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Messages - Hercule Poirot

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Final Tribal Council / Re: Strategic
« on: August 13, 2020, 10:58:56 am »
Alright, I think I’ll give one final question before I let other jurors do their thing (unless I come up with anything else).

Lucifer and Poirot. Social, Strategic, Structural. Rate yourself in each of these categories on the much more sensible scale of 1-10.

M. McGruff, I do appreciate you using such a normal scale instead of 3-18. Eet makes answering zis much more facile.

For Social, I'm giving myself a 9. I think zis was easily ze category which was my biggest strength in ze game, and I think most players agree with me. Sometimes social play gets overlooked as something zat anyone ees capable of doing or zat ees incredibly easy, but I think what I 'ave pulled off socially zis game ees 'ighly impressive, and ze fact zat I am sitting 'ere at ze end at all after (and partially because of) a social game like zat ees a 'uge accomplishment. My main social failings were probably my 'andling on M. Grouch and M. Kennedy on zeir way out ze door, and zat ees ze raison zat I give myself a 9 and not a 10.

For Strategic, I actually give myself an 8. I think my strategy zis game was actually fantastique. I was consistently able to determine what ze best move for myself was each round and zen more often zan not, I was able to execute eet. I don't think eet ees as strong as my social play, since zere maybe were a few moments where my social connections caused me not to think as clearly strategically, but overall my strategy zis game was 'ighly effective and allowed me to consistently be one of ze best positioned people in ze game.

For Structural, I'm going to give myself a 5. I think my structural play was fine, but nothing particularly exciting or memorable. I think my 'andling of ze tiger idol was good, though Mlle Hopps gets more credit for zat zan I do. I did win one challenge, and because of zat I was able to keep Mlle Garcia safe in a round where I knew she would be a target and get rid of someone I needed eliminated in you.  My premerge challenge play was clearly poor, with me attending 6 tribal councils, though I did put a lot of effort into ze Immunity challenges on Strike, particularly ze 20 Questions one, because I knew 'ow crucial 'aving my Strike connections would be for me at merge. I also failed at several crucial challenges towards ze end of ze game. I don't think my structural game particularly stands out, but I definitely did do some things well structurally, and I think my social and strategic games are more zan good enough to make up for eet.

Final Tribal Council / Re: Structural
« on: August 13, 2020, 10:37:12 am »
A question for both finalists.

Did you take the board statistics and individual player profile statistics into account in making game decisions?  If so, how?

Zey definitely did to some degree. Like I 'ave said previously, I was very aware of ze fact zat I was ze player with ze most time online, and I intentionally at some points would try not to refresh ze page in ze middle of ze day when I knew no one was online if I could 'elp myself. M. Briscoe zen surpassed myself in total amount of time online, where 'e remained until 'e was eliminated I believe. Once 'e went 'ome, I eventually retook ze lead, but amount of time online shows roughly ze amount of time ze person 'ad and was willing to commit to ze game, and zat was something zat could inform some decisions.

I also frequently would check profiles to see when ze last time someone was online was. Zis was especially crucial on ze few occasions where I typed up a PM to someone, sent eet, and zen later deleted eet before zey could read eet. If zey 'ad not been online since I sent eet, I knew zat zey could not 'ave read eet, so eet could safely be removed. I did zis maybe 3 times maximum throughout ze whole game, and usually only did eet when circumstances changed and I didn't want someone knowing something zat originally eet was fine for zem to know.  But eet was an interesting component of my strategy and ees a good example of 'ow careful I was in controlling ze flow of information to make sure zat I was giving people enough information, but not too much.

Hercule Poirot / Re: Épisode Vingt: Poirot's Final Case
« on: August 12, 2020, 11:25:52 pm »
M. Morningstar's FTC 'as been perfectly fine so far, and 'e 'as not made any major erreurs. I do think 'e will get votes.

