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Messages - Scully and Hitchcock

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Penelope Garcia / Re: Welcome to your confessional!
« on: August 05, 2020, 02:10:06 pm »
SCULLY: Are you grilling Leon?
HITCHCOCK: Are you grilling anything?  Like some sausages maybe?
SCULLY: What's your pitch--wait, what did you say about sausages, Hitchcock?

Hercule Poirot / Re: Épisode Dix-Sept: Almost Zere
« on: August 05, 2020, 01:54:21 pm »
SCULLY: Hey, I thought Hitchcock knocked down the foot stool!
HITCHCOCK: I did, but you stood it back up.
SCULLY: Then how come it was still knocked over?
HITCHCOCK: A real mystery.  I'm going to go lie down on the couch in the library again and mull it over.

SCULLY: Uhhh... You wanted some?

Spectator Station / Re: Episode 17
« on: August 05, 2020, 10:02:47 am »
in other news looks like everyone is planning to blindside penelope

she is gonna be stung hard by that

Spectator Station / Re: Episode 17
« on: August 05, 2020, 08:48:48 am »
That was unclear to me, because it didn’t say Prints: None. It just omitted mentioning prints entirely, but then when I picked it up, it said note: just mention candlestick because people will respond the same regardless, so in my notes I wrote “prints: same as other?”

It says 'Recently polished', which at least for me tipped me off on there not being fingerprints.

When I play tested the rope didn't have any fingerprints either so I was suspicious of that. I forgot to mention it though so idk if that got fixed (or whether rope in general can't hold fingerprints)
I think of polished just as a generic descriptor meaning it's nice and shiny, not that it can't have prints on it.  Like I said though, if I was a player and there were stakes, good chance I'd have asked for confirmation on that (and the rope too for that matter).  Knowing both candlesticks have the same story but one has no prints is a pretty strong signal, so I can imagine getting 2 of the 3 correct, although who knows, I was also pretty keyed in on where Cephrir's prints were and tracking that.

Spectators rhymes with Missing in Action

Spectator Station / Re: Episode 17
« on: August 04, 2020, 07:04:59 pm »
That was unclear to me, because it didn’t say Prints: None. It just omitted mentioning prints entirely, but then when I picked it up, it said note: just mention candlestick because people will respond the same regardless, so in my notes I wrote “prints: same as other?”

Spectator Station / Re: Episode 17
« on: August 04, 2020, 06:57:14 pm »
Ceph was such a slam dunk for killer that it boggles my mind that actual players didn’t get him.

Personally just dicking around with it I thought the candlestick had prints on it, based on some of the text in there. As an actual player I might have asked for clarification on that and then the alarm bells would have gone off.

Lounge I would have never gotten since it required you to basically treat each room as a suspect and then find which room’s story didn’t add up. My mind did not work in that direction, and I was just looking to where the weapons and players had been.

Credit to Rust in that speed actually did end up being the tiebreaker, so he was right, but sounds like he got extremely lucky to hit on 2/3. Someone could have gone 3/3 and prevented it but no one did.

Spectator Station / Re: Murder Mystery!
« on: August 04, 2020, 07:14:41 am »
Sorry I wasn't able to help playtest this yesterday.  Sent a friend request on Discord.

Spectator Station / Re: Episode 17
« on: August 04, 2020, 07:02:14 am »
Penelope is fun too.  I'm thinking about that big Jake vote Pikachu put together that got idoled back on him.  A really impressive effort by Pikachu that ended up shifting Penelope in with Rust/Lucifer for the long-term, even though Pikachu went home right there.  Was reminded of it by Penelope freaking out that Judy could have an idol last night, because she correctly did the same thing with Jake.

Spectator Station / Re: Episode 16
« on: August 03, 2020, 02:09:41 pm »
He doesn't have the votes :X  Story of his game.  But yeah he seems to have thrown in the towel on trying

Also he (Poirot) is attempting to set up a Leon boot next, but I don't think that stands a chance either.  In even attempting it, he insures he (along with Penelope) is not in Leon's F3.  The three remaining become crystal clear and have the majority, as well as the mutual incentive to vote together.  That gets them past not only 5 but likely 4 also barring an immunity.

Lucifer Leon Rust F3 is therefore going to be extremely likely unless somehow all the threat levels recalibrate dramatically soon.  Tbh Rust should be voted out at 4 over Poirot, I would think.

Spectator Station / Re: Episode 16
« on: August 03, 2020, 01:00:13 pm »
Leon flipped from voting Penelope to Judy.  That might be it for Judy here, as she's now presumably alone with Poirot in voting against Penelope.

If so, F5 will be

Penelope is probably in the most danger there.

Spectator Station / Re: Episode 16
« on: August 02, 2020, 04:00:14 pm »
Oh, so it is in the birdcage. Just looking at what different people circled, I wasn't sure which it was, birdcage or tree, but comparing it with the key I agree you can tell.

Spectator Station / Re: Episode 16
« on: August 02, 2020, 03:52:54 pm »
Is the nail ambiguous?

Spectator Station / Re: Episode 16
« on: August 02, 2020, 09:48:25 am »
Poirot seemed to be brilliantly positioned at one point as a threat that no one at all was targeting but the last few rounds he’s just seemed powerless, and the only one who really wants him at the end is Judy, who believes she will beat him. I think Rust has taken his place now, having better odds both in terms of getting to the end and in picking up votes once there.

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