if she does end up making it to the end.
Hercule - Less flashy and open than Judy, but talks a bit more-- which is actually a detriment in this case considering he often doesn't contribute to the discussion at all and is poor at communicating his intent. Also has a relatively annoying gimmick to parse through.
Lucifer - Probably the person in the merge who talks the least. Would be willing to put him at least a bit higher if it weren't for the fact that he sent me one big message by the end of things that was longer than anything he had sent me in the entire game, and really disingenuous and clearly an attempt to get my vote at the end.
Jake - Not as great as he thinks he is. Tries to play the role of charismatic villain but just comes off as whiny and condescending. Will probably only get my vote if he does something big to change my perception of him or it's a final two.
Lennie - No chance. Really eager to burn bridges, only apologizes if he's forced to, and is still riding Judy and Hercule's coattails with the hopes of making a move in the endgame to impress the Jury.

At the very least, that's my take on everything.

Desk Duty / Vent Thread (Read first)
« on: July 27, 2020, 07:11:21 pm »
Anyone who's upset about the way that things transpired (Or wants to work out a dispute with another Juror) can move the discussion here. Ponderosa is supposed to be a fun place, and we want to make this game something that can be fondly looked back on rather than a bitter and toxic one that would be best forgotten-- not to mention make the Final Tribal Council somewhere that people can feel proud of what they achieved, not like their decisions meant nothing or that they don't have a chance after months of playing. Everyone here is a person with individual thoughts and feelings, and we should work to respect that and not let ourselves devolve into fighting.

Desk Duty / General Discussion
« on: July 27, 2020, 07:07:42 pm »
For general discussion that doesn't fit within a specific Juror thread. Use this to theorize about what might happen, talk about possibilities in the future-- anything that Jurors normally do, just localized to prevent clogging up the individual jury forums and to make the place more organized.

Starting question, aimed at Pikachu:

Who do you think will be joining us here tomorrow? I personally think it's gonna be one of Penelope or Rust.

Desk Duty / Re: Scruff McGruff - Second Juror
« on: July 27, 2020, 03:36:01 pm »
goodby spectators  :'(

Desk Duty / Re: Scruff McGruff - Second Juror
« on: July 26, 2020, 09:22:38 pm »

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