But eet really feels like 'e should be doing more to undermine my game. I know I would be slinging some mud in 'is position. I slung a leetle mud at 'im, but I realized zat doing zat was likely to provoke 'im, so I 'ad to stop myself. If 'e gets feisty with me and starts challenging me on some things, zen I think eet could open doors for people who 'ave a closer connection with 'im due to being together more, but who think I played a better game. I think M. McGruff ees one of zose people.

Maybe 'e ees saving all of ze mudslinging for 'is final speech, but zat might be too late. Or maybe 'e ees not planning on slinging any mud at all, but zat seems like eet ees setting 'im up for failure. When you are be'ind, you can't act like you are ahead.

Though honestly, people who would seriously vote for 'im over me might not care? Like clearly on paper my game ees more impressive, so in terms of arguing zat 'e 'as ze better game, maybe 'e ees not even trying, and instead ees just selling what 'e does 'ave as best 'e can enough to give people who already want to vote for 'im enough reason to do so. Like M. Grouch ees clearly going to vote for 'im, but even if 'e says zat eet ees because of 'is game, we all know zat me backstabbing M. Grouch and M. Morningstar not ees a 'uge part of why M. Grouch wants a reason to vote for 'im. And zat ees valid, but M. Grouch ees not going to admit zat.

I don't know. I think/'ope zat I'm probably going to win. I won't know for sure until ze votes come in, but eet certainly feels like I should be ze winner based on some of ze comments Jurors 'ave made. Ze post zat M. Briscoe made sounded like 'e was apologizing to me for cutting me, yet 'ere I sit as a finalist and 'ere 'e sits on ze Jury. Eet ees funny 'ow zat worked out.

Final Tribal Council / Re: Strategic
« on: August 12, 2020, 10:48:47 pm »
As for other moments of manipulation, I was probably manipulated a bit by M. Briscoe. I was certainly planning to take 'im to F4 at least, and zen from 4 on I think eet becomes an individual game, and you 'ave to expect people to do what ees best for zem. I don't know what M. Briscoe's plans for me were, but if 'e was making explicit F3 deals zat did not include me, zen eet seems like 'e 'ad a more clearly crystallized plan to cut me eventually whereas pour moi, if I 'ad ze choice I knew zat I would always do what I thought was optimal, but emotionally I really wanted to set eet up so zat taking 'im was ze optimal choice. I don't know ze full extent of 'is plans, though. I'll be curious to talk more about eet with 'im after ze game. Similar to you, I knew ze type of person 'e was, and zat 'e would always 'ave to play to win, but I really really wanted us to find a way to make eet regardless.
FWIW, I definitely wanted to be at F4 with you as well, but it was clear when we talked about those long-term plans that we were both trying to set up a situation where we'd each have the best chances of making it to the end and winning, and frankly I didn't think I could beat you. We played similar games except you played way way better. I knew you were sincere in wanting to sit next to me, but JT is always going to be happy sitting next to Stephen, you know? Anyway, I'm eager to talk about this when all is said and done, it was a real joy playing this game with you.

I understand. mon ami. I remember at one point, I might be misremembering, but you said zat you were open to ze idea of you, me, M. Kennedy, and M. Peralta being ze final four and I immediately shot eet down. I wasn't stupide, mon ami. I knew who you would want gone fourth if zat was ze final four. So ze only way I could take you down ze stretch was if I forced zere to be someone zere who you found even more threatening zan me, which maybe I could 'ave accomplished, but with 'indsight, maybe for ze best for my sake zat you got taken out when you did.

Though I will say zat I think you are selling yourself a bit short. I don't think your odds against me were as terrible as you think, but maybe I'm just biased. You've been on ze Jury so you probably 'ave a better read on what ze Jury thought in zat situation zan I do.

Hercule Poirot / Re: Épisode Vingt: Poirot's Final Case
« on: August 12, 2020, 10:22:56 pm »
Addendum to my last post: I don't even know if M. Kennedy knows who 'e was truly loyal to. I love 'im, but 'e was far from a reliable ally zis game.

