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Messages - Penelope Garcia

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Penelope Garcia / Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« on: July 01, 2020, 11:54:21 am »
is it alright if I pronounce your name with the first E being a long E?


And for good measure,
what has been the least irk-worthy response you've gotten so far to one of your messages

Only if I can pronounce your e with a short e.

And I think my favorite PM so far is Nick's reply to my intro post. It came with a qute gif, lengthy reply and so sweet. He's kept it up so I change my opinion on the "hasn't" pm'ed enough thing.

Penelope Garcia / Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« on: July 01, 2020, 11:52:16 am »
Congratulations on immunity and making it to the top 20. What's your agenda for the next 24 hours?

I responded to a few messages and took the night off to get tested for COVID-19 :p (I got negative).

 It's hard to keep up small talk for so long and we've had quite a bit of time. I kind of wish we are thrown into a tribal to test those lines but I worry my tardiness to reply to messages might be a bit of a sore spot. I'm not sure where I stand with the tribe so I'm catching up on messages today and making sure I reply within the hour.

Penelope Garcia / Challenge 2 Submission Thread
« on: July 01, 2020, 11:32:42 am »

Penelope Garcia / Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« on: June 29, 2020, 05:03:11 pm »
When I was going back over your first ranking list, you mentioned that PM'ed well/hasn't PM'ed enough was a strong indicator of your favoritism. Is this in terms of frequency? quality? What sort of means are you looking for in order to make a connection with the other tribemates?

Not really frequency as I've been doing a poor job of being online myself so it's mainly length and if they respond to all the things that I send. Kate/Jackie seemed to just ignore/condense a lot of what I said at the beginning but I think Kate is getting a lot better. Plus, 2 people now (Pika and Rust) have went out of their way to tell me Kate is speaking positively about me, which I appreciate :P

I do worry that this may make us seem like an inseparable pair too early, which is not ideal. Kate is definitely a newer player and might not see how that can potentially put a larger target on our back than she anticipates.

Penelope Garcia / Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« on: June 29, 2020, 05:01:22 pm »
We won  8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Working The Beat / Re: Challenge 1: The Fresh Prints
« on: June 29, 2020, 01:44:41 am »
Mods, bold suggestion but dig in your heels. There was no typo- or wait no, there was one, nO ONE wins immunity. This was all for laughs, mega tribal immediately.

Penelope Garcia / Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« on: June 28, 2020, 06:41:25 pm »
i didn't realize there were groupchats going on. That's a pretty neat twist. Is there anything exciting going down in there?

Not necessarily. All that's happened so far is a post from Kate making the message and me expressing my excitement. Pika hasn't said anything.

Penelope Garcia / Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« on: June 28, 2020, 02:31:02 pm »
You can't solve this all by yourself, with out a raggy who would be your second in command?

Is this asking like who's my closest ally at the moment?

Penelope Garcia / Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« on: June 28, 2020, 02:30:32 pm »
Even though you've made a list of your takes on their strengths, would this necessarily be your list in making alliances? After all, we have seen many a time when people have teamed out to take out those who may pose too big of a threat.

I think so! Kate just sent me a message that she and Pika talked about an alliance and they brought me into the fold. We now have a groupchat, which, WOW that's amazing, I love these new forums.

I think Kate's straightforwardness will get her targeted at some point, so I don't think others will see her as a threat early on. I think it's important to have allies that can then be toppled over at some point as it becomes difficult to distinguish your game from their's when you get the final tribal council.

Penelope Garcia / Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« on: June 27, 2020, 01:35:31 pm »
First Impressions time! Take these with a grain of salt because it's literally been two hours! But I just want an excuse to post something :0

First, based off of the challenge, there were some very clear heavy hitters and others just along for the ride. I usually suck at these image identification challenges, so I tried to step up as the list collector and I think I did pretty well wrangling the troops to make sure we started early and didn't waste any time.

Here's my list of who suggested each name and what each person did.

Collected lists - Penelope/Nick
1) Diego "Margarine" Tyler - Kate
2. Wallace Romero - Chase - confirmed by Kate / Penelope
3. Andy Lewis - Rust confirmed by Kate
4. Pascal Wagner - Kate
5. Shorty Thompson - Nick
6. Honeypalms Jonas - Nick
7. Archie McMahon - Penelope
8. Perry Belvadere - Penelope
9. Vincent Giovanelli - Chase confirmed by Pikachu
10. Yuri Chernyshevsky - Pikachu

Based off of this challenge, the strongest challenge players were myself, Nick and Kate. I really enjoyed Kate coming out to fix up the #4 mistake because we all just overlooked that. It shows that she's meticulous and dedicated and was actually going through to make sure the guesses were right, a real team player.