Final Tribal Council / Re: Strategic
« on: August 12, 2020, 10:05:57 pm »
Hahahaha mon ami, I think zat zere ees a chance zat you manipulated me a leetle into thinking zat zere was a chance you might take me if you won! If I 'ad won and 'ad to vote you out, I would 'ave felt legitimately guilty about eet, but realistically, like I said somewhere else, I would 'ave done eet aussi. I never thought zere was a chance at all in any universe prior to being in ze final three with you zat you took me, so I was a bit fou thinking zat things changed for you. But I would 'ave understood, naturellement. I think ze Jury 'as been extremely clear zat you and M. Morningstar sitting in ze end together would 'ave been a guaranteed win for you, so 'ow could you not take zat? Eet was not dans ton caractère. You 'ave played optimally from ze start, and I should 'ave expected no less.

As for other moments of manipulation, I was probably manipulated a bit by M. Briscoe. I was certainly planning to take 'im to F4 at least, and zen from 4 on I think eet becomes an individual game, and you 'ave to expect people to do what ees best for zem. I don't know what M. Briscoe's plans for me were, but if 'e was making explicit F3 deals zat did not include me, zen eet seems like 'e 'ad a more clearly crystallized plan to cut me eventually whereas pour moi, if I 'ad ze choice I knew zat I would always do what I thought was optimal, but emotionally I really wanted to set eet up so zat taking 'im was ze optimal choice. I don't know ze full extent of 'is plans, though. I'll be curious to talk more about eet with 'im after ze game. Similar to you, I knew ze type of person 'e was, and zat 'e would always 'ave to play to win, but I really really wanted us to find a way to make eet regardless.

And lastly, I do think I was manipulated a leetle bit by M. Kennedy, though I'm not sure ze full extent of zis, and I can't say zat I ever 100% trusted 'im. I could definitely feel when we were growing more distant at some points and zen when we would reconnect and get back together, but at ze F4 when 'e told me zat 'e was voting me out, 'e revealed zat at one point 'is plan was to take out all of SVU, which I certainly never thought 'e 'ad as a clearly formed plan. Eet was just so 'ard with M. Kennedy to know where I fell on 'is pecking order, because 'e talked to me like an extremely close ally but I got ze sense zat 'e talked to everyone zat way, but emotionally I wanted to believe eet and sometimes I probably did, in spite of intellectually knowing M. Kennedy's personality and 'ow 'e was playing ze game. I'm still not sure. I think 'e probably actually was loyal to me at points and zen wavered, but je ne sais pas.

Zere ees a recurring theme 'ere. I knew who you all were as people and as players. I should 'ave taken my own advice and used my leetle grey cells instead of my 'eart, but when you are in ze game and you feel zat emotional connection, eet ees difficile.

Hercule Poirot / Re: Épisode Vingt: Poirot's Final Case
« on: August 12, 2020, 08:21:57 pm »
I'm 'appy to see M. Cohle. I wasn't sure if 'e would contribute 'is thoughts.

Hercule Poirot / Re: Épisode Vingt: Poirot's Final Case
« on: August 12, 2020, 06:50:38 pm »
Overall I don't think M. Morningstar would make a bad winner, but I think my strategic game and social game were both superior to 'is, and 'e doesn't even really seem to disagree with me about zat.

If I lose, other zan 'ave a better FTC I'm not sure what I could 'ave done. I guess ze M. Grouch and M. Kennedy moves are really costing me in zat case, since although zey were impressive, zey were also 'uge betrayals, and since I was already at a disadvantage due to not knowing many of ze Jurors very well from ze premerge, zose betrayals combined with just bad connection votes might be enough to do me in.

Hercule Poirot / Re: Épisode Vingt: Poirot's Final Case
« on: August 12, 2020, 06:43:04 pm »
Also M. Morningstar calling winning challenges premerge 'is "structural game" ees hilarious to me. I do get what 'e means, but zis ees why structural ees such a strange term. I 'ave never 'eard of someone listing premerge tribal wins as an accomplishment in zeir Jury speech.

Hercule Poirot / Re: Épisode Vingt: Poirot's Final Case
« on: August 12, 2020, 06:39:43 pm »
I think M. Morningstar could beat me. Like, I don't think zat 'e will, but eet ees possible.

I think so many Jurors, no matter what zey are saying now, when zey get into ze voting booth will default to who zey were working with in ze game and who zey 'ad ze most time to build a relationship with.

And zen all eet would take ees a few who are angry about zeir betrayals for me to lose.

I think zat ze 5 votes for M. Morningstar could be M. Pikachu, M. McGruff, M. Grouch, M. Kennedy, and Mlle Garcia. And zen ze 4 votes votes for me would be M. Briscoe, Mlle Hopps, M. Cohle, and M. Peralta.

I need either M. McGruff OR Mlle Garcia OR M. Kennedy. If I lose all three of zem, I probably lose ze game. I don't feel good about M. Pikachu and M. Grouch from zeir messages to me so far. M. McGruff I think knows zat I played better, but might still default to M. Morningstar because zey 'ad a better relationship. Mlle Garcia I do think will vote me, but she liked M. Morningstar a lot as well. And M. Kennedy I 'ave no read on because 'e 'as not yet spoken.

M. Briscoe, Mlle Hopps, M. Cohle and M. Peralta are all votes zat I am confident I will get, 'owever. I know M. Cohle 'as not spoken, but things 'e said to me prior to being eliminated make me think zat 'e wants me to win. I think my FTC 'as overall been decent, but eet ees 'ard to tell if I am actually convincing anyone who wasn't already convinced. My best 'ope ees probably to maintain ze votes zat I 'ave and not do anything to lose any of zem, because I did come in with ze advantage, but eet ees not locked up yet. I probably won't be convinced I won until I see ze votes come in.

Zis ees my first time at FTC feeling like I was ze favorite 'eading in. Eet ees a nice feeling, but eet also ees scary because you feel like if you manage to lose, you really blew eet.

Final Tribal Council / Re: Structural
« on: August 12, 2020, 05:31:12 pm »
This is going to be a weird one.

The last Survivor game that was hosted had a metric fuck ton of items, if you paid attention to that game, how much did the thought of item fuckery make an impact on your game?

I did pay attention to zat game, but as M. Morningstar says, zis game did 'ave a standard classification so I wasn't too terribly concerned. Also, zis may sound arrogant, but even if zere were idols or items, I always felt reasonably confident zat I 'ad positioned myself well enough zat other people would get eliminated by zem before me. So par exemple, M. Blart played an idol to take out Mlle Macer and zere was some concern about 'im aving a second idol, but I maintained a strong relationship and was one of ze only people who kept talking to 'im up until ze end, so 'e actually left on relatively good terms with me, and if 'e 'ad a second idol, I don't think I would 'ave been ze victim of eet.

Similarly, at ze F5 I was concerned about Mlle Garcia 'aving an idol because eet was ze last round to play zem, but I made absolutely certain zat if she did 'ave one, she was not going to vote for me, and she promised me zat if she 'ad an idol, she wasn't idoling me out, so I did everything I could to keep myself safe in zat event. Ze M. Grouch vote also 'ad to be a blindside in case ze other side of ze game 'ad an idol, because M. Grouch getting idoled would 'ave been horrible and would 'ave made ze game 4-4.

Idols and items, including ze mysterious corporal advantage, were discussed and speculated about throughout ze merge, but other zan ze idol zat took you out, none of our plans involving idols and items mattered zat much.

Final Tribal Council / Re: Strategic
« on: August 12, 2020, 05:19:40 pm »
What made your #Bigmoves stand out from the others

My two biggest moves, and in fact ze two biggest moves by anyone zis game à mon avis, were eliminating M. Grouch at F9 and eliminating M. Kennedy at F4.