Chase/Nick were good at the beginning but seemed to stop checking for prints once they confirmed their two based off not really posting after. However, Nick was collecting the comparison list which was really helpful so I'll give him that.

Pika and myself seemed to be really involved at the beginning and checking for numbers after and offering corrections which I think will come off well.

Finally, Jackie and Rust seemed to participate the least. Rust had to leave at the very end and Jackie suggested a wrong answer and only confirmed at the end. Now, this challenge could just be people's weak spots, so I'm not going to use it against them, but I am definitely keeping my eye on them.

Now, as for PMs:

Kate: I don't particularly like her PM'ing style at the moment. It's very quick and succinct and I like to be long and verbose. If I send three line breaks, I expect three line breaks back! Or at least condense one of my points! Or maybe I just need to start being less talky otherwise people aren't going to want to respond to me :P

Anyways, I sent her a quick PM about how there's only 5 girls in the entire game (based off of prof pics of course) so we might as well work together now. Definitely the first alliance in the game! I hope it becomes a bit more fully fleshed out.

Detective Pikachu: Great first impression. He seems like the type to enjoy gifs and be a good PMer. I think I've talked to him the most in the last few hours, (which is like 10 messages) so I want to start building that relationship. He's also just so cute and fluffy <33333

Chase: I'm kinda bitter because Chase was my first choice for a character for two seconds, but then I changed it to Penelope on a whim. Now I'm binge watching Criminal Minds when I definitely could be binge watching Paw Patrol. This chase is nice and easy going from the few messages we've shared and I think he's going to be fun to work with.

Rust Cohle: Definitely another long, verbose typer. I love him already. He responds to all my messages at length and damn, it's been good having Matthew McConaughey flirting back at me :^). I'm definitely going to need to get closer to him throughout this game and see him being a power player already. Additionally, he mentioned that he was having trouble getting people to respond to him, which I find really odd considering how well people were responding to me. He might be rubbing people off the wrong way which could be good to keep around.

Jackie Chan: He's another condenser :/ I send him long PMs and he just boils them down to two sentences. Give me something to respond to! Plop a question in there :/ He mentioned he's in a different time zone across the world from me and we're probably going to clash on that a lot, but that's a good thing to keep around when you want to boot a quiet person off...

Nick Wilde: I haven't gotten much of a read on him. I've only messaged him once and got one reply and he was pretty okay at the challenge. Watch this space.

As you can see, it's a lot of nothing at the moment because I really am going off of a few first impressions, but those are always the strongest! I feel like I have a good read on social dynamics, at least for the time being. Here's my ranking of the tribe in terms of who's on top of the tribe, and who's probably an easy boot.

Strongest/Weakest also my favorite/least favorite
1. Detective Pikachu - Great PM's, helpful in the challenge.
2. Kate - Not Great PM's, but it's only been a few, great help in the challenge
3. Chase - Good PM's, participated well in the challenge.

4. Nick - Hasn't PM'ed enough, great challenger participator.
5. Rust - Hasn't PM'ed enough, didn't participate as much.
6. Jackie - Hasn't PM'ed enough, poor challenge play.

I know this is all so very early, but these are my current opinions going forward!

Penelope Garcia / Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« on: June 27, 2020, 11:29:26 am »
First impressions coming up after the challenge, but I definitely am getting good vibes from the rest of my teammates. I feel like I've already sussed out who I like and who I don't like from the first few messages,,,,, might not be a good thing so I'll try not to stick too hard to those.

Penelope Garcia / Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« on: June 27, 2020, 11:06:51 am »

Just going based off of post counts, it seems like we have a very active tribe.... I like that since I like to send lots of messages and worry I come off as too annoying too quickly but I'm getting so many replies so fast it's hard to keep up! Great start.

Penelope Garcia / Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« on: June 27, 2020, 09:52:28 am »
Welcome to the game! What are your thoughts on the game and what are you hoping to accomplish?

Thank you! And welcome yourself <3. I'm really enjoying this forum setup. It's so uncanny having the mafiscum label on it, but it's definitely very well put together; thanks mods!

And I want to win of course! Side goals include being on the top of every vote and not being too much of a side character. I don't want to sheep/goat to the end so I'm going to try and make moves throughout the game ;)

Penelope Garcia / Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« on: June 27, 2020, 09:23:17 am »
So excited to be here! This post is to confirm my opening of the forums <3

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