I think ze M. Grouch vote permanently shaped ze landscape of ze game into one zat was extremely advantageous pour moi. Eet secured my position on a side with people lined up to go 'ome before me. Even though ze next few votes did not go my way, eet literally did not matter for me because ze M. Grouch move was so strong zat eet put me in a position to never receive a vote until ze F5. I think zis was ze defining move of ze season, and I proactively played a 'uge role in making eet 'appen.

Ze M. Kennedy vote ees a 'uge move because I 'ad to convince someone to make a move zat would eliminate zem from ze game, no easy feat eetself, and also prevent M. Morningstar from realizing what was 'appening, also difficile. Without eet, I would not be sitting 'ere maintenant, so eet absolutely was a necessary move, and I pulled eet off successfully.

I think one thing zat really sets my two biggest moves apart from ze rest of ze moves in ze game ees ze fact zat I 'ad a 'uge amount of agency in 'ow zey appened, and I also was ze main person (or with M. Grouch one of ze main people) be'ind both of zem. I also think I was probably ze person who benefited ze most from both of zem.

M. Morningstar's big moves definitely were good for 'im, but I don't think 'e was ze main person be'ind any of zem. Ze F8 and F7 were mostly Mlle Hopps' doing, and ze F6 honestly wasn't a big move, eet was maintaining ze status quo in ze game. Doing anything other zan voting out Mlle Hopps or Mlle Garcia zat round would 'ave been a big move. Zat doesn't mean eet wasn't a good move for 'im to get out Mlle Hopps first, 'owever, and I 'ave already given 'im credit for zat.

Final Tribal Council / Re: Social
« on: August 12, 2020, 04:53:21 pm »
Hello to the both of you, I am determining my vote on a couple of things, mainly at how well you both handle this FTC, and I want you both to know I am not really the one to grill but I am gonna try since no one is playing the mean Juror yet! :P

Lucifer: I am happy to see you here at the end and I would commend you on picking Poirot to be here in the end with you over Rust, because I think most of the Jurors will agree that it would have been a basically open and shut case on determining the winner. I'm really going to make my thoughts known in this post.

For the both of you: Something that is really big with me is communication. Poirot you are at a disadvantage of this with me because we really only got to play together for one whole round and at times during that round it felt like you were just ignoring my message that was sitting in your inbox. The thing is though you weren't the only one who was doing that to me during the course of the game. Poirot, while your Opening Speech was nice, it felt like you were pandering too much to everyone specifically as you were putting out specific names. Why did you feel like the need to do so? It didn't feel like you necessarily needed to do so.

Lucifer your disadvantage is from a different aspect, we started off really strong back on BAU when it came to messaging each other, but it quickly died off near the end of BAU mainly probably because we had all gotten complacent. When we first reconnected during the merge it felt like you were apprehensive at first to talk with me, possibly because of the fact that you were involved with my number one ally going home in the game? I also know that situation didn't exactly go smoothly because of communication issues. What is a moment in the game that you felt like was your biggest mistake?

So the question is, why should I specifically vote for you to win?

Bonsoir M. Pikachu. Eet ees nice to 'ear from you.

I agree zat eet ees most regrettable zat we did not 'ave more time together. I did enjoy our conversation for ze one round we knew each other, but a single round, especially a merge round with a million things 'appening at once, ees quite a short time to try to make a bond with someone. I'm glad zat are you still coming in with an open mind, 'owever.

So I don't think zat I ever intentionally ignored anyone zis game. Unless I was on my phone, I really tried to never read a message and zen not immediately respond unless something came up in my life where I couldn't. Obviously zere were exceptions I'm sure, but I generally did try to maintain communication with people even if I was voting zem out, though if zey stopped talking to me zen zat was different.

I did, 'owever, write 'uge walls of text to some people, and at ze merge in particular, I was trying to reconnect with old allies and get a sense of what 'ad been 'appening since we were separated. I also was trying to meet you, M. McGruff, and M. Cohle all at ze same time.

I am sorry if you feel zat I neglected you, 'owever. Sometimes in ze early merge, eet would feel like I would get a PM and respond to eet and zen get three more PMs and zen respond and zen get two more and eet would go on like zat, so zen I would be at eet for a few hours before I realized zat I 'ad forgotten to message someone, so eet ees very possible zat zat ees what 'appened between us. But I do understand zat you kind of 'ave to base your impressions of me on zis round because eet ees ze only round together zat we 'ave.

With regard to my speech pandering too much, mon ami, eet ees such a 'ard thing. Mlle Garcia 'as already said zere 'as not been enough pandering at zis TC for 'er liking. I know zat if I neglected to mention someone's name, zat might understandably make zem feel like zey were not an central part of my journey. I think acknowledging ze roles zat each and every Juror played in getting me to zis point ees important. But per'aps forcing mentions of you and M. McGruff, who I really did not get to know zat well, into ze first section of my speech was pandering, and I should 'ave avoided eet. I tend to err on ze side of acknowledging Jurors too much rather zan not acknowledging zem at all, but to an extent zis ees going to be personal preference, and I'm not sure zat you can please everyone. I don't necessarily think I needed to take zat approach, but eet was ze approach zat I chose. I'd definitely rather include mentions of Jurors in my speech too much rather zan not enough.

I'm not sure if zat last question ees for me or not, but I'm going answer eet anyway. I think you specifically should vote for me because despite ze fact zat we only were together for a single round, I was respectful towards you during zat single round, and we did 'ave a nice conversation going. I don't think you should penalize me just because ze swaps worked out in such a way where we never met until ze merge. And I think my game ees strong, and during ze time we were together you could see zat. You attempted to push ze vote on to me (and M. Briscoe/Mlle Hopps) in zat 1227 groupchat, and eet immediately backfired on you because of 'ow well-positioned I was and ees a 'uge part of ze raison zat you were idoled out. I think zat I played a great game and even during our single round together, you were able to witness some parts of eet first'and (and you can read about others in my speech/at ze rest of FTC).

Hercule Poirot / Re: Épisode Vingt: Poirot's Final Case
« on: August 12, 2020, 04:24:39 pm »
What made your #Bigmoves stand out from the others
I think the F8, F7 and F6 votes changed the entire trajectory of the game. The game was largely divided into the SVU+Jake vs the BAU and losing Grouch was a massive blow to us. It put us clearly on the wrong side of the numbers and with a 5-3 majority set the SVU+Jake group up with a pretty easy path to eliminate us. Being able to take out Jake and two SVU members in the following tribal councils really flipped the game on its head. It was a crucial move for me/Rust/Penelope (Judy obviously played a big role too) and without that my path to the end would've been non-existent or at the very least, much more difficult. Without that sequence of votes, I think the game looks entirely different and it's much more likely that Hercule is here with one of Leon/Lennie/Jake like he wanted and I'm on the jury right now.

Okay not going to be petty in public because I think I'm currently ahead, at least slightly, and I think attacking ze other person when you're ahead ees a gross look, but first of all, none of zose moves are actually moves zat M. Morningstar controlled except for mayyyyyybe F6.

But also, zis ees basically acknowledging zat I was good either way, which to me ees a strength.

Final Tribal Council / Re: Social
« on: August 12, 2020, 04:15:19 pm »
Okay so, I do want to make a bit of an apology. As a juror, I often ask things in a emotionally charged way to see how you will address and handle those sorts of criticisms. I wasn't feeling particularly well yesterday and I may have been a little excessive on that front. However, both of you answered what I was hoping to get out of you both in what I asked and why. So I thank you for that.

Let's have a much nicer fun question for you both. For each juror, what was your favourite moment with them that you shared? Whether it was a funny line or some topic of conversation you've had, or a really hard TC you got through together with them. Give us the parts of this game you loved most that each person influenced in some way.

You do not need to apologize, mon ami, at least not to me. Eet would be understandable if you were even more emotional with me zan you 'ave been given ze way our relationship was and ze way eet ended. But I'm glad zat you felt you got what you needed from my response. And I'm sorry zat you weren't feeling well and 'ope zat you feel better.

I was 'oping to get zis question! Thinking back and remembering ze fun moments with each individual ees one of my favorite things to do.

With M. Pikachu, I really enjoyed ze moment where we both admitted zat we 'ad tried to get each other eliminated and failed. Eet was refreshing to me, especially because neither of us knew each other zat well so we couldn't even be mad about eet. I also enjoyed zat we kept our non-game discussion about musical theater going all throughout a hectic TC. I think 'e was one of ze only people ze whole game I did zat with, and I'm glad zat I did, because eet turns out zat we only 'ad zat round together to 'ave eet.

With M. McGruff, I found trying to sort out what 'appened after ze M. Peralta idol play really amusing. Eet was just layers upon layers of confusion and people misunderstanding or misreading each other and not communicating well, and M. McGruff and I didn't actually 'ave zat trust built up with each other because we 'ad just met, so both of us trying to figure out if we actually were on ze same page ze previous round and didn't realize eet was just so funny to me. I'm laughing now just thinking about eet. Zat merge round was such a mess.

With M. Grouch, 'onestly I 'ave a 'ard time isolating a single moment because zere were so many good ones, but I think my top one 'as to be ze absolute elation I felt finally getting reunited at merge. Eet was such an emotional high for me because I 'ad been missing you and wishing you were on my tribe for so long, and so finally meeting up with you again and comparing notes and realizing zat you 'ad almost gone 'ome ze previous round and everything was such a whirlwind and a great, memorable moment. I was basically vomiting information to you, which was probably not ze most smart on my part, but in zat moment, after 'aving been denied access to you for so long, I couldn't 'elp eet. And zen really we 'ad great moments throughout ze merge and really I feel like every interaction I 'ad with you was a memorable moment in eets own way, but zat reunion at ze merge takes ze cake.

With M. Peralta, 'is idol play ees my favorite moment with 'im I think. I was so elated after zose results I can't even tell you, and celebrating with 'im and M. Briscoe was everything I ever wanted. Eet was just such a joyful, surprising moment, and eet ees so rare in zis game zat you get pleasant surprises. I laughed out loud when I saw those results, and M. Peralta made zem possible. I also really enjoyed a 'eart to 'eart zat 'e and I 'ad later in ze merge about 'is philosophy towards ze game in which we solidified zat we were committed to each other as far as we could go together, but nothing can match ze sheer joy and surprise of zat idol play.

With M. Briscoe, again eet ees so 'ard to isolate a single moment because zere were so many good ones. I actually really did enjoy 'aving 'im to confide in and rely on during ze M. Peralta boot and during 'is elimination. We were always keeping each other updated and giving each other ideas about 'ow to turn things around. 'E told me zat M. Morningstar was targeting me because of my association with Mlle Hopps, so I was able to take zat to Mlle Hopps to try to get 'er to change 'er mind and target 'im. I was always giving 'im updates about what was going on, and I think we 'ad to rely on each other ze most in ze rounds where things were not going our way, so zose are ze moments I think of when I think of 'im. But I also loved our time on SVU together and we always tried to keep up our social relationship, from our early conversations about Christie to our later conversations about Big Brother. My relationship with M. Briscoe meant so, so much to me.

With Mlle Hopps, she brought me so much entertainment zis game I can't even tell you. I love 'er schemes. I love 'er plots. I love zat she thinks outside of ze box. I loved our non-game talk and getting ze chance to discuss history and media and so much more. I actually am struggling to come up with a single favorite moment because zere are so many good ones, but I actually think I'm going to go with a bit of a dark horse and say zat ze way she told M. Chan zat she 'ad no reason to want to keep 'im in ze game in ze groupchat with M. Chan, M. Cheddar, and ze two of us was such a delightful early moment and ze moment zat I knew zat oui, Mlle Hopps ees great and my kind of ally. Ze lapin ees honest in ze most brutal, hilarious way, and I appreciate zat so much. 'Er approach to ze M. Wilde round was fantastique as well and kept me entertained, where she told M. Wilde to 'is face zat she knew 'e was voting for 'er, she was going to vote for 'im, and she was 'aving ze tiger idol played on 'er. No one plays zat way, and yet Mlle Hopps did and made eet work for 'er at ze way up to ze final 6. Mon Dieu, I love 'er so much. She's so honest, eet's parfait. I know zis was more zan one moment but Mlle Hopps really deserves eet. She ees a huge part of ze raison zat I enjoyed zis game as much as I did.

With Mlle Garcia, really all of our conversations were a delight and brought a smile to my face, and 'er sending me Karen Puzzles videos during TC never failed to relax me, but winning Immunity with 'er ees one of my favorites moments of ze game, so I 'ave to go with zat. I am not confident in my challenge ability. When Mlle Garcia first told me zat she wanted to partner with me, I almost turned 'er away because I knew 'ow badly she might need Immunity zat round, and I didn't want to drag 'er down. But she believed in me and in my ability to do ze challenge and put 'er fate in my 'ands, and zen I didn't let 'er down. Eet was such a wonderful moment. Such an emotional moment for me. Celebrating with 'er afterwards was just pure joy. I don't think I needed Immunity zat round, but she definitely did, and I was so, so glad to be zere for 'er and to go through zat together, and our time blew everyone else out of ze water. Thank you, Mlle Garcia. When I say zat you 'ave fundamentally changed my attitude towards challenges for ze better, I mean eet. Zat moment ees probably one of ze things I'm most proud of zis whole game.

With M. Kennedy, reconnecting with 'im after I attempted to flip ze vote on 'im during ze M. Briscoe round was my favorite moment. I enjoyed M. Kennedy ze moment I met 'im, and we always 'ad a bond, but throughout ze merge, I sometimes did wonder where I truly stood in 'is ranking. I knew zat 'e liked me a lot, but other people would tell me 'ow M. Kennedy said similar things to zem, and I didn't know for sure zat I was really ze person (or one of ze people) 'e was loyal to over anyone else. Trying to take 'im out during ze M. Briscoe vote made sense, but when eet failed and M. Kennedy found out about eet, I was absolutely crushed because I feared zat my relationship with 'im might be permanently ruined after I breached zat trust. But 'e forgave me. 'E listened to what I 'ad to say and 'e accepted me as an ally once again, and zat meant so, so much to me. I think zis actually somewhat strengthened our relationship and brought us to an even better place 'eading into zose last few rounds. So often in zis game, players refuse to let go of old conflicts, especially newer players, so M. Kennedy being willing to do zat meant so much to me.

M. Cohle- My favorite moment with M. Cohle was ze F4, and immediately after ze F4. M. Cohle for me was one of zose relationships in zis game zat you make and you 'ope zat you will be able to pull something off eventually with, but you never know for sure, so ze fact zat we actually made such an incroyable move together was everything. Ze stress of not knowing for sure if ze 2-1-1 would go through or if someone's vote would change was excruciating, and M. Cohle's support 'elped me get through eet. And zen ze celebration we 'ad when M. Kennedy went 'ome and one of us was guaranteed to make eet to ze F2 was such an emotional high. I also appreciated zat we kept messaging each other even after M. Morningstar won Immunity, even though M. Morningstar wasn't talking to either of us and so we both just kind of felt like we were in limbo waiting to be told our fate. Zat was a tough 24 hours of waiting, and M. Cohle made eet more bearable. For zat, I am incredibly grateful.

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